The Heavenly Shifting Technique

Yesterday, when Feng Zhang had taken Tian Jian into his room, there were two more persons in that room, and they were Feng Xuan and his son Feng Xiao.

Upon Feng Zhang's arrival, Feng Xuan asked anxiously, "Brother, what you told me yesterday, is it true?"

"Brother, what I told you is absolutely true,... And, It's a fact that our Xiao'er only has Level Four Sword Type weapon Soul." Feng Zhang said in a truthful tone.

Hearing Feng Zhang words, Feng Xuan didn't disappoint as he used to have, but instead, he was calm and collected, whereas Tian Jian was startled by hearing his words,

'What are they talking about? Is that Feng Xiao only has Level four weapon soul?..... But, But didn't he say he has level seven weapon soul.?"

Tian Jian felt something amiss there, but he couldn't find what it was,

At that time, Feng Xuan, with a calm voice, doubtfully asked, "Then the technique you mentioned, is it also true?"

"Yes, it is also true, and in fact, I was shocked when I first time saw that technique!.... I couldn't believe my eyes for some time!... I thought my eyes are deceiving me." Feng Zhang's whole face brightens up with an immense surprise.

By Hearing his brother's confirmation, Feng Xuan was also delighted, but he doubtfully asked, "Then, this child matter also true?"

"This is also surprised me! can there be so many coincidences? Now I think it is heaven's will that is guiding us." Feng Zhang said disbelievingly.

"What is the name of that method?" Feng Xuan asked eagerly.

Feng Zhang didn't reply immediately but took a huge breath, then dignifiedly said,

"It is one of its kind, and there is only one, such type of technique on this Tain Yun continent. ..... Since it is unique under the heaven, it is named....... 'The Heavenly Shifting technique' " 

"Brother, how did you get that kind of technique?" Feng Xuan asked surprisingly.

"My master once went to the central continent, and there he somehow got hold of this technique. After he came back, he was about to place that technique in the treasury of pill temple."

"My master usually places value collections like pill formulas, cultivation techniques, treasures in that treasury. So when I saw master placing this method in the treasury, I was surprised about it, so I asked my master, what it was?" Feng Zhang said in a deep tone.

"Then, what did your master say?" Feng Xuan anxiously asked.

Suddenly Feng Zhang became terrified as he was afraid by remembering  his master's answer, so he, with that terrifying voice, said,

"My master said, If any of the powerful people in the central region came to know, that he is holding this method, then they would personally come and kill him."

"That's right! My almighty master would be killed!....... I was horrified, so I horrifiedly asked him what it is to be so valuable? But his answer, even more, shocked me!"

"He said that it was nothing valuable, but at the same time, it was more than anything valuable, as it was the taboo of the continent,"

Feng Xuan got confused by his brother's cryptic words, so he confusingly asked, "Brother, I don't understand what you are saying,"

"Well, brother, If you want to understand it, you must know one legendary story of the continent," Feng Zhang said seriously.

"Like you, I also asked my master the same question, and then he said that there was once an omnipotent diviner in the central continent, who forecasted some prophecy, with all his powers,"

"But after seeing that prophecy, that diviner miserably died as he saw something he shouldn't,"

"But before he died, he said a few words, and those words were, 'The Heavenly Shifting Technique' " Feng Zhang said fearfully.

Feng Xuan was terrified by his brother's story, so he terrifyingly asked, "Brother, Is that technique that dangerous?"

"No, that technique wasn't dangerous as my master said that It was used to be in the continent before that diviner's death. But after his death, all the mighty people of the continent collectively made that technique taboo,"

"Any person, whether he holds, knows, or uses that technique, would be killed without mercy," Feng Zhang said tremblingly, as he knew about that technique.

"Brother, do you know why it is made taboo?"

"I don't know anything about it as my master didn't say anything about it. And also, he didn't show me that technique........ I was disappointed, but at the same time, eager to  know about that technique, but my stingy master didn't give me that technique,"

"But, Huhuhu!..... What he doesn't know is I have already had a replicated formation key of the treasury's formation, and with that key, in the past, I had stolen a few pill recipes from my master's treasury," Feng Zhang mischievously said.

