
Same night, Saryu's place

Mansi is seen chasing Saryu in her room.

Mansi: "Sis...stop… show me!"

Saryu: "No…you only catch me. "

Mansi: "Ugh! Why you police people run so fast?"

Saryu: "Haha… our head run faster than this… come sis catch me!"

The chase continues… Mansi collapses on her bed.

Mansi: "Sis show me the pic or else..."

Saryu: "Or else?"

Mansi: "Or else I will tell to that evil demon that you are Billi-"

Saryu frowns at this.

Saryu: "Are you black mailing your sister?"

Mansi: "White-yellow I will do all..."

Saryu laughs but doesn't show the pic.

Mansi: "Sis please show me... please... you are a good sister!"

Saryu: "You should ask like this... understand? Trying to black mail me?"

Finally, Saryu shows her the pic.

Saryu: "Cute right?"

Mansi: "Wow sis... He's so handsome… I mean I saw Kevin sir! But I didn't saw him... OMG he's so adorable. Is he sleeping? How handsome he is. When he wakes up, how more handsome would he seem! No? When he's awake, you should click one more. I want to see. And this photo- Oh God! That hair on such face looking so so cute! And that innocent look... and that sky colour shirt and those eyes-"

Saryu snatches her mobile

Saryu: "Enough…you will delete this photo..."

Mansi: "Ohhhh sis, this much possessiveness? I am just casually praising my soon to be brother-in-law."

Saryu blushes a little. Wait why is she even blushing? She immediately chides Mansi.

Saryu: "Mansi it's too much. Go to sleep. Tomorrow exam is there know, did you prepare well?"

Mansi: " OK I will go... bye good night…"

Saryu: "Good night..."

Mansi: "Sis? "

Saryu: "Hmm"

Mansi: "In sleep, dream about brother-in-law..."

Saryu: "You-"

*Throws a pillow*

And Mansi runs off laughing while singing the song…

Mansi: "You have fallen in love…fallen in love…"

Saryu smiles at this but then shakes it off…

Saryu: "Mansi is crazy. And she will make me crazy… case is not solved. Go to sleep Saryu…"

And she goes to bed.

Next day, bureau, 9AM-

Ayush is talking to kevin while Saryu tries to click his pic.

He notices this and marches over to where she's sitting.

Ayush- "Saryu…what are you doing? I asked you to update files…go and finish it first..."

Saryu: "yes sir.."

She pretends to check her phone for the names and finally clicks his photo… the photo she clicked has him in a deep-thinking mode. That intense look in his eyes-

Ayush- "Saryu… update soon! All police stations should reach the list..."

Saryu: "ah- yes sir!" (Quickly hides mobile)

The matter closes there.