Chapter 20

"Who are you?! Did Hu Zinxu send you? Or is it Lady Kumi?!" Lei Weming struggled without result.

Lixue walked to Lei Weming's desk and opened a drawer. Inside, there was a gun and a tactical knife. He didn't take it and instead chose the scissor on the desk. The scissor was equipped with laser-sharp edge that would never get dull and it could also be disassembled to be used as a cutter. A very convenient design.

"I told you already, I'm only here to buy Tie Ningjui. I'm not going to waste my breath a second time."

He walked back to Lei Weming. He knelt down beside the table and slipped the scissor inside Lei Weming's sleeve. With a snap, both Lei Weming's suit and shirt sleeves was easily cut. Lixue continued cutting up in silence like a genuine doctor who was about to operate on his patient.

"What are you doing?! F*ck! You better stop before I shoot your head off!"

"Patient, please don't move too much or the scissor may accidentally cut your skin." Lixue said pretending to be a doctor.

Just after he said that, the scissors in his hand really did 'accidentally' grazed Lei Weming's skin. When Lixue snapped it, it also cut a bit of Lei Weming's skin.

Lei Weming sucked in a cold air as he felt the warm red blood trickled down his arm.

"Shit! Just you wait. I'll make sure to f*cking kill you 10 times over you f*cker. And where the hell are those useless trashes?!! HEY!! Hurry up and kill this crazy bitch!!"

While Lei Weming screamed his lungs off, Lixue finished cutting all of Lei Weming's clothes and stripped him clean except his underwear. He didn't bother to tell Lei Weming that his screams were useless. But it was starting to get annoying.

"The first operation will be to open up your vocal cords. It seems like it won't be able to handle all your screams the way it is. What do you think, patient?" Lixue asked with an amiable smile as terrifying as his demonic grin.

Before Lei Weming could react, Lixue already gripped his jaw and forced his mouth open. He pulled down Lei Weming's chin with terrifying strength and his thumb pressed the tongue down. His other hand that was holding the scissor was ready to shove it into his throat.

Lei Weming's eyes shrunk in shock and tried to free his face from Lixue's grasp. But Lixue's grasp was too strong that he even felt like his chin was about to be crushed. He first thought that the man was probably only bluffing to scare him, but when he felt the cold metal of the scissor touching his tongue, he realized that the man was serious.

Shit! Even the underworld bosses he had met with weren't this extreme!!

"Hnngghh!! Ahghgnh!! Aghhg!!"

Lei Weming wanted to say that he won't scream anymore but because his mouth couldn't move, his words became incomprehensible. Saliva dripped down the corners of his mouth with each word he tried to say.

"Don't worry patient, I will make sure you don't die throughout the operation. I'm very skilled in that regard." Lixue deliberately misunderstood.

"Agg!! Nghhaagg!!"

"Hm? If you don't speak properly, how can I understand what you're trying to say?"

"Ghhaa! Anghggha!"

Lixue let go of his chin and let him speak. On Lei Weming's chin was a dark purple bruise mark left from Lixue's fingers.

"I won't scream. I won't scream." Lei Weming shook his head desperately.

Lixue played with the scissor on his hand with a frown, "Really? This doctor doesn't have any anesthetic for this operation. If you scream, it will disturb and scare away other patients in the hospital."

F*ck! This pervert still going to continue this play?! The only thing scared away is my f*cking soul!

"Then… you will have to be punished every time you scream, don't you think so?"

Lixue spun the scissor in his hand and abruptly stabbed it down fiercely into Lei Weming's palm.

Lei Weming wasn't prepared for that at all and screamed in pain, "AAHH!!"

Blood splurted out and stained Lixue's gloved hand. Strangely, it didn't stick to the leather fabric. With a whip of his hand, his glove became stainless once more.

"See? You screamed. Now other doctors will probably scold me after I finish this operation." Lixue sighed with 'distress'.

"Huff…Huff…" Lei Weming's breathing became ragged and he tried to shift his focus from the pain on his palm. He looked at the quietly sleeping Tie Ningjui on the side. As long as he woke up, this crazy man would definitely stop, and he can deal with him after that.

