
"So, what's the situation at the construction site?" Noir asked. "What happened with the immigrants?"

Solis peered at Noir worriedly. "You don't need to bother with that now. We'll handle things. You concentrate on recuperating first," he said.

Noir blinked. "Recuperate?" he asked. "But I'm already fine. See, even this injury is completely healed." He started taking off his shirt to show Solis, but Solis immediately grabbed him into a hug.

"Don't just start stripping randomly," Solis said. "There are other people, even a lady, in the room."

Noir didn't understand where Solis's sudden prudishness was coming from. "But Anthem and Melody have seen me take a bath plenty of times," he said. "They practically raised me with Master, you know?"

An unhappy expression appeared on Solis's face. "You were a kid then," he said firmly. "Now you're old enough to get married."

Noir opened his mouth to argue, but Melody shot him a warning glance.