The Conspiracy Behind The Scenes

"Brother, before I began the procedure of "The Heavenly Shifting Method" , I will first solve his blocked meridians. In any case, he needs to be fully healthy and, If I didn't solve his blocked meridians, Feng Chen might doubt something wrong happened here." Feng Zhang said to Feng Xuan.

"Ok, Brother." Feng Xuan.

After that, Feng Zhang solved Tian Jian's blocked meridians, and it took him nearly one hour.

"Brother, I will starts 'The Heavenly Shifting Method' now." Feng Zhang.

"Actually, it has to him who would have brought our Feng Clan to another level, but now we have Xiao'er, and we don't need him anymore. It's his bad luck to be born on the same day as Xiao'er." Feng Zhang said while seeing Tian Jian.

In the Feng Zhang room, two altars are inscribed by so many strange symbols, and even though they look arranged like randomly arranged, but if we look closely, we might see that they are arranged in a particular sequence. Feng Zhang placed Tian Jian on the altar on the right side and Feng Xiao on the left.

After Feng Zhang placed two children on different altars, he began to move his hands, and from his hands, origin qi came out, that Origin Qi changed to some strange symbols. Feng Zhang controlled those symbols, and he sent those symbols to the altars, and after he sent them to the altar, it starts to shine radiantly.

The Two Children shrieked with a yell, and slowly from their bodies, some kind of invisible energy came out, and that energy shifted from one person to another, and after that, the child stopped yelling. Slowly the alters returned to their original looks.

"Success..." Feng Zhang yelled out loudly.

"Brother, is this method succeeded?" Feng Xuan asked with so much enthusiasm.

"Yes, brother, it is succeeded, but I need to tell you some other things." Feng Zhang said seriously.

"What are those, brother?" Feng Xuan.

"First, you need to keep to secret, and If it is known to the outside and it somehow reaches The central Region, then You, me, and Clan everyone will be executed even if escapes to the ends of the earth." Feng Zhang said seriously.

"I know it brother, how can I reveal this matter when it involves Tabboo of the continent." Feng Xuan said assuringly.

"Second, after the transfer of weapon souls, there are some discomforts which are faced by the children, because of this, they will behave weirdly sometimes, so its best we don't bring them to outside for a period of time." Feng Zhang said seriously.

Actually, they face some kind of discomfort because their new weapon souls are not truly gifted by heaven, and it will take some time to adjust to their new weapon soul. During this period of time, they will face some discomforts.

But Tian Jian didn't face any discomforts. When Feng Xiao's weapon soul entered his body, he slightly feels some discomfort, but the discomfort he faced suddenly vanished as if the new weapon soul is forcibly suppressed and fully integrated into his body in a fraction of a moment.

Actually, when the new weapon soul entered Tian Jian's body, at first, it didn't adjust to his body, but it suddenly sensed that there is, something in his body, and when it sensed the source of that thing, it trembled violently, and it behaves as a docile cat in front of that source, and that source forcefully integrates that weapon soul in Tian Jian in an instant.

"Then, I will come with an excuse to not bring xiao'er outside for some time." Feng Xuan assured Feng Zhang.

"I am not talking about your child, and I am talking about Feng Chen's Child. If Feng Chen notices his son's abnormal behavior and takes him to some other alchemist, then that alchemist might find some clues about Heavenly Shifting Method." Feng Zhang warned Feng Xuan.

"Then, what will we do brother?" Feng Xuan asked.

Feng Zhang thinks for some time.

"I have a plan, but I need your cooperation in that plan, and if that plan works, we can simply escape from this encirclement." Feng Zhang said.

"What is it, Brother?" Feng Xuan.

"Tomorrow evening, you somehow kidnap Feng Chen's son and gave him to me, and after that, you with your son divert Feng Chen to another location inside our clan, and I will place Feng Chen's son in his room. After some time, I will bring some of the elders, saying that your son is kidnapped. When we near you, you place your son on the spot and left from there immediately." Feng Zhang said to Feng Xuan.

"I Know that Feng Chen thinks he is his son, and he will try to take him along with him, and at the same time, you and I confront him, saying that he kidnapped my son." Feng Xuan said with a smile.

"You are getting a smart brother, and yes, we will full closes Feng Chen all escape routes with full evidence, and everyone thinks he really kidnapped your son, so we will punish Feng Chen couple with lifetime imprisonment." Feng Zhang said.

"After that, what will we do, brother?" Feng Xuan.

"I will somehow instigate elders to say that this child also has to punish, and I will also come with a solution to his punishment, and that is we will exile him from our clan to an unknown place." Feng Zhang said.

"That's perfect, brother, and no one will know about today's events except us, and all our future worries will also be solved." Feng Xuan says with a smile.

"Yes, after that, no one will know about today's matter, and no will doubt about us."Feng Zhang.

Feng Zhang all his past and present schemes are perfect, and he always moved his hands in the dark, but today he made the biggest mistake of all time that is he is discussing his plans in front of a three months child thinking that he doesn't understand any of his words.

How can he know that he spilled all his plans in front of a person, whom? he shouldn't have.

Because of his mistake, all of his fate fixed, and he can only wait for his judgment to come.

When Tian Jian heard their conspiracy, his heart trembled with fear, and he immediately wants to reach out to his parents and want to warn them about these people's evil plans, but what can he do? he is a three months' child who can't talk or walk.

"Brother, I will go out and hand him over to Feng Chen, and tomorrow we will begin our plan." Feng Zhang said to his brother, and he left with Tian Jian.

Because of his mistake, all of his fate fixed, and he can only wait for his judgment to come.

When Tian Jian heard their conspiracy, his heart trembled with fear, and he immediately wants to reach out to his parents and want to warn them about these people's evil plans, but what can he do? he is a three months' child who can't talk or walk.

"Brother, I will go out and hand him over to Feng Chen, and tomorrow we will begin our plan." Feng Zhang said to his brother, and he left with Tian Jian.

At present, in Feng Xuan courtyard,

"Brother, congratulations, all our plans went perfectly well, without any mistake, and now we can sit back and relax." Feng Zhang said happily.

"Yes, Brother, only because of you all of these can happen, and you also gave Xiao'er a wonderful future, and If it wasn't for you, Xiao'er future would be filled with full of darkness." Feng Xuan said with a thankful tone.

"He is my nephew, so how can I not worried about his future. I think we both have to thank both a fool father and a pitiful son." Feng Zhang smiled mischievously.

At the same time, in one of the prisons of the Feng Clan, Two Persons can be seen, and one of them is a crying woman, and another one is a miserable man, and they are Feng Chen and his wife, Su Ling.

Feng Chen is not talking, and he is deeply thinking about the events that occurred today, and he is trying to find some clues about who plotted against them.

"Husband, Why is this happened to us, and we didn't harm anyone, and then why is someone plotted against us." Su Ling asked with a sore voice.

"You are wrong. No one is plotted against us." Feng Chen said mysteriously.

"What are you talking about, husband. Someone clearly plotted against us." Su Ling said with some confidence.

"No, That person is not plotting against us, his main target is our child, and we are only some of his pawns in his plot." Feng Chen said with some clarity.

"What! their target is my son? My son is such a harmless boy, so how could they do something cruel to my son, and who is such a cruel person?" Su Ling asked Feng Chen.

"I only think of one person, and that person is also I don't want to think about." Feng Chen said dispiritedly.

"Who is that person, husband?" Su Ling asked angrily.

"Grand Elder, Feng Zhang."