
A cave which boasted a height of over fifty meters surrounded by thin green leaves and thick roots that kept on moving in an almost snake like manner which added a certain eerie charm to it, over a hundred or so people positioned themselves in front of it with little murmurs here and there.

They were mostly kids who seemed to be in their teens, however they were not alone as Magerides in different colours and emblems filled the area showcasing their grandeur and status as nobility

A man who seemed to be in his fifties with a red hair styled in a man bun, slim blue eyes and a long goatee, a height of about five foot ten wearing a blue fitted long sleeve and grey pants with his upper wear displaying the contours of his bulging muscles folded his arms as he spoke

"Damn idiots always late, fucking bastards" his light voice betraying his physique

"As always, ever so impatient. You should be used to this by now musclehead" said another man in a tone full of mockery with a bald head but exact same facial features as the redhead albeit having a scrawny physique

"Shut it you malnourished bald creature" shouted the redhead as he erupted in anger as veins littered his forehead

With wide eyes and gritted teeth, the baldie screamed in shock and righteous indignation

"You clearly know why I'm li-"

"Fuck you I don't care, you're annoying" interjected the man as his patience ran out

"Ugh, the Brendel twins are at it again" said a woman in annoyance and her fingers rubbing the bridge of her nose

"Hehe Latifa, as always you look dashing" said another man with brown hair and cleft chin

Latifa looked at the man with visible disgust and a scowl on her face "Aaron, stop ogling me lest I gouge your eyes out"

Aaron looked at the woman with a stupid smile that would tempt even the most righteous person to plant a punch on his face as he scratched the back of his brown hair

Latifa who hails from one of the Archduke families, the Klein Family is known mostly for her charm and beauty which is so mesmerizing that it could make the mermaids hide their faces in shame.

Her brunette hair was tied in a ponytail with hazel eyes, slim brows and blood red lips which further enhanced her already dashing appearance.

Aaron who also hails from one of the Archduke families, the Austair family however looked very simple, your average joe with brown hair and brown eyes, clean shaved and slender body.

Meanwhile the Brendel twins kept arguing and spewing curses at each other to the helplessness of the listeners

"Sigh, but really the Ash-"

Before Latifa could finish speaking, a huge white Mageride appeared in the distance speeding towards their location. The ride got slower as it neared them before it lowered and hovered just a little above the surface of the ground.

Everyone held their breaths when they saw the Mageride and the emblem which looked like a Yin-Yang symbol except the left side was golden coloured with a blue crescent moon on it and the right side was blue coloured with a bright golden circle depicting the sun on it.

They all recognized this Mageride and even the Brendel twins stopped arguing

The door opened and a woman stepped out, her long cascading hair with colour just like the sun, her visage captivating everyone as her beauty gave Latifa a run for her money, a golden sun which looked like a tattoo was carved on her forehead.

Her eyes shone in golden splendour as she looked at everyone with a slight arrogance visible on her face, she seemed to be looking for something but kept quiet as she stood there with all eyes still on her

Another figure stepped out of the Mageride, this time a young teenage looking girl with black hair, round face and blue eyes with a crescent moon carved on her forehead

"And what do we have here, I didn't know the Royal family will be coming" Latifa didn't even pretend to be polite as she spoke

"Hmph Latifa Klein, what the Royal family does is none of your concern" said the golden haired woman in an arrogant tone

"Oh my! Hilda, your arrogance knows no bounds as usual" Latifa said calmly as she directly called out her name

"Sigh, you beautiful ladies always love to argue, I invi-"

"Shut up" "Be quiet" Shouted both ladies before Aaron could even spout whatever nonsense he was about to say

"Aunt Hilda, I don't see the Ashel family" said the black haired girl not even bothering to speak to anyone

"You're right Ellen, they aren't here, can't say I'm surprised" Hilda said as her brows were furrowed

"You over there" Hilda said in a commanding tone as she pointed at a a brown haired man who looked to be in his thirties

"Huh, me?" the man pointed at himself with a slight confusion

"Yes you, did I stutter?"

"No but-"

"You will only speak when I allow you to"

"Now tell me, since your family falls under their jurisdiction, why are the Ashels not here yet?"


The temperature around him spiked as he could feel his blood beginning to boil, he panicked as he prepared to cast a defensive spell to rid himself of the pain before a black Mageride appeared in the distance

Hilda retracted her pressure as she and everyone turned their heads as they observed the Mageride before it calmly approached them and landed not far from the royal Mageride

A blue haired man stepped out of the Mageride followed by six other young teenagers, after which a black haired woman wearing a tight black gown displaying her figure 8 and black heels stepped out

Not long after she did, a small looking young boy with deep black hair and crimson eyes, wearing a red trench coat stepped out

Lily calmly observed everyone before her eyes landed on Hilda and then the brown haired man before shifting her eyes back to Hilda

"I can already guess what happened here, quick to anger and arrogant as always" Lily's voice was so smooth and calm as she spoke staring Hilda directly in the eye

Hilda remained quiet as did everyone as the atmosphere became tense, Ellen on the other hand was observing the black haired boy besides Lily

He turned and stared back at her with a poker face, she saw this and felt he was cute as she giggled and winked at him

The boy kept staring at her even after that with no change in expression as his eyes moved from her to the rest of the people, Ellen saw this as her lips curled in a smirk

"If it isn't Lily Ashel, hehe it's a pleasure seeing you tod-"

"Aaron Austair is it?, I'd kindly advise you to choose your next words carefully"

Aaron kept smiling stupidly as he was cut short yet again today, however he shifted his lecherous gaze from Lily to Hilda to Latifa with his eyes going back and forth like a pendulum swing

"And what gives you the right to speak in that kind of manner?" This time the redhead man from the Brendel family spoke trying to stamp his authority, not masking his impatience

Lily stared at him before speaking in an aloof tone whilst releasing her aura a bit "Power gives me the right, if you feel aggrieved then come and fight me so I can gladly offer your head to my ancestors"


The man was first speechless then angry but he had nothing to say to her statement, frankly speaking she was stating facts and they didn't even expect her to be here today, afterall who didn't know about Lily Ashel, the Queen of death in the Varmon Empire.

"Sigh, let's get on with it please" Latifa was exasperated and couldn't wait for this cleansing to be over

"She's right sister" said the black haired young boy nonchalantly

Lily nodded as she spoke to him in a warm tone "Ah yes little brother, go join the others let's get this over and done with"

The boy nodded as he began making his way slowly towards the other kids in front of the cave with his hands behind his back, frankly he looked a little comical but no one there was in the mood to laugh

The other six teenagers from the Ashel family also began to make their way towards the other kids as Dominic came and stood beside Lily

Hilda, Latifa, Aaron, and the Brendel twins calmly observed the black haired young boy in silence as he made his way towards the other kids who towered over his small stature as only one thing was going through their minds

'So that's Cain Ashel'

Hilda snapped out of her stupor as she immediately announced in an overbearing manner

"Alright you all may proceed into the Cave, may luck be with you"

The place immediately became noisy as the kids rushed into the cave like hungry horses, abandoning any air of nobility that they had prior.