Setting Up Camp

As soon as Yi Tan walked through the gates, he was met with a large grassy field. It had one large building stationed in the middle of it that was three floors tall. Two large strange machines rose from its roof. That had pipes leading straight up into the sky. The field in front of the building was filled with other people setting up camps in wait for when the testing will begin. Yi Tan quickly spotted Tim lying on the field spread out with two people angrily looking at him. As he walked over, he could hear the two young ladies yelling at him.

"Why won't you give up this spot!?" One young girl with blonde hair yelled. She looked to be around thirteen to fourteen years of age.

"Why should I? I was here first. There are so many spots. Why are you making a fuss about the spot I am in?" Tim asked. His eyes were closed as he laid there on the ground, refusing to budge.

"Miss, we can just move to another spot..." The other girl tried to calm the situation. This girl had black hair and looked to be around fifteen years of age.

"Tim, what's going on?" Yi Tan asked as he walked over. He could tell from the two girls' clothes that they must be from a very well off family. Although they were cute, he felt that the way they were acting was very ugly.

"You are this commoner's friend!? Tell him to give up this spot! " The blonde haired girl ordered.

Yi Tan frowned. Although he did not want to cause a scene, he also did not like it when people of higher status tried to bully people for being poor. "You know being kind will be rewarded in kind. If you asked politely, things might work in your favor. But coming over and demanding things will only get you ignored in return. But since you two ladies want this spot, I will offer a suggestion."

"Humph! What is your suggestion?" The blonde haired girl crossed her arms across her chest and stared at Yi Tan while snorting.

"It's simple. We can just share the spot. As you can see, my brother here was here first. Although this field is huge, it is pretty inconsiderate to want this spot alone, so why don't you set up your tent to the side, and we will act as your guards so no one will bother you throughout the night." Yi Tan's suggestion was reasonable. He figured with sharing the spot, it would not only allow Tim and him to keep their spot, but the girls would also get an added line of defense.

The blonde haired girl paused and scanned Yi Tan up and down. For some reason, she couldn't help but take a second glance. Originally they wanted this spot because it was closer to the guard station but also close to the building as well. It was the mid way point. They did not want to be too close to the other people here just in case some had weird ideas. As this academy was one where people's rank was of no use, people may take this time to act out and use this chance to get revenge on nobles. This is why most of the nobles here came with a guardian.

The blonde haired girl leaned over and whispered into the black haired girl's ear. The black haired girl nodded, seemingly agreeing with what the blonde haired girl was saying. The Blonde haired girl then ran her hand through her hair before saying: "Okay, I do not mind sharing this place with the two of you but be warned, Mei here is very strong even without an ability. So if you two boys even think of trying anything..."

"Don't worry. We won't. Plus, I wouldn't be suggesting sleeping outside your tent if I had such thoughts. This spot is the only spot with cameras watching over it. If anything happened to you two girls, we would be the first to be suspected." Yi Tan turned and pointed to the far wall that had a camera staring right at them. It was only then that the two girls saw this camera.

"Brother, your eyes are sharp." Tim said as he got up. "It took me a bit of looking around before I even saw it."

"I have a keen eye for the finer details. For you to pick this spot and not give it up to two beautiful girls, I figured there had been a reason. You said yourself that you wanted to stay low key, so seeing you being so stubborn meant there was a reason." Yi Tan said with a smile. He then turned to the two girls. "My Name is Yi Tan. People call me Tan. This here is my brother Tim. "

"Mei..." The black haired girl, Mei, introduced herself first. She didn't seem like one to speak too much.

"My name is Adriana Worthswood. You can call me Ana." The blonde haired girl, Ana, gave a haughty introduction. And even though she was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, she still curtsied.

"Ana, Mei." Tim gave a small nod.

"Now that we know each other, let's get things set up. I am sure Mei will need help with the tent." Yi Tan could tell from first glance that Ana would not be able to deal with the tent. She seemed too much of a high class lady.

"If that is okay." Mei took a glance at Yi Tan. Although he did not seem to be a noble of any kind, he had a sort of aura about him. She was not sure whether or not if they got into a fight, she would win. But what drew her in the most was his attitude. It was calm and relaxing.

"It's no problem." Yi Tan said with a smile.

Ana, who was watching from the side kinda felt left out as if she was being tossed to the side like a piece of trash. Stomping her feet, she yelled: "I will help too!"

Yi Tan and Tim looked at each other and laughed, causing Ana to glare at them. Even Mei turned her head to the side, trying to hide her smile. It only took a few minutes for the four of them to lay out the tent for the two girls. The tent itself was very big. Big enough for five to six people to sleep inside.

"There, all set." Yi Tan finished stomping the last peg into the ground.

Ana ran her hand through her hair and mumbled: "Thank you."

"No sweat. If you girls need anything, just yell. We will be sleeping out here." Yi Tan found a spot in the grass just outside the entrance of the tent and began smoothing it out before sitting down. He then began taking out things to redress his wounds. But when he lifted his shirt, he frowned a little when he saw blood seeping through his bandages. He quickly undid the bandages and was about to start cleaning the wound when he heard a cry from his side.

"Ahh!? What happened to you!?" Ana looked at Yi Tan in horror. The sight of his wound made her face go pale.

"Brother!? How!?" Even Tim was aghast by such a horrific wound.

Mei, on the other hand, walked over and took the things out of Yi Tan's hands and began helping him dress the wound. As someone who had been trained since young in fighting, this kind of thing came naturally to her. Yi Tan blushed slightly when Mei took over without a word. He had never been this close to a girl before. "A clean cut… The staples will hold, but it should be stitched up correctly. Miss, get my bag, please."

Mei looked at Yi Tan with questioning eyes. She wondered how he could have gotten such a wound in the first place. Yi Tan could only scratch his head. He wasn't sure if he should be talking about what had happened. Seeing this, Mei lowered her head and went back to cleaning. "Don't worry, I won't ask, but when I start sewing, it will hurt."

"It's fine." Yi Tan replied. He would rather his wound stop opening up more than anything. A little pain was nothing if it meant his wound could be taken care of correctly.

"Brother… You..." Tim was shocked by the large slice on Yi Tan's stomach.

"It's fine. It just looks ugly." Yi Tan said with a smile. It was the truth. He did not feel any pain from the wound if he did not make any sharp, sudden movements.

"Alright. I won't ask more. But make sure you take care of it, so it does not get infected." Tim could only say this. His new brother seemed to be hiding some kind of secret, but he would not ask since he did not want to talk about it.

"If you awaken, it should heal within a few days. For now, just be careful. I will help dress your wound until it is fully healed." Mei said. She didn't seem to be asking. It was more of a, I am just letting you know that I will be doing this, kind of tone.

Yi Tan rubbed his nose. Having a cute girl care about you was not too bad. "Then I will be troubling you."