"one day, my master went outside, and at that time, I secretly entered the treasury and saw that method...... I thought it would be a great cultivation method, but it is not, and also, it won't be any use to me at all." Feng Zhang said with disappointment.

"Brother, what is in that method?" Feng Xuan eagerly asked.

"The method name is ''The Heavenly Shifting method'', and when a person is born, he will be born with a weapon soul bestowed by the heavens, and no one can extract that weapon soul from a person. The weapon soul which is, born with a person is his final weapon soul, and there is no way to change that weapon soul." Feng Zhang stopped.

"Brother, is there a way to change the weapon soul?" Feng Xuan asked with anxiety.

"There is only one, and that is with "The Heavenly Transfer" method. But This method must satisfy certain conditions. With this method, we will transfer the weapon souls between two persons, and after the transfer, one person's weapon soul becomes another person's weapon soul."

"But That two-person must be born on the same day, they must have the same type of weapon soul, same gender, and finally they must be below four months old, but this conditions happened very rarely."

"Since we are not following the heavens, after the transfer, the weapon soul of the transferred person's will be decreased by one level," Feng Explained its disadvantages.

"so, everyone whose weapon soul transferred will be decreased by one level?" Feng Xuan asked.

"Yes, and do you know how will this Heavenly transfer method works?" Feng Zhang asked.

"How can such a method works?" Feng Xuan.

"When two persons were born on the same day, with the same gender, and the same type of weapon soul, then that two persons will form certain kind of weak resonance for up to four months. A person's weapon soul is condensed at three months, but it is not fully integrated with a person, and it will be fully integrated at four months." Feng Zhang continued his explanation.

"If a person's weapon soul is fully integrated, then the heavenly transfer method will not work, so it only works between condensation and integration period of a weapon soul, that is between three and four months." Feng Zhang said and continued to explain even more.

"So if a person's weapon soul is changed by this method, then this is his final weapon soul, and there is no second time, even if the two-person satisfy the conditions for Heavenenly shifting method. The first time I saw this method, I thought it is garbage, and it has no way to increase my power with this method, Until I saw the child of Feng Chen, "Feng Zhang Paused.

"Brother, what is his weapon soul real level?" Feng Xuan asked tremblingly.

"You know what, brother, when I first saw your child, I was disappointed, but Feng Chen said his son is also born on the same day as your son, and it piqued little of my interest. I acted like a good person and asked Feng Chen to bring his son to test his level, But when I saw this child, I was astonished, his Weapon soul is Level Eight weapon soul, which is appeared in our history of the southern region only a few handful times." Feng Zhang said with astonishment.

"It's Level Eight, level eight..."Feng Xuan is repeating his words, but no one knows what he is thinking know.

"That's right, it's level eight, and I was also astonished like you, but I suddenly remembered the Heavenly Shifting method, and I came up with a plan. First, I told everyone that the measuring altar is not working, and I will test the weapon soul instead of it." Feng Zhang Reaveled his past actions real intentions.

"Then, I lied to everyone that your son's weapon soul is level seven, and Feng Chen son's weapon soul is level three, and everyone believed my word, they didn't doubt Feng Chen son's weapon soul is so high, and why would they doubt it, and what would I get if I told them a lie, so no one doubted my words." Feng Zhang, this time tells the truth.

"I told Feng Chen that because of his son's past injury, his son's weapon soul level is very low, and that fool really believed my words. I also acted like a gentleman and gifted him a Tier Six meridian opening pill to cure his son's injury, and I told him that, today I cure his son, so he brought his son to my doorsteps." Feng Zhang Smiled devilishly.

"Yes, I will cure his son's problem, as well as I will also take his son's weapon soul as an exchange for payment. I will shift his son's weapon soul with my nephew's weapon's soul. I will bring my false words to reality, and that is with my method I really make his son's weapon soul to Level Three and My nephew's soul to level seven. I will make false to true and true to false." Feng Zhang said with pride, for his intelligence and craftiness.

"So with Heanvely Shifting Method, my son's weapon soul will really become level seven, although it is not level eight, it is quite excellent to get level seven in the southern region." Feng Xuan said happily.

"Yes, Brother, It is heavenly will that is guiding us to gift your son Level- seven weapon soul." Feng Zhang said with satisfaction.