Perfect Match

The mood plummeted among the assembled group after Teacher Artemis spoke up.

"But that – that is evil," Requiem said finally.

Teacher Artemis looked up at her new boyfriend, her silver eyes clouded with a smoky grey. Noir recognised it immediately as the look Solis got when he was apprehensive about something.

"Half my blood is hers," Teacher Artemis said quietly.

Requiem blinked at her innocently, his golden eyes filled with confusion. Everyone could see the giant question marks floating around his head.

Teacher Artemis continued to stare at Requiem, but the smoky grey in her eyes started to dissipate. "Well, I'm her daughter," she told him.

The confusion still remained on Requiem's face, unabated. "But I already know that," he said, the big question marks lingering around his head almost visibly even now.