Glimpse of myth

The holy temple is located in the middle of the holy lands,home to the Pope and men's only connection to the divine. A tomb was to be raided belonging to a powerful wizard known as Adze Abdu,dead for over a century in the kingdom of kemet. He was said to wield the power to call forth celestial beings and bend their will to his control,he wore a ring carved to form two snakes biting at eachother's tails made of gold and silver depicting it's dominance over curses and blessings.

This ring was the focus of the raid, Amazement and wonder chocked the air as rookies gathered at the inner yard of the holy temple, they had their spirits high each wishing to be chosen. It was rumoured that a priest was coming along and rookies were certain it was a special mission.

Raids were known as missions and divided into 5 classes;

Level 5(this is mostly handled by rookies and supervised by rookies of higher rankings)

Level 4(second to the lowest but rookies have long been banned from participating due to it's twists and unexpected turn of events,only deacons/deaconesses and evangelists were allowed)

Level 3(deacons/deaconesses and rookies)

Level 2( deacons/deaconesses,priests and rookies were allowed. This kind of missions are seen as level Z with turn of events beating that of grade 4)

Level 1(Only Priests or evangelists are given this mission because it's considered "classified")

This raid was a level 2 mission and rookies were about to be picked.

Deaconess Aberewa was in charge of training rookies in the holy lands,strict looking tall lady with long black hair falling behind her,her brown bold eyes demanded respect from whomever it met.

Deaconess Aberewa: HEADS UP LADIES! You must have heard by now. Adze's tomb is to be raided today down in kemet.

Nan Pan!! Heeba Bal!! Razak Idom!! Wazobia Eria!! Chukun Pam!! You ladies better make me proud out there or else don't come back alive!!

In unison: Yes Ma'am!!!

Deaconess Aberewa: That's what I like to hear. Now everyone back to work!!!

The inner yard fell into psuedo chaos as rookies ran around each locating a place to be.

Priest Maduk Dapo was the priest whom was in charge of the raid, a tall dark man with deep black eyes, moderately built structure,a hat sitting on his head wearing a black and white robe as worn by every priest. He stared at the crowd from the door to the outer yard with a deacon and a Deaconess beside him as 5 rookies hurried towards them. Chiodi Nani had a moderate heigh and a heavily built structure with deep brown eyes dressed in all black like every other deacon, Aja ile a beautiful young lady with curves in the right places,packed up black hair, a strong looking structure and deep black eyes, dressed in all white like every other Deaconess.

He smiled and turned around walking towards the black trucks parked behind them.

Aja:Dada,why did you request for these rookies specifically?

Priest Maduk: Hahahahaha! You don't know for sure... It wasn't specifically Aja, I just liked their names.

Chiodi: That's not true!

Priest Maduk: Hahahahaha! You guys are too sensitive. Trust me. That's it.

Aja wasn't convinced not even a bit,she faxed the approaching rookies and wondered within herself: ( I wonder what abilities they have, Dada always follows his intuition so I'm certain there's more to this).

The rookies met them with grins and bows. Maduk shaked them all with the same wide grin staring each eyes whose hands he shook. His presence made the area around them calm and filled with a powerful vibe. That filling stirred up excitement as well as questions within the rookies.

Priest Maduk: Everyone,This is Chiodi and Aja. My subordinates. I'm glad I could get you rookies all together.

Wazobia: Ummm,Are you the priest sir?

Aja: Yes,he is! Any problem with that?

Wazobia: No ma'am!

Aja: Better not!

Priest Maduk laughed as he jumped into the first truck.

Priest Maduk: Aja,with me. Chiodi,you take the other truck. We don't have a second to lose!

Aja got on the wheels as Nan and Wazobia also fitted in the back like lost sheeps in a new farm. Chiodi sat in the other truck trying to act cool as Razak,Heeba and Chukun jumped in.

Razak sat beside Chiodi with Chukun and Heeba sitting behind.

