Awakening Part 1

"Mei here..." Ana handed Mei her bag and turned away. She couldn't look at the wound on Yi Tan's stomach.

"Thank you, Miss." Mei opened her bag and pulled out a small medical box. From that, she pulled out a spindle of medical thread and a needle. "This will hurt but bear with it."

"Don't worry, just do what you need to." Yi Tan just wanted to get it done and over with. This way, he could try to get a good night's sleep.

"Mm… Then I will start." Mei pushed Yi Tan down so he would lay flat and went right to work. Mei was quite surprised with how Yi tan did not even flinch when she stuck the needle in and out of him. He just laid there staring up at the sky. Mei made sure to make things quick. In a matter of minutes, she had the wound sewn up and removed the staples. She then carefully helped Yi Tan sit up. "Tonight, you will sleep in the tent. We can not let anything get into the wounds for now. After I clean it and wrap it, I will set you up a place to sleep. The wound itself has already healed quite a bit, so it was just splitting open due to the staples. After a good night's rest and going through the awakening tomorrow, you should be able to move around without it opening."

"Mei!" Ana blushed. She did not want to sleep with a boy in the same tent. What if people talked!?

"Miss, he will be sleeping next to me so I can keep an eye on his wound. Now that I have helped him, I can not let my help be in vain." Mei replied. For her to be talking so much surprised Ana. But she knew when Mei did talk and when she did make a decision, it was not easy to get her to change her mind.

"Fine. But the other one stays outside." Ana replied with a snort.

"Other one!? I have a name, you know!" Tim yelled.

"No one cares!" Ana was in a bad mood, so she was now taking it out on Tim.

"It's fine. I can sleep outside. One night won't make a difference." Yi Tan did not want anyone to feel uncomfortable. He knew if someone saw him coming out of their tent, it would cause the two girls' reputation to be ruined. Or at least start some rumors.

"Just do as I say." Mei said coldly as she pulled hard on the bandage. "You can not get it infected right now."

"Ouch… Okay! Just go a bit easier." Yi Tan had been gritting his teeth during the sewing process and didn't make a sound, but when Mei pulled hard on the bandage, it made a throbbing pain surge in his stomach.

Once Mei finished bandaging Yi Tan up, she put her things back in her bag and pulled Yi Tan to the tent. She then set up a spot next to her for him to sleep. Tim was standing next to Ana shaking his head. "Why does it seem like Mei is a domineering housewife?"

"Mei is someone who will follow everything through to the end. Even if it puts her out. She has been by my side since I was small, and I can tell you that this is her true self." Ana replied.

"Well, I have to thank you and her. Tan is my brother so having his injury tended to is a big help." Tim said this before finding a spot to lay down outside the tent.

Ana let out a sigh as she walked towards the tent. She was met with Yi Tan already in a deep sleep and Mei readying her sleeping bag for her. "Miss."

"He fell asleep fast." Ana wondered just how fast one could fall asleep.

"I gave him a sedative so he would sleep well. He might not have said anything, but having your skin sewn like that is indeed painful. He was just holding it in. Plus, I figured this would let miss sleep better knowing he is in a deep sleep." Mei explained.

"You really think of everything, Mei. For a moment, I actually thought you fell for this poor boy." Ana teased.

"I helped him because he has a strange calming aura about him." Mei did not say anymore as she finished what she was doing. "All set, Miss."

"Thank you, Mei." Ana got into her sleeping bag and closed her eyes. She also had a very long day today and fell asleep quite quickly.

Mei slipped into her sleeping bag and looked over at Yi Tan, who was right next to her, only separated by a few centimeters. She wondered how Yi Tan got his wound to begin with. She could tell it was sliced through. For such a young boy to be basically gutted like that and still walk around without a care caused her interest in this young man to be slightly piqued.

Yi Tan found himself in a strange place once again. This time it was not a fiery landscape but an open field. "Someone seems lucky with the girls, hmmm? Sleeping right next to two beauties. "

A small naked figure appeared in front of Yi Tan, making him frown. "I don't want to hear it from a girl who goes around exposing all her private bits like it was nothing."

"You think I want to!? I have no choice! Souls can't wear clothes!" Sei yelled. She hated that she had to be naked all the time too!

"Humph! So, what is it this time?" Yi tan asked impatiently.

"I wanted to let you know that we may be able to use this awakening thing to activate the soul lantern. From what you have learned today, I have a feeling that these magic molecules will be useful. And by doing so not only will your chances of awakening increase but you will also gain a stronger ability. What that ability is I do not know." Sei replied.

"Hopefully it does or else I am just some kind of lunatic talking to a naked girl in my mind." Yi tan was still indifferent about everything. He was still not sure if he was losing his mind or not. Only until this so called soul lantern activated would he find out for sure.

"Naked girl this, naked girl that! Is this all you know how to say? Look! Look! Look all you want, not like anyone else can see it." Sei was so sick of Yi Tan always bringing up her nakedness that she stopped caring altogether.

"I never knew I had such a shameless ghost in my head." Yi Tan waved his hand, shooing the poor naked ghost away..

"You!" Sei's ghostly cheeks turned a darker color as she pointed at Yi Tan. "Ahh! Forget it, just remember tomorrow that you may end up spending a long time in the awakening chamber thing that your friend talked about. This will be very beneficial to you. "

"Alright. Thanks for letting me know. If this thing does activate it you will tell me how to use it right?" Yi Tan asked.

"Yes, don't worry, I will explain how to use it once it is activated. It is quite a simple process." Sei replied, then continued: "It's time to wake. You should get ready."