Tygr Gets A Shock

"Good heavens, child – can't you see how proud I am of you?" Tygr asked, his voice tinged with frustration, sorrow and annoyance.

But to Noir, it seemed like the sweetest sound in the world – well, the second sweetest; the top entry in terms of sweetness for Noir would always be Solis's beloved voice calling him 'his little darling'.

Noir grinned cheekily at his Master, and Tygr shook his head slowly, his face a mix of pride, relief and fondness.

Martis cleared his throat loudly, getting everyone's attention. "Er…could we get back to the main subject now, please?" he asked with a light cough. "We still haven't found the people who attacked Big Brother Solis and Brother in Law Noir."

Noir froze for a moment at the title given to him by Martis, and then he turned his eyes to Solis.

Solis shot him a satisfied smile.

Noir grinned so brightly in response that it practically lit up the whole room.