Both trucks roared to life as their engines burned with smoke filling their exhausts. Kemet was just hours away,Aja pressed hard on the wheels taking the lead and Chiodi desperately tried to keep up.

Aja stayed focused on moving as fast and smooth as she could while Priest Maduk snored heavily beside her,the two rookies behind were conversing with excitement oozing out of every word,Aja looked through the mirror and wondered if she'd been so full of spirit when she was a rookie. Seeing them speak ernestly and trying by all means to be understood reminded her of someone she knew well but now, she wasn't sure who.

Nan,a well built boy with bright brown eyes and black trimmed hair: Yo! I can't believe I'm on a raid with a priest. I've been with deacons and Deaconesses but never a Priest. Super cool!

Wazobia,a lean moderately tall boy with deep black eyes and trimmed black hair: Rather than excited I believe we should be cautious. It's rare for five rookies to be on a Level 2 mission.

Nan giggled in a way that showed he was mocking Wazobia then said excitedly, "Yo! It's just a ring in a dead man's finger. Plus how bad can things go with a priest present?".

Wazobia:Nan, You're always optimistic. Don't you know it's not always helpful!

Nan raised his palm to his face with a grin as he stared at it then said softly, "Sometimes that's what we need to alter change in our fates Wazobia" then he moved closer to Wazobia with a pervy expression hanging in his face, his eyes spelled desires as he whispered slyly, "And we've got a hot Deaconess with us. That's a good omen!"

Aja was still observing through the mirror as Nan's comment splashed an unconscious blush over her cheeks,she looked away pressing harder on the wheels urging the truck to move faster with one thing lingering in her mind. "Hot? I'm h-hot?" She looked at Priest Maduk whom had found a rhythm to the snoring sounds connecting them into a dozing symphony and wondered if he felt the same way or if Chiodi had such thoughts,with this her face turned red revealing a honest smile as suddenly the truck hit a bumpy trail, Wazobia was thrown violently on Nan who also tried to stay balanced, Priest Maduk hit his head hard as Aja tamed the truck giving it her all till finally they made it through. Priest Maduk blinked a few times then murmured some words before adjusting his hat over his face ready to dive back into wherever he had left off,ignoring the pain and also everyone.

Chiodi tried to keep up,it could be concluded that he was racing a superior master of the wheels. Each time he got closer Aja found a mysterious way to recreate a larger pace between them. Chiodi wondered why it was he who had to be in same truck with boring newbies,he tried to ignore Razak whom was sitting beside him as well as the two behind with a blunt expression painted on his face, Razak,a short looking boy with well built structure. Short curly hair and wet black eyes,had his attention taken by the view of the desert and the people they passed by on the path.

Heeba,a well built boy with deep green eyes and black trimmed hair, smiled going over his plan and seeing no flaw,he believed the success of a group was awarded to every member but the one who alters it is showered with more glory. He concluded within himself, "I must be the one to find that ring. No one is worthy of that reward but me." Such thoughts fueled his courage till he was 100% confident but then,it occurred to him that his plan needed two people,he was the brains and so he needed a bait to lure everyone's attention from his plan and shield his attempts,he looked at Chukun,a plump boy with glassy round brown eyes and curly short hair, whom looked focused with his usual coordinated expression but Heeba knew Chukun well, this was one of those moments where he was trying not to wet his pants, he could see Chukun's hands faintly trembling then it popped in his head,an idea!

Heeba:Hey Chukun, I bet there's a reward for whoever finds the ring.

Chukun was lost in his mind, oblivious of his surroundings. He wasn't a fan of dangerous missions,he knew how scared he was but he also knew that it'd be a shame for him and his family if it was seen spelt on his face, knowing this he tried desperately to hide it by letting his thoughts take him away. But suddenly Heeba's voice stroked through his thoughts and pulled him out. He tried to understand what Heeba was talking about, "R-Reward? Umm...I guess"

"THE RING! You dummy." Heeba snapped. "What in the heavens were you thinking about?".

