
Infinus Rally

-Twelve days later-

Several elites found themselves in Ophus' arena, their armor and weapons stowed away. This was not a time for fighting, but to hear what others had to say.

Sernatacus crossed his arms, silently judging the full-grown Scalers that had just stumbled into their walls. He was not allowed to challenge them for any reason, Kellenas was by their side.

Ether felt isolated, back to the raging flames. He kept his eyes fixed on the advancing Ferals, who stepped with ease. They carelessly smiled, only to halt then bow before him.

Kellenas stepped aside, gesturing towards them. He kept his eyes fixed on the dancing flames that reflected off Ether's frame.

"They are not our enemies," his voice was heavy.

"Who are they?" Ether quickly responded.

Before Kellenas could respond, Prexsis rised his head to answer. "We are rebels, we fight against the Trilogy where we can. But retreat most of the time."

Sernatacus scoffed. "Of course you do, you don't just attack peaceful folk and expect it to go well."

Kellenas shook his head, messy hair flowed like the flames. "You don't get it, Sernatacus. We have a common enemy. They killed the little pack I brought with me with no reason or warning."

Ether tilted his head, confused at what he meant. "Are you sure? I mean, it's difficult to believe they would treat you with this much hostility but -"

"They see benefit from you because you are a leader," Prexsis interrupted. "For those that deny their peace offering, they get banished. However, they can't banish you - you come from a different region."

Sernatacus chuckled, keeping his stance broad. "That sounds outlandish."

Prexsis narrowed his eyes. "To an outsider, it does. But we are natives, that is our home. If we cannot live freely, we will not live oppressed. My pack was torn apart because of them."

Valentine stepped forward from the crowd, keeping his crimson suit in good condition as he got into the spotlight. He brought down his open hand to Prexsis, offering him the opportunity to stand.

An opportunity that he saw as trust, so he took it. The two locked eyes, keeping a safe distance from each other as they silently conversed with their eyes.

"Why did you refuse their offer?" Valentine spoke with a warm accent.

"Because that is not how the Nine created us. We are crazed for survival, not unity. If we do not get dominated, we will not bow."

It was a perfect response, the Thawed in the room knew it the second they heard it. Everything Prexsis said was truth, they were designed to dominate or submit, no in between.

Peace broke this cycle, no matter the conditions. If that cycle was created by force and not mutual agreement, bad things could potentially rise.

"Hear what he has to say," Valentine announced. "It is true, we were not created to be forced. If they came from Yarno to Imbushko on foot, then they must be desperate."

Kellenas sighed in relief, he scanned the faces in the room. Krim, Hedix, Enoptes, Tinzor, Suth, and Pearl all stuck out to him. Followed by other faces from the three main Variants mixed in with them.

Ether stepped forward, offering his hand so Feymor could stand. She accepted his offering, her stance towered over the small frame of the Infinus leader.

She awed upon looking down at him, revealing her dagger-like teeth. "Aww, w'at an adorable little one. You must be t'e leader of t'is Legion?"

"Uh, yeah," Ether continued to hold her hand in his, feeling the unfamiliar warmth run through it. "Why do you talk so weird?"

Feymor laughed. "Because I 'ave somet'ing wrong wit' me. It 'appened at birt', came naturally t'roug' it."

"Oh!" Ether felt embarrassed. "I'm sorry, my name's Ether. What's yours?"

"Feymor, my little one! Pleased to 'ave met suc' a lovely little leader," she continued.

Pearl stepped out from the crowd, she stopped between her partner and the foreign face. Her eyes glared into the Feral, threatening with violence if she did not back off.

But Feymor was careless, all she did was smile. "O', 'ello. W'o mig't you be?"

"I am his partner, and you will back off before I send you back to your pack missing half of your body. Okay?" anger swirled in her voice.

"Easy, easy. I'm not 'ere to 'it on your buddy. Alt'oug', it is interesting 'ow you found love in 'im. If you two ever mate, call me. I wouldn't mind watc'ing!" Feymor laughed.

Before Pearl could snap back, Ether wrapped his arms around her. Keeping the side of his head beneath her left breast to show he was not going anywhere.

"Well, what are we going to do?" Kellenas interrupted.

All the elites in the room questioned that, they would be going against three Legions all at once. All of which are dominant in Yarno, making it a lot tougher to take them down.

If they attacked, they would be at a huge disadvantage as well. So the choice was a difficult one. But one they continued to ponder about. An elite was not about to die and get swept away by time.

Hearing the news aggravated them all, especially the Ferals in the room. They understood a powerful alpha - pack bond was difficult to achieve, so Kellenas nearly dying enraged them.

"There are a variety of ways we could approach this conflict," Hedix stepped in. "Diplomacy won't be one of them. But I'm afraid submission would encourage them to invade."

Sernatacus cave in. "Then let's hear it. It has been some time since we had our last conflict, anyway."

Everyone fell silent, preparing themselves for what they were about to draft up. Embers crackled in the background, ash filled the skies.

Something big was coming, marked by Demon's arrival. He watched from the corners of the room, taking in every piece of information he could get. It was time for his plan to advance forward.