Chapter 53

"Well, you're not wrong," Lixue walked to the door, "Start the device when it's exactly 12 PM."

"Yes, Mr. Frost."

Lang Mujin watched him leave before sitting down on the chair Lixue was sitting on before. Honestly, he still couldn't believe the development that brought him and Yu Songfu here now.

After they found out Lei Group was no more, they stayed at the safehouse belonging to the Lei Group. They stayed there for a few months before somebody came knocking on their door. Unexpectedly, it was the infamous Frost who was all over the news and the one who destroyed the Lei Group.

He really didn't know what Lei Weming did that offense this guy so much that he would go as far as to chase them down. He was ready to risk it all if he came to finish them off. At least Yu Songfu would be able to escape.

But then, the more unexpected thing was, Frost came into their place like some casual house-warming guest, sat down on their couch, looked around the house's interior, and eyed both of them up and down like some hyena. He then rested his arm down on the armrest and overlapped his legs before saying:

"Why don't you guys join me?"

They didn't really have anywhere to go, and they should find some jobs to earn a living, so they eventually agreed.

But damn, that face was really deceptive. Nobody would ever think someone like him walking on the street to be Frost. He barely believed it when Frost introduced himself to them.

The main question was, why did he recruit them? He was fully aware that he doesn't have any special skill or anything. Not to mention Yu Songfu.

Not only Frost himself, that guy who was always next to him and the AI maid were both too high-spec that both of him and Yu Songfu stuck out like a sore thumb with their ordinariness.

Still, it was an advantageous offer for both of them. They would be an idiot to not accept it. Besides, it was possible that Frost would kill them anyway if they refused.

Lixue walked in the unfamiliar place and went to the lounge. The room was luxurious with many expensive ornaments being displayed and golden embellishment filling the ceiling.

On the velvet couch, Thirteen was painting his own mask leisurely.

"This lounge is really pretentious. But it does give a sense of pleasure being in it." Lixue glanced around.

"Riches and pleasures go hand in hand," Thirteen showed his finished mask, "Look. Isn't it cool?"

He painted his mask half black and half red. There was a black lightning on the red side, crossing the eye on that side. It made it look as if the mask cracked on that part.

"Tacky, but not that bad." Lixue gave his honest review.

"I'll do yours too."

"Not now. It's time to go."

"Too bad," Thirteen stood up and stretched his back, "Let's go."

They walked together to the elevator and went to the rooftop of the mansion. The morning sky was clear with a slightly cool breeze. Lixue pointed up.

"That's our destination today."

Thirteen shaded his eyes and looked up, "The Morality House?"

Lixue nodded. His face cooled down remembering his death from his last life, "I swore to myself to make them taste their own medicine," He chuckled with a crazed expression, "I'll make sure those bunnies be ravaged by every wolf, snake, and tiger until not even their bones are left."

Thirteen watched Lixue's abrupt change of face. He was already used to Lixue's emotional change, but it seems like Full Moon's debt to Lixue was significantly heavy.

"Then, do you want me to gather those wolves, snakes, and tigers? Or maybe some pigs? I can get both the literal and metaphorical ones."

Lixue turned his head at him, "What are you implying?"

Thirteen met his eyes, "I'm not implying anything, though?" seeing Lixue was still suspicious at him, he added, "I know you have plans on your mind, but I also can tell that this is your personal grudge. If so, it wouldn't be resolved if the grudge is dealt with in a half-assed manner. I know that better than anyone."

"That is because?"

"Because mine was left with a bad taste in my mouth," Thirteen reached out his hand and covered Lixue's eyes, "We both have something stolen from us. So, don't look at me like that. I'm staying next to you to forget those regrets behind. It's hard enough for me to not have your trust. Don't make me remember."

Thirteen lowered his hand and touched a corner of Lixue's eyes. His face was reflected on Lixue's ruby eyes. Although he was still smiling, it was the first time Lixue saw that kind of smile from Thirteen. A smile depicting the opposite of it.

Lixue didn't brush his hands away. He turned as his wings appeared behind his back. Thirteen sighed helplessly with a smile and took out a circular metal. When he dropped it, the metal didn't touch the ground. It hovered as it extended out and became a board.

He was climbing up the air-board when he heard Lixue spoke.

"Don't get me wrong. It's not like I distrust you."

Thirteen lifted his head, but Lixue flapped his wings and quickly flew up. Thirteen's motion was paused in an awkward position with his one leg lifted up. He snapped back and got on to his air-board. Catching up to Lixue, a short chuckle slipped out of his mouth.

"I know."

At Cardinal head office, Bai Linghua and the other Keepers who were outside of the building were caught off guard by the shutter sudden activation. She immediately called Captain Yanyu.

"Captain, what hap–"

She hasn't finished her words when she saw the situation at Captain Yanyu's side. In her background were the Keepers pointing their guns at the Cardinal members. Pei Yang was looking hatefully at them at the center.

"…What happened?"

"Frost hacked the building's system and locked us in. The only way out would be through the top floor that he just blew up, so assign someone to prepare the necessary tools. If they can gain back the system's control, that would be better. Other inspectors already started tracking Frost from his earlier broadcast. You'll be my representative in this operation. I'll give you instructions through the communicator."

"Yes, Captain," Bai Linghua saluted, "What about the civilians participating in the game?"

"The OPB cyber team is responsible for that part. We just need to focus on finding Frost."

"…And what about behind you?"

"It's nothing. Just some arrogant children being grounded."

Bai Linghua let out an 'Ahh' before ending the call and did as she was ordered. She assigned several Keepers to do the task of getting the people locked in the building out.

Inside, Shin Meimei was also finding a way to deactivate the shutter. She texted one of her acquaintances who was a skilled hacker.

[Just Call Me Mei: I need your help! T T]

[Not NES: What is it?]

[Just Call Me Mei: I'm locked up in a building. The system has been hacked by someone. Can you kick that person from the system and get me out?]

[Not NES: Sorry, man. I'm not on your side on this. I'll clear the game first and let you out.]

[Just Call Me Mei: What?! You're joking, right?? 0_0]

[Not NES: You know my situation. The less they are, the happier I am. I'm not opposing OPB or anything. We'll still be friends after this. (Wave hands)]

[Just Call Me Mei: West??!]

No matter how much Shin Meimei texted him after that, the other side refused to receive it.

"Damn, that prick blocked me!"

"What's wrong?" Yanyu turned to look at her.

Shin Meimei laughed awkwardly, "No, it's nothing captain. My friend just blocked me."

"Really? In this situation?" Yanyu looked at her flatly.

"Hehe…Sorry, Captain." Shin Meimei scratched her face guiltily.

"Are they a hacker or something?" Yanyu said with certainty, "They sided with Frost."

She received a nod from Shin Meimei. Yanyu frowned in impatience. She needed to get out of this building as soon as possible. There were definitely many civilians participating in the game. Their requirement was several times easier than OPB that needed to locate someone who was practically a ghost. If OPB failed to locate him, many lives will fall into his hands.

A call from Bai Linghua entered her communicator. She accepted it.

"Captain, the equipment request has been approved and assistance is on the way here together with the specialized division. Estimated to arrive in 15 minutes."

Yanyu nodded, "We'll head up. You work with Xi Yue and the others and continue tracking his location."

"Yes, Captain."

After their call ended, Yanyu promptly ordered the people around her to head back up to the top floor. They used the stairs because of the hidden explosives. Yanyu was thinking about it when another explosion occurred on the floor above them.