Chukun: I'm sorry... Nothing exactly.

Heeba: Well, whatever. I was saying...

He pulled closer to Chukun and whispered, " I bet there's a reward for finding the ring and it's only right for us members of the elite families to take it."

Chukun: A reward?! Yeah,Sounds right...

Heeba: I know right! Now here's the plan.

Razak heard whispers then felt a sudden need to talk to someone, the only thing that held him back was the straight expression on Chiodi's face. He knew little about Chiodi so he didn't want to sound rude but really what held him back was Chiodi's straight face. In a flash Chiodi spun the steering as the wheels pulled the truck slightly off the track before reversing his movement, swooping the truck back on track then simultaneously pressing hard on the accelerator causing the truck to accelerate towards the first truck.

Razak was awed by what he saw, in a flash Chiodi had contained the situation the road offered like it was his own body, Razak began to admire Chiodi without even realizing it and finally mustered the courage to talk to the deacon.

Razak: You're pretty cool Deacon. Can I ask how long you've been driving???

Chiodi wondered how Aja was always finding a way to leave him behind as he avoided the bumpy trail and pressed harder to catch up. Now he had no choice but to agree with her claims of being better than him on the wheels. Suddenly Razak's word's hit him,he could see the admiration in his eyes. At that moment Chiodi totally forgot of admitting to Aja's claim, now he was overflowing with pride . He'd finally found a way to show off in the eyes of this rookie. He grabbed the steering with more gusto then said, "Long before I was blessed with the gift... Used to work with a delivery company many years ago back in Benin, moving stuffs and people from kemet,Cusp and sometimes the holy lands".

"Amazing!" Razak said excitedly. " You must be over a hundred years old to be so experienced and also able to rise to be deacon! That's totally amazing!"

Chiodi smiled thinking it was complimentary sarcasm then said, " Yeah, right." But it wasn't,he saw complete honesty in Razak's eyes which waited for something more that what he said. "What? You're serious?"

Razak: Skill requires practice, practice requires time. I've been told the vibe can do things like give certain people immortality. With your skills in driving and vibe manifestation you must have had a long time to practice.

Unbelievably the newbie made sense, Chiodi considered having such power, he stirred up a storm within himself as well as a memory then he answered, "Such an ability would certainly be wonderful but only people like the Pope and Priests can attain such power if it's beyond a myth that is."

Razak: You mean the Pope and Priests are the only ones with such powers! Amazing!!!

Razak went silent as he weighed his next question but he couldn't hold it back, "Deacon, how strong Is the Priest?

Chiodi stared at the truck ahead whom's dust was mocking his lack of skill to beat Aja then said softly, "I haven't found the answer to that myself. He's never taken anything too seriously."

Kemet,a quiet city with tall stone walls at its border, heavily guarded gate sitting on it's main entrance. After the death of Adze, Kemet grew silent and in some sense withdrew from the world which in a way helped with the peace and stability of it's internal power structure. It was governed by an Evangelist known as Jordan Yasak. Kemet had enjoyed many years of peace and prosperity under his reign.

The morning sky in kemet was almost the same everyday, "the blank blue sky with the sun glaring down" was something it's indigenes were used to as well as the gently warm breeze it always came with. The Pyramids are located a few miles away from the gates within the vast desert before the main city of Kemet,there are ten pyramids in total.All arranged in a straight line on both sides of the road. Each pyramid was made of two million giant stones standing tall, It was believed by the locals that each pyramid fell from the sky because both their structures and system was beyond their understanding.

It had been a three hours drive from the holy lands, each truck was dusty from the journey and finally they were at the gate. They were let in immediately a guard recognized Priest Maduk whom was still well asleep,Aja gently tapped him as they drew closer to the Pyramids notifying him they'd reached their destination.

