Secret admirer

. . .

That night…

Harshita visits Mobina. They discuss about this secret admirer thing-

Harshita- "Wow girl! He gifted barbie doll..."

Mobina- "Yes and see there is also a letter inside… He knows that this is the gift my dad gave on my first birthday. And I like dolls very much..."

Harshita- "Wow! How!"

Mobina- " That is it. And I want to know who sent it..."

Harshita- "Seriously, I am very curious…"

Mobina- " hmm why do I feel like whoever it is…he is around me! Like he's watching my every move and I don't even know …"

There outside… someone jumps off the high wall in to the house. The person stealthily walks towards the entrance and gets a glimpse of the girls through the huge glass window. He sees one of the girls is holding a doll and is narrating some story excitedly. Smiling a little, he proceeds to complete the task at hand-

*Tring Tring*

Mobina answers the door but finds none.

Mobina- "No one is there… I even locked the door… and- what is this?"

She accidentally hits a package placed on the doorstep with her foot. Bending a little she picks it up…

Again, it's a gift pack but there is no label- anything…

She goes inside and opens it in front of Harshita…

In there is another beautiful gift- a heart shaped silver stone-studded pendant. Harshita snatches the gift and squeals adoring it... Mobina is smiling real big reading the note addressed to her-

Dear Mobina Ji…

Yes, I know your name. Hmm I didn't plan on sending you second gift, believe me! Where do those who do honest government jobs get so much money? But seriously, your smile… The joy of getting the gift…I had to see you again on your face. hope you like this gift … Keep smiling. Your smile is very beautiful.

-Secret Admirer, N.

She chuckles and grins at this. The person who's hiding behind a vase outside watches this through the glass window again and smiles... Mobina- that smile of hers is infectious. All he wanted to was to stand there and admire her beautiful smile-

That person: (self-talk) "Naveen! What happened to you? She gifted a book. In return for that you gave a gift…and why are you smiling like a stupid teenager... God!"

And he escapes from the spot in the same way as he has come.

Harshita- "Oh God! He praised your smile! How sweet..."

Mobina- "Hmm he saw my smile… I mean he should be nearby, right?'

Harshita- "yeah…I think…"

Mobina- "Hmm you will help me? To find out this person?'

Harshita- "Sure... why not!'