Cave Of Beginnings

Cain watched as everyone began to rush towards the cave before he proceeded slowly and without hurry as he inched closer. One would think he wasn't taking this seriously but that was far from the truth

'Such chaotic energy, I guess some of these kids will die even before they enter the cave' Cain shook his head and was lost in his thoughts

Not far from Cain, four teenagers immediately stood still as their bodies began to glow in white light, their skins began to crack as they looked incredibly fragile with their screams echoing in the area

Two people, a man and a woman saw this from afar as they leaped into the air abandoning their Magerides ready to come to their rescue but all of a sudden the air around them became hot, so hot that their skins felt like it could melt any second.

They both turned their heads only to see Hilda staring at them with her golden eyes filled with killing intent, they both stopped as sweat accumulated on their foreheads and clarity restored to their senses as they knew it was prohibited for them to interfere

They could only watch as the four teenagers exploded and scattered into pieces like a broken ceramic bowl. The same thing happened to other teenagers as some exploded while some safely made it into the entrance. The first culling at the cave of beginnings had already begun.

As for Cain, as soon as he neared the danger zone, his body shook as his skin was covered in a dark membrane before he smoothly walked past the the first danger zone and entered the cave.

Meanwhile, a boy and a girl in green hair quietly observed Cain as he entered the cave before employing their own secret techniques and safely entered the cave

Inside the cave was completely dark, one couldn't even see one foot ahead of them but for Cain he was like fish in water as his eyes turned completely black, making the darkness seem like a total joke as it became as clear as day

'No wonder the death rate is this high, just the darkness alone would make one stiff and lost'

Before he could even take another step, he saw something approaching him calmly with no sound in its steps. It looked like a wolf but it had black fur and two horns on its head, the mouth of the animal was closed but two long razor-sharp canines were visible

Cain watched as the strange wolf-like animal approach him walking calmly and filled with confidence as he smirked.

He immediately lunged forward with immense speed to the shock of the animal as it was unprepared for the sudden assault, it tried shifting its position but it was too late as a punch came crashing down on its head like a meteor


The creature screeched as pain assaulted its senses, its legs began to creak but the creature wasn't on its last legs yet, however a deep dent in the shape of a human fist was placed on its head

Cain saw this and as he landed, he stepped back immediately to catch his breath, he wanted to see how strong he was with just his physical body so he immediately went all out, draining a lot of his stamina

'Hmm not bad, considering it's a mutated creature' admiring his strength as he thought

The creature however roared in rage and madness, it lost its sense of reasoning as it rushed forward to tear apart the tiny human that dared inflict this pain on it

Cain didn't want to waste any more time, he was done testing his physique and it was time to put an end to the creature as he stretched his hand out and spread his fingers wide

Madness was still visible in the creatures eyes as it opened its mouth ready to take a bite out of this stupid human but it realised it couldn't move. The creature was stuck

The next moment, it was slowly lifted off the ground by an overwhelming force but its eyes still stared at Cain malevolently.

Cain saw this and chuckled lightly as he slowly closed his fist, the creature began to deform as it let loose a piercing screech that could make one's hair stand on end, fear assaulted its senses as survival instinct kicked in but alas, it was too late as Cain closed his fist and the creature bursted



Pieces of flesh and blood rained down as the smell of blood became prevalent. Cain stared at this with a blank expression even as some blood and bits of flesh was plastered on his face and body

With a deep sigh, he suddenly spoke in melancholy "Truly, what use is living when you can't even control your own life, such is the price of being weak"

Then he let out a mocking laugh "I am also still weak"

He shook his head and waited a bit to recover his stamina and the little energy he expended before resuming his walk deeper into the cave.

The deeper Cain went the more he saw the same mutated creatures, sometimes in pairs, other times in fours and fives. It was a tough fight but he managed to kill them all albeit with some minor injuries on his body

After a while, he arrived in another location of the cave which was broad and wasn't dark but bright as it was filled with fire torches neatly line in a row on either sides of the stone walls. The ground was rough and hard and the lingering scent of blood, death and decay permeated in the air.

He wasn't alone though as he saw a few teenagers ahead numbering about fifteen as some were sitting while some were standing with their backs on the wall, he wasn't surprised though because the first level separates everyone, seemingly like a special dimension albeit far from it.

'Seems like that's a safe area' Cain thought as he slowly walked towards them in light steps but all of a sudden he sensed danger as he immediately ducked a little and shifted his body to the left


Like the sound of the wind, a scythe seemingly appearing out of nowhere brushed past him with remarkable speed as it left an eerie black smoke in its wake

His pupils dilated and a small cut appeared on his cheeks with a deep red blood dripping down from it, 'That was a close shave' he thought

He frowned and activated his dark membrane over his skin as he became extremely alert with more scythes appearing with gusto seemingly having lost the initiative.

Meanwhile, when Cain first entered the second level, the other teenagers in front noticed his arrival as they turned to see who it was and when they realised it was Cain, they watched him with interest and with no inclination to help

"Hmph he won't get past those hordes of scythes, even if he's a genius he's still on the same level with us and little to no experience" scoffed a boy with red hair and a slim build looking slightly haggard and riddled with injuries

"Are you actually stupid?! He got past the first level and that alone speaks of his good foundation" This time a girl with brown hair and freckles with cuts all over her body spoke in annoyance

The boy looked at the girl with freckles and retorted "And so? Considering his family's back-"

But before he could finish speaking another person interrupted him with a raised and shocked voice

"Look! oh goodness! he actually dodged it, he dodged the scythe an-and he's dodging more"

The boy frowned and turned to see what happened, only to see Cain dodging numerous scythes with grace and precision almost like a professional ballet dancer

He was shocked, never would he have believed that the scythe could be dodged as the speed wasn't something a Rank 0 could dodge.

They all got past it but it wasn't by dodging, they had to activate the various magical defences on their clothes whilst using various disposable magical items to block and shield them, even at that most still died and their bodies were absorbed by the cave with the rest seriously injured.

Meanwhile, a tall girl with green hair and tattered clothes with blood all over looked at Cain calmly but was still lost in her own thoughts with a little worry on her face 'Just where is Raymond, he should be here by now'

Cain however kept dodging and showcasing his incredible flexibility and balance as he inched closer towards the teenagers, he had dodged over forty scythes and even he was beginning to feel the pressure

'A little more' Cain thought as he dodged another scythe which threatened to cleave him in half as a series of swoosh sounds and black smokes drenched his senses and threatened to throw him off balance

As Cain was almost at his goal with the finish line just in sight, he relaxed his mind as the tough part of this was over and he wanted nothing more than to rest and recover

But as if lady luck was mocking him for his foolishness and laughing at his impending doom, a sharp red pin struck his shoulder as he was about to dodge the last scythe.

He immediately lost his balance as the scythe came crashing down with terrifying speed almost as if it was angry at this slippery eel in the shape of a human.