“It really does look like me… Did I really look like this?”
“I’ve never really paid too much attention to the details but wow… This is me…”
*Louder Grumbling*
Mace ceased scrutinising his appearance, his hunger surpassed the eagerness to analyse.
“What’s here to eat?”
Looking around the room, he’d finally realised the sort of living conditions that the late Tora lived. His room was no bigger than 30 to 40 steps meaning that the toilet and kitchen as well as the bedroom, were practically the same thing. Dust and cockroaches surrounded the kitchen sink while mould and dark substances enveloped the toilet seat and sink. The toilet, which looked horrendous, was a squatting toilet that had a whole for the user to use. Though it was too dark to see inside, the surrounding floor had mould and little critters running around, inhabiting it as their own.
This made the hungry Mace hurl, but nothing would come out. The stench rushed into Mace’s nose after a few moments.
Putrid he thought, holding his nose shut immediately. The ceiling and floors both made from old oak that looked to be on its last legs. The bed was the only seemingly decent thing to look at.
“This was a living hell hole” he thought.
That was not all. A Mouse began to run out from under the kitchen sink after hearing the loud creaks made from Mace’s footsteps.
“What is this. There’s nothing to eat. How did Tora live like this…?”
“I’m so hungry I think I’ll die…!”
A bright idea popped into Mace’s food-dominant mind.
“System!” he thought.
“System… Bell!” he shouted.
A sudden Menu appeared before Mace. The menu light purple in colour and Rectangular in shape. Words weren’t written on it, instead a bar was beginning to fill up.
{In the mind of Mace}
[Good afternoon Master.]
Bell! So, you did come down with me!
[Yes Master, It did get accepted after you wished for it. It seems like you still had quite a lot of Karma even after wishing for a second life.]
Wow… At least all that good is doing something back for me now.
Well As you can see, I’m hungry. Is there any way for me to get food from the System?
[Yes Master, but the system requires income.]
[I’ll explain how it functions.]
Okay *sits back on his bed*
[This system records the actions of the Master and the tasks he completes. It provides with appropriate rewards after tasks are completed]
I get that.
[Tasks can be things such as Major Missions, Sub-Major Missions, Human Missions, Quests, Minor Missions, and hidden objectives that the Master can unlock at any time. These tasks will all result in different rewards, but currency will always be given unless it’s a multi-optional reward]
Ok. Optional rewards probably means I could have this special skill or that object in return for not picking option 2 which could possibly be a large sum of... system money right?
[Correct. The games you’ve played really came in handy when it comes to understanding how this System works]
Yeah hehe *Blushes* *scratches his head from embarrassment*
[As you already know, I’m only known to you. You can only hear me and no one else so be careful whenever you accidently call out to me in public. It could cause you some problems.]
Yeah, very true. *Grumbles intensify*
Could you please give me a minor task to do? I’m dying here!!
[Last important thing. The currency you’ll be using is emotions.]
Emotions? As in my emotions?
[No, the general public’s emotions. Emotions would be counted as currency for the system. Emotions such as anger, fear, love, joy, sadness etc would all be counted as your currency.]
That’s great. How does it work? Do I get like 1 Emotion point for every emotion?
[No. For the Eps (Emotion Points), you gain 0.1 for every emotion made about you. The persons names and feeling shall be shown which will also benefit you in how you interact with them]
Right, I could play towards their feelings to gain more Eps out of them. That’s wonderful!
[There is also one major thing that would come in handy later during your journey in becoming the most powerful Villain. That is RPs also known as Reverence Points. These are very hard to gain and once gained, you will gain one reverence automatically every day from them; that is, if you could still have them revere you constantly.]
How much would I gain from that? 0.1 as well?
[… 0.01 per person.]
What?! That’s extremely hard. That would mean I need 100 people to get one or have one person revere me constantly for 100 days.
[Currently. You have 0 Rps and 0 Eps and Level 0... As well as Stage 0 ….]
Huh? What’s the last two? I couldn’t quite catch that.
[It’s locked currently. Master will have to upgrade the System to Level 3 to unlock this.]
There are levels for the system too… How many?
[… Levels of the System]
[This Information is locked Currently. Master will have to upgrade the system to Level 5 to unlock this information.]
Dammit. Fine now’s not the time to focus in on this. What is in the store?
[Currently in the store are 20 Items. 9 of them being food, 2 being drinks, 3 of them being weapons and 6 of them being potions. To unlock more things, Master must either; find and complete missions or upgrade system.]
What food?
[Hot plain Bread, Instant Ramen, Sandwich, beast eggs, beast meat, fish, fresh vegetables, chicken soup and full course meal consisting of everything in the menu. Drinks are Water or Tea/Coffee]
*holds stomach*
Those… *wipes away drool* sound delicious.
Give me… gimme gimme gimememmemememem-
[Insufficient Funds Master.]
Dammit. Is this how I’m going to die again? Unable to even use the System?
I’m miles away from any person. This is like a torture session designed to make get my hopes up only to beat it down senselessly once again.
I know, It’s not your fault. But tell me, What was that task about? The one about 3 years to conquer a Kingdom.
[That was a Minor mission. Currently, you’re not capable of completing that mission so it’s been held off. There’ll be a right time when you’ll have access to Minor Missions]
… Dammit it
I guess I should-
{Out of Mace’s thought}
Suddenly, the worn-out door creaked open. Dust began to fly around the room.
While the door carried on opening, a hand followed through, holding on to the rusty handle. The hand looked feminine, and her skin appeared to have a Sun-kissed look to it. Mace’s heart began to thump very loudly as if to say it knew who this was already.
To Be Continued…