They said her body was cursed, a deadly poison. But for her, that poisonous body was a blessing. Because with it... even if all her powers were gone, she was still deadly. A mere taste on her skin was all it took for her target to perish in an instant. She had never failed yet. Now, right before her the High King that was her final target. Once he was dead, her mission would end. Once he was dead, her quest for vengeance would be complete. Once he was dead, she could at last lay her weapons down and just maybe, in the aftermath of her grim triumph, she could begin to free herself completely from the haunting shadows of her past.

Zandra's smile took on a seductive edge, her eyes glimmering with mischief. "You shouldn't make such tempting declarations, High King," she purred, her voice dripping with allure. "I might end up wanting what you offer."

High King Rohan's lips curled into a wicked smile as he met her gaze. "That's been the plan all along, my lady," he responded, his tone laced with a hint of wickedness.

In a flicker of unsettling motion, ink-black smoke materialized around Zandra, swirling like a living entity. A dark chain slithered around her wrist, binding her hand. She looked down at the chains, but shock didn't cross her features. Instead, a smirk played on her lips, looking completely undeterred by her restraints. "So, you're going to stop me from seducing you, High King?" she teased, her voice dripping with amusement.

Then a chuckle escaped her lips as she playfully placed a hand against her mouth. "Do you truly believe that a single lick on my skin could end your life?"

High King Rohan remained seated, his temple resting on his knuckles, as he observed her intently. His stormy grey eyes burned with an enigmatic intensity, a gaze that seemed to penetrate her very essence. It unsettled her, the way he looked at her, as if he could see through her very soul.

She secretly bristled under his penetrating gaze, disliking the way he seemed to possess an understanding of her that she couldn't fathom. "It's surprising to learn that the most feared High King is actually a scaredy-cat," she taunted.

But Rohan's smile remained slight but captivating. How could such a small gesture make him look so irresistibly alluring? "Do not tell me this is how you seduced your previous targets, Lady Nightshade," he raised a quizzical eyebrow. "I must admit, I am terribly disappointed if that is indeed the case."

Zandra slowly ran her fingers through her hair, attempting to regain complete composure. "Absolutely not, High King. I am only like this with you because..." She lifted her chained hand, emphasizing her restraint. "Because you are the first to subject me to this predicament."

He continued to gaze at her with that same air of mystery and tranquility. As Zandra remained on the table and Rohan reclined on the couch, their eyes locked in a captivating standoff.

"Please, my lady, do not misunderstand," Rohan's voice resonated with a calm yet deep timbre. "I am open to your seduction, but before we proceed, I would like to propose a deal."

Zandra leaned back, crossing her legs in a seductive manner, deliberately exposing the milky white skin of her inner thighs. "A deal... intriguing," she mused, settling her elbow on top of her bent knee. "I'm not usually one for negotiations, my lord, but I am willing to listen. Who knows, perhaps you will say something interesting enough to sway me."

Rohan's gaze lingered on the erotic sight before him, yet Zandra couldn't discern the usual reaction she had witnessed in those who came before him. "I will grant you opportunities to seduce me," he declared, his gaze returning to her face, now intense. "However, should I resist your charms on three separate occasions, I will bestow upon you the title of High Queen, and you shall reign by my side through marriage."

Zandra's eyes widened at the audacity of his proposal, caught off guard by his unexpected offer. But her surprise quickly transformed into skepticism. She couldn't allow herself to even entertain the idea that his offer was genuine, regardless of how convincingly he presented it. A smug smirk tugged at her lips as she responded, testing his resolve. "And if you should fail...?"

Rohan smiled. His confidence unwavering. "My demise would be inevitable, of course."

Taking a defiant step forward, Zandra stood tall, her eyes ablaze with determination. "Such unwavering confidence, High King. I like it." She licked her lip and then her voice turned fierce and challenging as she continued, "The deal is accepted."