"Now, it's time for your punishment," Lixue put a hand on Lei Weming's foot, "Do you know? They say that death felt like your soul was being pulled away from your body through the top of your head. Starting from your feet, you will gradually become cold and numb as you lose the sensation of your own body."

Lixue strongly gripped Lei Weming's foot without warning and easily crushed it like it was a mere egg. The crisp sound of broken bones crackled clearly in the room with Lei Weming's ugly scream following soon after.

Lei Weming's foot was now deformed with a clear dent on where Lixue crushed it. His body trembled as he held the pain. Cold sweat formed on his body while his heart rapidly beat from fear of what Lixue would do next and shock from the pain.

"Hah…If you want to buy Tie Ningjui, I'll let you buy him! Hah… You let me go first. You…hah…You just pay his debt… no…hah… No need to pay more!"

Lixue pulled out the scissor from Lei Weming's hand. Lei Weming groaned with clenched teeth, afraid he would scream once his jaw loosen.

"It's a one-time deal and you refused. Well, to be exact, you wanted to raise the price more. Do you take me as an idiot?" Lixue took apart the scissor into 2 independent blades. He smiled, "Because I don't have enough money, that's why I'm going to sell your organs to earn more. What do you think?"

Lixue placed one of the blades back at the hole on Lei Weming's palm. He climbed up the table and sat down on Lei Weming's thigh. His hand traced Lei Weming's body from his chest all the way down to his navel. His touch was light and gentle like a caress, tickling Lei Weming's skin. His smile was seductive and full of madness. If it wasn't for the blade dripping with his blood on Lixue's hand, Lei Weming would absolutely be aroused right now.

"You… What do you want to do?! I told you I'll give you Tie Ningjui!! Tell your boss that he can take him away!" Lei Weming shouted anxiously when he saw Lixue leaning down while positioning the blade right on the center of his chest.

Lixue leaned next to Lei Weming's face and whispered charmingly, "I suggest you close your mouth like your life depends on it."

He straightened up and placed the blade on Lei Weming's skin. Without any delay, he slowly cut open Lei Weming's chest. Blood immediately formed from the cut and flowed down to Lei Weming's neck.

The blade moved excruciatingly slowly while Lixue watched Lei Weming's face twisted in pain as he tried to hold back his scream. His face was flaming red with his veins bulging on his neck and forehead.

His throat let out pained groans and screeches that couldn't escape his clenched teeth. His breathing became short and irregular. Lixue could feel with his other hand that was placed on Lei Weming's body how his muscles and nerves tightened from the pain as they heaved rapidly from his breathing.

"Hahaha!! Good, good! Obediently hold back your scream and persevere until I cut open your chest, patient! If you succeed, this doctor will give you a reward!"

Normally, humans would already lose consciousness from the extreme pain. But, Lixue controlled Lei Weming's brain function using his demonic energy to keep him awake the entire process. He was also careful so that the blade didn't touch the inner organs at all, but still deep enough to cause unbearable pain.

When Lixue finally reached a bit under the chest, he took out the blade and joyfully clapped his hands like he just successfully cut his own birthday cake. Under him, Lei Weming's torso was colored red with blood still pouring out from his chest, "Congratulations!! Doctor is really happy to operate on such a powerful patient with high tenacity and endurance!! As promised, I'll give you your reward."

The light screen from his communicator popped out. On the screen, there were 3 boxes of red, blue, and yellow labeled past, present, and future respectively.

"You must be wondering why you have to suffer like this, no? I really don't like to monologue by myself like almost all villains did in every story. I mean, it's one of the biggest reasons why they always lost in the end. Too much talking, yada yada," Lixue clapped his hands, "But, as a reward, I'm giving you a chance to hear it and for me to be a proper villain."

Lixue stood up and jumped down. Using the blade on his hand, he posed as if it was a mic and exclaimed in a lively manner, "It's time for PPF Corner Chance!!"