Noir's Heartache

Noir opened his eyes slowly, trying to gather his bearings. His entire body was heavy and ached as if he had been buried under a mountain for days on end. 

"He's waking up," someone whispered softly.

Noir knew that voice. Noir knew that tone. It was the one sound in the world that would make Noir feel alive, that would make his heart go soft and mushy.

It was Solis's voice – the voice that he knew and loved and adored…

"Solis?" Noir asked hoarsely.

"I'm here, my little darling," came the immediate response, and Solis's face appeared in front of him. The man's handsome brow was furrowed in concern, and his silver grey eyes were clouded with worry.

"Solis…" Noir said again. "Solis, Solis, Solis…" His voice was distressed and desperate, and his chocolate brown eyes were fixed on Solis unblinkingly as if he was afraid that Solis would disappear any minute.