You are best

Saryu reaches home, a huge smile etched on her face. Her dad & mom notice this but they take it as her usual cheerful smile. After dinner, she's smiling while glancing out of her window…

Mansi (Saryu's sister): 'wow sis…see the full moon, your face is also shining like that.. .i know it's filmy but I know there is something…(teasing)…come on, spit it out!"

Saryu: "nothing..."

Mansi: "sis… (faking anger) …you should tell..."

Saryu (folding hands): "you only guess..."

Mansi: "umm…did RDJ replied your tweet?"

Saryu (hitting on her head): "no..."

Mansi: "hmm…then is the hero in your favourite show dead?"

Saryu(shockingly): "What? Why will he die? He should kill the villain."

Mansi: "Then did you get a paid leave?"

Saryu: "It is a news of celebration Mansi."

Mansi (raising her hands): "sis…I failed... you only tell..."

Saryu(shyly): "Mansi... Mansi I finally...ahhhh… (covering herself with pillow) …what should l say? Bhaalu (smiles)

Mansi(instantly): "Your long-lost friend; what happened to him?

Saryu (removing her pillow while blushing): "I found him..."

Mansi: "(casually) Oh! what? (shockingly)... when? how? where? What he said? Is he handsome? Did you say I love you? (Jumps like crazy)"

Saryu (trying to calm her): "silence…take some breath girl…I just only found him…I didn't say anything to him…"

Mansi: "What do you mean sis... you found him but didn't talk to him? You should say I love you to him!"

Saryu(blushing): "shut up you one loves him..."

Mansi: " Really-" (teasing)

Saryu: "yes..." (looks down)

Mansi: "Sis! Then what is all this for? 24*7 you always thinking about him…"

Saryu: "Because he is my good friend! Very precious and you close your mouthyou are a child…be like a child!" (warning)

Mansi: "aww don't be mad sis… Well, I want to know how he is now, what is he doing? Did you have any photo of him?"

Saryu: "umm… no photo..." (frowns)

Mansi: "what sis...(disappointed)… After so many years you found him and you didn't think you should click a photo?"

Saryu: "that is- "

Mansi (cutting her): "now tell me why you didn't talk to him?"

Saryu: "because he is my senior!"

Mansi: "What? CBI..."

Saryu: "yes…"

Mansi: "OMG…don't tell me he is that cool dude!"

Saryu(confusingly): "Cool dude?"

Mansi: "what is his name- kapin?"

Saryu: "Kevin sir? No.

Mansi: "Tell me fast sis... don't make it suspense." (Puppy eyes)

Saryu: "he is that evil demon… my childhood friend Bhaalu!"

Mansi: "What! Really?" (shocked)

Saryu: "Yes..."

Mansi: "Sis, what is wrong with his name?

Saryu: "About that… I casually named him like that because he doesn't speak and think about other things except work."

Mansi: "ohh…"

Saryu: "To speak truth…he is very sweet and awesome...I felt that he is very familiar... and it became true today..."

Mansi suddenly squeals and hugs her sis.

Mansi: "Congrats Sis! Finally, you found your long-lost friend! Now you need to click his photo… and when are you going to tell him the truth."

Saryu: " hmm photo is ok... but to tell truth… what is there to hurry. There is time for that sweety… let's make him wait."

Mansi(folding her hands) : "Sis you are more evil than me!"

Saryu: "yes…or else how can I live with this little demon?"

Mansi: "Sis, you are world's dangerous evil and best sister..."

Saryu: "Aww love you Mansi."

Mansi: "love you too Sis. Sis, about pic, don't forget…"

Saryu: "Ok sure! Come let's sleep..."

Mansi: " Ok sis good night!"

Saryu: "Good night sweety…"

Both hug and they drifted into sleep.