
"Solis? Are you all right?" Noir asked, shaking Solis's shoulder lightly.

Noir had been awakened by a small movement from Solis, and Solis seemed to be caught up in either a nightmare or in memories which were probably not very pleasant. Solis's distress had impacted Noir and now Noir was trying to wake Solis up from whatever it was within his head that was troubling him.

Solis opened his eyes slowly, and his silver-grey pupils were glowing with a whitish light. It took a moment to fade out.

Solis looked up at Noir. "Noir?" he asked hoarsely.

He tried to sit up and Noir immediately helped him.

The two of them looked at each other worriedly, both worried about the other one and wondering what was wrong.

Solis was the first one to break the silence. "What happened?" he asked quietly. "Are you feeling ill? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Should I get you something?"