Chapter 40

They smashed down with a boom and petals from the Irregular were drifting down around them.

Lixue positioned his knee to pressure it down. He also secured its whole body, making it helplessly plastered to the ground.

With his hands, he grabbed the Irregular's face and roughly pulled out every petal he grabbed. The Irregular screeched from beneath him, but Lixue paid it no mind.

From the parts where he plucked, black blood dripped, and on the base of the petals were parts of its skin. It was as if he was ripping out its scalp along with its 'hair'.

He listened to it screamed in agony with its petals colored black by its blood as he chuckled mockingly, "Did it hurt? Or do you don't want to lose the most beautiful part of yourself?" he yanked out another batch of petals, "You're already so ugly that even if your body is covered in flowers nobody will say otherwise."

The Irregular screeched even louder as if it was angered by what Lixue just said. Lixue continued skinning it from its petals. He burned the one in his clenched fist in front of its eyes, "Your petals are also ugly. It's rotten and stinky. Not even worth keeping."

The ashes from the petals were blown away by the wind. The Irregular struggled aggressively to attack the fiend above him and really did manage to free its arms. It went straight to decapitate Lixue, but the scene it wanted didn't occur.

Instead, the only thing that got separated was both of his arms, now lying in Lixue's hands.

After finishing the Irregular chasing him, Thirteen walked to where Lixue went. Because there was no drone around him, it was easier for him to fight which ended in around a minute.

When he got there, the first thing he saw was the Irregular's corpse lying miserably on the ground. Its head was detached from its neck and was now planted into its mouth with limbs accompanying it on the sides. The flower no longer has any petals which were now scattered around it like funeral decorations.

If one never saw the Irregular before, they would've thought that someone with bad taste created this gruesome artwork.

There were also a fallen tree and remains of the drone smashed to bits nearby.

He followed the trace left and found Lixue standing under a cliff.

"You found something?"

Lixue turned and cocked his head to the cliff wall, "There's a passage inside this thing."

Thirteen raised an eyebrow, "Huh. Interesting. Is there a mechanism to open it?"

"Not likely. I think this was a cave a long time ago."

"You want to check it out?"

"Not really. Waste of time. Though I am curious."

"Well, you decide before another drone arrives."

Lixue chanted a spell and few fire butterflies appeared. He waved his hand, and they flew in different directions, "No need. Let's go."

Thirteen watched the butterflies went, "Fancy. I think this is the first time you ever use words to do your tricks. What are those?"

"Spells. You never read fantasy books before?"

That's not what he was asking, but Thirteen didn't ask more. They were about to leave when Lixue stopped, "We got company."

Thirteen looked up and indeed saw a drone flying not far away from them. He connected his eyes to it to see whose group it was. Surprisingly, it was the red-haired guy from day one.

He was in a group of 4. All of them were running towards Lixue and Thirteen's position with a big Irregular chasing behind them. The Irregular wasn't as fast as the flower Irregulars from earlier, but it spits acid from its head. They must've not known that they were heading to a dead end.

"Why don't we enjoy the show?"

Lixue spread open his wings and flew up. The drone's camera was facing down to the group so both of them weren't captured. Thirteen chuckled and also flew up with his own suit.

A few minutes later, they saw the group appeared from the forest.

"Damn it! Why does it keep following us?!" One of the members asked as he gasped for air.

"What is that thing anyway?! I never saw any beasts like this!"

The Irregular spit another slimy green acid. It reached their position and they tried to avoid it. One of them moved too late and the acid splashed to him. Fortunately, the light shield kicked in and covered him from it.

"Hey! It's a dead-end!!" A member who ran the furthest shouted.

"What?!" Jing Hao ran to check. He angrily grabbed his member's clothes, "You said you memorized this part of the map and know the way! I'm f*cking stupid to believe you," He threw the member into the ground, "I'll make sure to feed you to that thing if we're screwed. At least we'll have an opportunity to escape."

The member was scared Jing Hao would really do what he said, "Jing Hao, the map didn't put any indicator about this cliff or any cliff! How should I know there is one here?!"

"Shut up. I don't have time to listen to your bullsh*t."

He drew his gun and started shooting the Irregular that appeared in front. But the plasma bullets bounced off from its skin, not affecting it at all. His 2 other members hurriedly ran to his side and also started shooting.

"Why do they keep doing useless things? They knew plasma bullets don't work on that thing but still shoot them anyway." Lixue swung his feet sitting on the edge of the cliff.

"That's just what normal humans do in desperation. Although it doesn't work, there's this thing called a miracle that gives them hope that it might maybe actually works if they keep doing it."

Lixue noticed something and raised his eyebrows, "Huh. I don't know about miracles, but I do know about luck."

The ground suddenly shook. The 4 people on the ground were startled when the cliff wall behind them cracked before being completely shattered by a creature crashing it open from inside.

It has 4 strong limbs like that of a lion but was completely solid with no fur with sharp long claws. Its body was big and was covered by sharp scales with a row of glowing crystal-like material following its vertebrae. 2 pairs of ripped, worn-out wings were attached to its back. Its head was like a horse's skull with horns growing like tree branches on each side. Inside the empty eye sockets were red orbs glowing with menace. Behind it was a long tail which has a tip like a budding flower.

Thirteen whistled in amazement, "That's one huge Irregular."

Lixue took off his glasses, "They're really abandoned by luck here."

Looking at the 4 people below who were blasted away by the Irregular when it broke out, he frowned.

"The drone is coming." Thirteen said.

"Let's go." Lixue wore back his glasses.

As they flew away, the situation below was becoming graver. The newly arrived Irregular, contrary to the 4 people's expectation, didn't go and attack the other one. Instead, they only watched each other for a while before paying their attention back to them.

"Jing Hao, the emergency button! Call for help!"

"Yes! We can't possibly handle this by ourselves!"

"Are you stupid? If we call for help, it's equal to forfeiting the exam!" Jing Hao retorted.

"But at this rate, we'll die! If you didn't tell us to keep using the anti-gravity function, we'll still have a way out now!"

"Oh, so this is my fault?! You guys are the ones who didn't properly remember the map you're responsible with."

"In the first place, if we didn't go as far as into the red zone just to deal with that trash, we wouldn't be in this situation." Another one chimed in.

"Guys! It's not the time to fight!"

Just as the last person said that, there was a gust of wind from their side and the long thick tail of the Irregular hit him. The light shield broke from the force as he flew and crashed to the cliff wall. He coughed out blood from the impact and didn't move again.

The other one spurted out another acid, but this time it sprayed it upwards and created acid rain.

[Oh my god!! What is the military doing?! Hurry up and save them!]

[Don't tell me, they will really wait until the candidate pushed the emergency button…]

[It's possible. Death cases aren't a rare thing in First Military Academy's entrance exam. I gotta say, it's the candidate's fault for being too stubborn]

[Jing Hao's character is well-known to those who knew him. I don't think he will push that button for the life of him]

[But as the leader, he should consider his team members' situation too. He already lost one of them earlier. Where did he get the confidence when he's so incompetent?]

At this time, 2 mechas descended from the sky. They landed heavily on the ground and shot the Irregulars before ordering Jing Hao and his group.

"We'll deal with them. You guys run."