Chapter 27

Jixue noticed there was an extra person in the room and looked at the visitor. Thirteen smiled at him as he sat down before noticing that the kid is actually blind.

"He saw me didn't he?"

"Yes, and he's not deaf," Lixue answered, "What's with the face?"

"My head is worth more than you know. Of course I need to be in disguise wherever I go," Thirteen scrapped a thin sheet of transparent film from both sides of his temple and revealed his real face. But it was also not the one Lixue saw at the casino, "You seem surprised. Well, the one I used at the casino was based on my real face and I modified it a bit. So it did look around 80% similar to mine. It's normal you thought it was my real face if you only listened to someone's description."

Rather than a fox, Thirteen's real face was more like a wolf. His eyes were sharp with blue pupils like the deep blue sea. His sword-like eyebrows were thick and curved with mischievousness. There was a scar spanning from his right temple, passing through his right eye and nose bridge, until it ended just a bit under his left eye. It was already faded quite well from time but still left a line with a lighter color than his skin.

"More importantly, you caused quite a stir with your stunt. You should've waited for me to finish my homework. I would love to join in on the fun," Thirteen sighed regretfully, "And because of you, my plan was almost ruined. I thought you're the silent type. Didn't expect you to do something so flashy."

"I didn't expect the famous Thirteen would devise a plan so fragile that it could be ruined just from a little bit of stir." Lixue stood up and walked away.

"Of course not," Thirteen took off his coat and followed him, "I did say 'almost'. I passed the test, and those 13 people will never see the light of the day. I also found your house on this planet. Are you still not satisfied with me, Your Highness?"

Lixue paused and looked back at Thirteen. He was smiling as usual and Lixue didn't know whether there was a hidden meaning behind the title he used or not. Well, it didn't matter either way, because Thirteen seemed hell-bent on joining him though he didn't know why. Even if he tried to leak it, he could prevent it by killing him first. It's just that he didn't know the extent of Thirteen's capability in finding information.

"I can do everything I want by myself. I still don't see the worth of keeping you by my side."

Lixue walked to the pool at the back. He watched the glistening water reflecting the sun. It was the end of winter, and the air temperature was beginning to get warmer than when he first arrived. He crouched down and dipped his hand into the water.

"From what I can see, what you're lacking the most is intel. Information about the people around you and the things you want. I can say with confidence that I'm a walking bank of intel. I can find out everything you want to know if I haven't already know about it."

Lixue took off his slippers before rolling his pants up until his knees. His pair of legs were fatless and curved perfectly like a piece of art. It was hairless and shone like jade from the sunlight. He sat down and dipped his legs into the pool. He leaned back with his arms and glanced up at Thirteen, "It's suspicious no matter how I look at it. For a legendary mercenary to sell himself up so much just for fun? I'm not putting a tracker on you for my mentor's sake, but if you still insist on joining me, I will put you under my full control."


Thirteen knelt down and gazed Lixue's legs under the water before up to Lixue's eyes. He smiled provocatively, "I don't mind being put under your control. If you can that is."

He reached out to touch Lixue's face. Seeing that Lixue didn't react like in the casino, he continued but instead of being swatted away, his hand felt like it was blocked by something else and couldn't reach Lixue.

He looked at his hand in surprise. When he looked up, he saw Lixue was looking at him with a wicked smile. His eyes turned crimson red, and his pupils became slits.

"Believe me, I can."

Shivers ran down Thirteen's spine. He withstood the cold pressure, but he couldn't suppress his smile. Things really got more and more interesting with this beauty.

Lixue saw the smile on Thirteen's face, and he couldn't help but remembered the first time he saw his smile in the mirror at the palace. In a way, both of them might click more than he thought. It doesn't sound that absurd now if Thirteen was to say that he really followed him because he became interested. Not that he will believe it though.

"Then, I don't understand why you are still hesitating. Use me as you like. I will be happy to comply."

"To give your freedom in exchange only for fun and interest. Will it be worth it? I'm giving you one last chance to back away. If you regret it in the future, the only way to leave is through death. I have plans and I won't let anything in the way compromise it."

Lixue encircled Thirteen with his demonic energy. Slowly, he squeezed Thirteen's body like a giant python until he was choked and breathless.

"Fun and interest for me is not an 'only' matter," Thirteen answered smoothly as if he wasn't being wrung at all, "It's a truly important matter for me."

"Even if I send you for a mission in a satellite planet?"

Thirteen laughed, "I was sent there to be disposed of. They saw me and my capabilities as a threat. If I were to develop more, they were afraid that I can or will kill them someday. How ridiculous."

"And what will you do if I were to dispose of you in the future?"

"Will I even have any time to do anything?"

Lixue smiled in amusement from his answer and let him go, "Well, whatever your reason is, I'm not going to care anymore as long as you keep it as a separate business from mine."

He stretched out his hand and touched Thirteen's forehead before touching his heart. Thirteen felt his fingertip that was as cold as the winter lake but as soft as the falling snow. Suddenly, he felt his heart being gripped by freezing claws.


Thirteen winced and gripped his chest, his body slowly curled in pain. The claws were so cold that it burns. He couldn't even tell whether the pain was from the claws themselves or the cold it brought. He supported his body with his other hand as he steadied his breathing. He was often sliced or shot, but he always made sure to protect his vitals. It was the first time for him to feel this kind of pain that he thought for a second he was going to die.

He sensed it slowly thawed and finally merged into his heart. His body temperature slightly lowered but it was still in the range of a normal human.

"Your life is now in my hand. You'll die when I tell you to and won't die before I tell you so," Lixue pulled his legs out from the pool and slowly stood up. The water on his legs quickly evaporates and by the time his pants fell down, it was already dry.

"How tyrannical," Thirteen chuckled, "As you wish, Your Highness."

"If your business is in line with mine, I won't mind lending a hand. But I'll be acting as a spectator watching a paid content. And one more thing," Lixue turned around, "If your eyes change how you look at me, I can assure you, I don't mind having a blind subject."

"You seem to know what I look at you as." Thirteen stood up with a smile.

"Do you think I would let anyone touch me as they please even through gloves?"

"I thought you just don't like your face being touched." Thirteen shrugged.

"Who likes having their face touched?" Lixue looked at him strangely.

Thirteen stepped forward and lent down his face towards Lixue, "I do if it's you. Do you want to touch my face?"

Lixue smiled charmingly and ignited a fire on his palm, "Yes, and I'll make sure to thoroughly burn it."

"How cruel. I think my handsome face can still be of use, so have mercy with me," he looked at the fire dancing on Lixue's palm, "Are you going to tell me what you exactly are?"

"No, it's more interesting if you find out yourself."

"Then, are you going to tell me our destination is?"

Lixue mouthed a word with a smile before turning and walked back inside.

Thirteen was stunned before he laughed along.