A Good Boy

Solis took the words of Teacher Artemis very seriously and soon after, sent everyone away from the room.

Noir was still somewhat in a daze.

"Noir? What's wrong?" Solis asked.

Noir blinked slowly and shook his head, as if coming out of a trance. "Nothing," he murmured. "Master was telling me about the benefits of a good sleep."

Solis frowned. "Tygr?" he asked. "You spoke to him?"

Noir blinked again. "Yes, of course. He's here, so why wouldn't I speak to him?" he asked, his chocolate brown eyes were wide and innocent and still somewhat hazy.

Alarm bells rang in Solis's head. He looked around the room to make sure that there really was no one around and then caught Noir's shoulders.

"Noir? Who am I?" he asked seriously.

Confusion filled Noir's beautiful eyes. "Why are you asking this? Are you testing me again? You don't believe that I'm in love with you?" he asked in a trembling voice.