Chapter 22

"Did you hear that?"

The guy who just asked the question was slapped on the back of his head by his comrade, "Idiot. Of course, I heard that! The whole building heard that. It was broadcasted to the whole building."

"Then, should we go to the boss?" the guy who was just slapped rubbed the back of his head aggrievedly.

His comrade didn't immediately answer. Under normal circumstances, they would certainly obey the command and went upstairs to their boss. But, the broadcast didn't end after their boss demanded them to go to his office immediately.

Instead, they could hear, a few minutes later, the sound of several footsteps, probably other people who were nearby and arrived at their boss's office first. What shocked them was the sound of gunshots being shot 3 times, probably the number of people who arrived at the office.

Their seniors immediately responded and rushed to their boss's office armed with guns. They were the people who were loyal to the boss and had always been with him since before the founding of the group.

But the 2 of them are different. Not only they entered not too long ago, they were also just got yelled at earlier in the day because the drug factory and plantation under them suddenly disappeared last night. Both the drugs and people. Literally disappeared. Even their subordinates were gone. The only thing left was the abandoned facility full of burn marks.

They were lucky enough to avoid being erased unknowingly like that because they snuck out to eat dinner. Though honestly speaking, they didn't exactly know what they managed to avoid. They also didn't know whether those people who disappeared were still alive or not.

Their loyalty wasn't as deep as their seniors, and they also valued their life more. If they had any choice to choose their life path, they would certainly not mingle in this world beneath the light.

"Should we run?" The guy asked again.

His comrade looked at him helplessly. They entered the group at the same time, and he was used to this guy's idiocy. In this world where surveillance is everywhere and where people can be recognized just by the back of their head, where could they go? In addition, they also have lists of criminal offenses. The Keepers would be delighted to catch them and throw them to jail.

"What run? Where do we run even? Let's just deal with our task first or else we'll have no legs to walk with tomorrow." His comrade sighed tiredly and dragged his idiot brother.

A/N: Not real brother

Unknowingly to them, they once again avoid the 'disaster'. And once again, they will be met with an empty building the next day and could only wonder what sort of curse is following the heels of their feet.

Lixue looked at the corpses on the floor right at the entrance of Lei Weming's office. Blood pooled under them and flowed on the floor following an irregular path. The fishy smell permeated in the air and the next batch of group who was coming over could immediately smell it right after the elevator door opened.

The whole time since the first group came and went to the afterlife, Lixue didn't budge from his seat. He leaned back leisurely with a bit of impatience in his eyes. He thought that waves of Lei Weming's subordinate would flood the floor to try to save him. But, it was already 10 minutes, yet there were only around 13 people who came. It was almost like shooting one person per minute.

Turns out, Lei Weming's subordinates' loyalty couldn't be counted on in this game.

Damn… he's starting to feel bored for real, what to do?

Fortunately, the next group was rather lively. There were probably more than 30 people coming from the elevator and stairway.

"Well, well, well, congratulations! It seems like, your sacrificial offering was enough to grant you life." Lixue smiled sinisterly.

Lei Weming smiled triumphantly through his pain and tiredness. It was a very ugly smile truthfully speaking. Very ironic. Even uglier than when you're both laughing and crying at the same time.

Unlike the previous groups who directly went inside, they waited outside with a person at the front to check the situation inside. By probing using his demonic energy, Lixue could see that the person on the front brought a bomb with him. Probably a type of smoke or flash bomb.

"Hurry up and save me!" Lei Weming shouted.

"I suggest you think it through. Let me brief you about the situation here. In my hand, I am holding your boss's gun. We made a deal that if I manage to empty out this gun, I will fix him. The condition is that somebody must pass through that door at every one-minute interval max and that somebody will be the one who takes the bullet for him. I don't know how many bullets left inside, but it's sure not 30," Lixue explained, "Now, it won't be fair if I only made dealings with your boss, right?"

"Wha–!? Guh!" Lei Weming grunted in pain from his sudden attempt to shout from anger and his breathing became irregular. He is certain that this psychopath is going to persuade his subordinates to betray him!

"So, here's the deal," Lixue ignored him, "If your boss wins his dealings, that means, you're willing to sacrifice some of you for him, I will take the lives of all people in this building as compensation for my dissatisfaction. After all, you're willing to give your life for your boss. 30 or 300 doesn't make any difference. But, if you choose to save yourself, I will also be reasonable and leave after making sure your boss dies. I'll give you time to decide but the one-minute interval is still effective. Starting from now."

The latter half of the people on the back wavered. Sacrificing all of them just to save one person? However you look at it, it was not worth it. Most importantly, most of the people here have families to feed and take care of. Some of them were also under complicated and difficult situations that their family couldn't possibly continue to live safely or comfortably if they died.

All the people here knew that the boss doesn't have any family. His 'family' is only Young Master Ningjui but at most, they are only acquaintances. He just said that he has a wife for a convenient excuse from time to time.

Someone in front of them saw their hesitation and rebuked indignantly, "What are you hesitating for!? The boss gave you jobs and pay you when you need them the most! If you're going to be ingrateful bastards, I don't mind killing all of you here myself!"

The one leading them in the front glanced at them with displeasure. Making a ruckus in this kind of situation. 300 of those incompetents weren't worth a hair of their boss.

He signaled the men near him to get ready. He didn't stop the people bickering at the back, who were now almost on the verge of fighting on spot. He's going to let them contribute in making the intruder thought they were fighting about the deal and lower his guard.

He's the decision caller. The answer to that ridiculous deal was obvious.

He motioned to the people across him, on the left side of the door, to get ready. After the man nodded, the leader activated the bomb and swiftly threw it inside. The man across him closed the door using the panel on his side the second the bomb crossed the door. He also activated the emergency lock on the door and extra reinforcement to make sure the intruder couldn't break down or shoot down the door.

The bomb the leader brought contained knock-out gas. It was very potent that one inhale could knock an elephant for a day and a person for a few days.

Lixue chuckled inside the smoke-filled room. The white smoke made his figure a bit hazy and if this was inside a misty forest, travelers would definitely think he was a mystical fairy to guide them through the forest path. Only to find out in the end that it was a forest demon luring them to his nest to be his dinner.

"Not bad. At least they're not stupid." He commented.

He looked down at Lei Weming who was knocked out dead on the table. Lixue already took back his demonic energy from Lei Weming's body and watched him slowly died out. Lei Weming probably thought it was the gas that made him sleepy, but unknown to him, it would be the last thought he would ever think in this world.

"My, my, I didn't know I am this kind and merciful, letting him die so peacefully. Even though I want him to watch until the ending credit." Lixue clicked his tongue and shook his head in wonder.

If Lei Weming heard that, his soul would probably jump back into his body just to curse the psychopath from hell and back 10,000 times.