Both trucks finally came to a stop, Priest Maduk jumped out looking really excited enjoying the view. "We're here! I can finally have a spliff". Then he noticed that Aja was standing beside him.

Aja shook her head said to herself, "he's not even worried about the mission. As expected of Dada" then declared. "I'll go check Chiodi" as she walked away.

Priest Maduk smiled and returned his focus to the view, "This feeling, it's not just the ring I sense. Now I understand why it's a level 2 mission."

Nan and Wazobia exited the truck as Nan expressed his amazement. "Damn! Aren't pyramids awesome?? Stagnant giant of some sort.

Wazobia looked at Nan with disgust then said: They're just a union of massive stones,more of graves than monuments.

Nan: Yo! Why do you always have to be negative?

Wazobia: I'm not Negative Nan! Of all priests,we were given Priest Maduk! He's not someone to feel comfortable around.

Nan: I don't know what you're talking about...

Wazobia: I'm just saying, I've heard of how unpredictable he can be.

Nan: Yo! All that matters is that he's a priest...

"How is that supposed to change the risks?" Wazobia cut him short.

Nan:...Not any mere gifted becomes a priest Wazobia. You need to trust the title and not he who holds it. That's what authority is all about.

Aja walked to Chiodi who sat still looking at her as she approached. He knew what was coming from the smile she had on.

Aja: I thought I had left you behind.

Chiodi: You wish, I only let you lead like any gentleman would. Tho I still think you should have been with this newbies not me!

Aja giggled, " Someone was lonely"

"I WASN'T LONELY!!!" Chiodi protested as Aja laughed mockingly.

Razak walked towards Nan ready to hear how his journey with a priest went as Nan asked suddenly, "Yo Razak, aren't Pyramids amazing? Stagnant giants of some sort right?

Razak had never thought of them that way but the excitement that Nan gave off gave a different meaning to it so he thought there was more, " Giants??? Pretty amazing! If only we could find a way to make them move."

"What? But they don't have legs" Nan said shocked by Razak's response.

Razak: But you called them giants!

Nan: Yes,only to express how awesome they are,you simpleton!

Razak: And how was I supposed to know that,you dumbass!

Chukun and Heeba jumped out, they're plan was already in motion for they've arrived at their destination. Chukun wanted to go over the plans incase he'd missed any important detail, " Heeba just to be clear, All I have to do is pretend to be hit by a trap or something once we're in the tomb?"

Heeba: Exactly,A pyramid is where they keep things precious so traps are certain to be lurking around. Once you've pulled that off I'll use my earth radar to find the exact location of the ring and pick it up then we'd share the reward, so simple!

"Where's the priest" Chiodi asked Aja.

"He's just in front of..." She turned around and he was gone,she looked around hoping he'd walked around as always but he didn't seem to be anywhere near, "Damn him! He was just over there"

Chiodi: We can't wait for him,that might stir up fear amongst the newbies and we need them at their best, fear isn't something we need around now.

"You're right, what do we do then" Aja Asked.

Chiodi stepped down the truck with a warmth in his belly,it was the same feeling he felt when Razak was amazed by his driving skills because this was another opportunity for him to make these weak rookies respect him,he smiled and reassured Aja, " Trust me, I'll take care of the situation"

He called out the rookies as they quickly assembled, everyone looking excited except for Wazobia,he noticed something was off,his fears and worries flooded his mind once more sinking all the pillars of hope and courage that Nan had helped him build sending shivers to his spine and tremble to his feet with one thought vibrating in his mind, " Where was the priest?"

Chiodi: Now everyone! That over there is our objective, Adze's Pyramid. This ain't no morning drill boys! You do as I say if you wanna stay alive or be helpful in this raid. The pyramid will certainly have tricks in store for us and I'm sure we all have tricks of our own...

Nan was taken by the energy that came with those words. He believed that great words were a sign of great power. Chiodi's words got him all pumped up and well motivated. He had to give in his best he told himself.

