Corridor Chats

Solis and Noir fell asleep after their conversation – and then they didn't wake up until noon, and that, too, was because the others in the house got worried about the couple and came to take a look, and all the noise caused Solis and Noir to wake up.

Noir sat up first, rubbing his eyes and looking rather like an adorable child. He thought he would roll out of bed, stick his head out and tell people not to create a ruckus because Solis was still sleeping.

However, the moment Noir tried to get out of the bed, Solis grabbed his hand and murmured in a hoarse voice, "Where are you going?"

Noir sighed and patted Solis's arm. "I think that the others have come looking for us – I'll just send them away and we can sleep some more," he murmured in a soothing voice.

Solis opened one silver eye. "What time is it?" he asked. His voice was still rough with sleep.