
Flavorless Meat

Kellenas finished his last limb. He opened and closed his mouth, taking out bits of the dead Yomie's flesh to fill his stomach. It felt cruel and tasted like insanity, which oddly enough, had no flavor.

Qitor rested with his jaws open, allowing his stomach to digest the Yonie meat he had consumed not too long ago. He held the bottom jaw in his hand, the method he choose to end the little one's life.

It reminded Kellenas of who his leader was, a hybrid of everything he didn't knew was capable of coming together. Including Thresher and war.

"My Legion's leader... he is a Thresher, too," Kellenas blurted out.

Prexsis looked up from the chest of his Yomie. "A Yonie leader? How odd. How did he get there?"

Kellenas swallowed the remaining chunks of meat. "He is a hybrid, not exactly Thresher. But he behaves like one. Bringing the entire Legion together with his strength and wit."

"He does?" Prexsis wiped away the blood on his forearm. "I want to meet this leader. Was he the reason why you pushed into Yarno?"

"Partly," Kellenas got up. "Another reason was to see if anyone from the Hori Hori pack remained."

Silence fell among the group, all the Ferals stopped eating. They glanced up at Kellenas, wondering if he mispronounced the name or was confused. But his stance was firm.

The Scalers in Infinus all came from Hori Hori, a pack he had never personally met. But these Ferals - they knew about Hori Hori.

A male growled, this one was called Iqire, he narrowed his eyes in disgust. In his mind, a memory of him being attacked replayed. He remembered how crazed the attackers were.

Relentless, they persued him through the darkness until they arrived at the Nexihm pack. Where his parents and more Ferals leapt up to combat the attackers. Since that day, Iqire had grown hatred for them.

'Hori,' some kept repeating like a chant. It had no meaning behind it, just a name. And now, Iqire had confirmation Hori Hori was the name of their pack. The memory reignited again.

"That pack - they attacked me when I was young," Iqire breathed in some of the fresh morning breeze. "I was panicking the whole way back."

Kellenas seemed surprised, he leaned closer to Iqire, who sat with his body over his victim. Letting the sun bake his back.

"I'm sorry. My pack tortured some Ferals into giving up some information, which included the name and location of a migrating pack. We ambushed them and kept the cubs," Kellenas explained.

The grass flowed with the gentle breeze that came from Olavin-Faa, flying out towards the south where Imbushko was. The hills seemed like they were dancing as well.

Qitor got up from his resting position, stretching out his arms and legs for the long journey ahead of them. "You have led an eventful time over in whatever forest you're native to. Why were you torturing those Ferals?"

"Well," Kellenas cocked his head back. "They belonged to the Light Legion, they sent them out to scout for the leader. We sided with Infinus, they did not know that. When we saw the opportunity, we ambushed and captured them."

A strange look of wonder lit up in Qitor's eyes. "You ambush a lot! We are not like you."

Prexsis followed Qitor's lead. "Ambushing is not our preferred method of hunting. We tend to strike at first sight, regardless of who saw who first. No one wants to search through that dark forest for lost food."

More Ferals got up from their meals, they stretched and checked their allies over for anything they were missing. Kellenas sat and watched from his distance, he looked down at the remains.

Bones that belonged to a love-filled Yomie scattered around his knees, nothing was left behind except for them. She was caring, no doubt. But she had to die, Kellenas thought.

If they did not hunt and kill her, they would not have enough strength to migrate. Especially after escaping the treacherous forest.

The sun felt soothing on his skin, a warmth he had longed to feel again. It gave him the motivation to stand up, keeping a bone in hand as he did so. He wanted to use it as something to dawn on his clothes, to honor her.

Feymor stepped to the other side of the hill that overlooked an endless field of lush grass hills, which was home to a mega family. Hundreds of thousands of Threshers hid deep underground.

"Are we ready for the long ride?" Feymor called out to the group.

Prexsis looked over his shoulder, to check that Kellenas was ready to come with them. He grinned the trademark Feral smile, inviting the foreign alpha towards Yarno's outskirts.

Kellenas followed behind them, they all walked. No one ran, so they were going at similar speeds. They left the forest behind them, but the memories still dug fresh in Kellenas' mind.

He knew his pack would be disappointed at the tragic loss of life, but he was determined to restore the law that kept Yarno in place.

After some time, they all broke out into wild sprints. Dashing through the open air like careless animals. Kellenas remembered the day of Light Fall, how fast he and many of his Ferals were going.

Dodging arrows, encouraging his allies while discouraging his opposers, the bravery that lingered in their hearts as they fought until their muscles were sore.

That chapter of his life was long gone, everything was done. But now something new was opening up, a rebellion against peace. Threshers plugged their fingers into their ears to block out the stampeding.

It was the sound of their triumph breaking out of Yarno and into Imbushko, where Infinus would decide their approach. Deep down, Kellenas was aware of one thing.

Even if they wanted to fight back, the rest of Infinus had good experiences with the natives. It would be difficult to convince them to fight.