Fenice Arrives

Solis squirmed uncomfortably while Teacher Artemis scanned him from head to toe.

The good thing about magical and spiritual scans were that they did not require physical contact at all.

Noir held Solis's hand quickly when Solis made a particularly pained noise.

"Take your hand off, your Noir," Teacher Artemis ordered immediately. "Your own energy negates the curse that is surging through Solis's mind and body at the moment."

Noir shot Solis an apologetic look and withdrew his hand.

Solis sighed and prepared himself for more discomfort.

It actually took Teacher Artemis less than ten minutes to do a full scan – but to Solis and Noir, it felt like a lifetime.

As soon as Teacher Artemis finished, Noir pulled Solis into his arms and rubbed his back with a soothing, circular movement of his gentle fingers. Solis buried his face in Noir's shoulder and acted like a big, spoilt cat.