Chiodi:... We have two objectives! Stay Alive but Recover the ring at all costs! Any questions???

Wazobia had his hand up before he even knew it, "deacon,where is the Priest?"

It was now that Chiodi realized that his speech served the purpose of motivating them but not the main purpose which was not creating any suspicion, "He's on a different mission he'll join us soon, Plus..." Chiodi tried to explain...

"We have a Deacon and a Deaconess here Wazobia, Don't wet your pants. They're enough to keep your scared ass safe" Heeba interrupted.

Chiodi saw an opportunity to end this so rather than scolding Heeba for cutting him short he went with the flow, "That's right Heeba, we're here to keep you all safe if you follow orders!" Then he turned to Wazobia, "I understand your fear newbie but put it all away, all you need right now is to stay focused. And that goes for all of you!"

Aja had been wondering where the priest ran off too, she didn't enjoy expecting him to pop up like he always did. She let out a sigh as she led the group, All the rookies stayed close and silent except Razak and Nan who had their eyes on Aja so now they quietly tormented eachother with fantasies. Chiodi walked behind the group, he could feel an unfamiliar vibe in the air,it was everywhere and no where at the same time. He tried to get his mind off it and focus on being focused since the priest was absent he was forced to act as him. They got to the feet of the pyramid where a large boulder sealed the entrance.

Chiodi: Now everyone stand back, I'll get this....

"Please deacon, allow me" Nan requested suddenly.

Chiodi scanned Nan's face,one thing was clear he meant it but Chiodi wondered if this rookie could move this boulder like he claimed and also how. This caused Chiodi to become vunerble to curiosity,he wanted to see what this rookie was made of so without holding back he nodded, " I'll leave it to you then."

Immediately Nan stood before the boulder and slowly took a deep breath,his skin seemed to be steaming up as he began to exert a vicious vibe. In a flash he took battle stance and clenched his fist tight then swung a swift punch at the boulder, his fist lit up giving out an explosive force which blew off the boulder to debris,the impact shook the earth as the entrance opened up. Chiodi watched behind as a smile found its way to his face, He saw something great in Nan,for him this rookie had more to show him and he couldn't wait to see them all. He walked forward and patted Nan's shoulder, " Impressive Rookie" then walked in and whispered some words as he scanned the entrance, Inside looked calm and untouched for many years, cobwebs and dust seemed to confirm the theory and yet it wasn't dark. Other than the light from the entrance it seemed to have some source of light, Chiodi saw that all was clear. He turned around,his eyes had turned completely black and he was now exerting a dominating vibe, " Alright everyone, it's clear but don't relax traps are certainly lurking. My eyesight is twice that of an average person but we still need to watch eachother's backs."

He turned around and went ahead as everyone followed, Aja walked behind everyone with Nan and Razak directly in front of her, to them staying quietly was something people who couldn't talk did, Razak was amazed and jealous at the same time, "Man, you blew off those rocks with one punch. That's pretty cool."

Nan: Exactly! Tho it was nothing Razak. After all I won our last duel with that same move.

Wazobia tried to hide his amazement as deep down he wondered how strong Nan was, being one of the best rookies aside Razak. He was certain now that their physical abilities were beyond normal. Nan wrapped his hand around Wazobia's neck and said reassuringly, "See Wazobia, this raid will be awesome just like I said earlier. I could even keep you safe if that makes you feel better.

"A weakling who wins a duel based on luck like you shouldn't talk big while I'm behind him" Razak threatened

Nan: What was that?

Razak: Yeah,you heard me!

Nan: I'll show you luck. Just say it again!

Wazobia couldn't help but smile as he watched them throw words at eachother so found a way to come in by trying to calm the little situation, "Come on guys! I bet y'all are both equally tough."

"SHUT IT! WHO ASKED YOU!!!"Like two hungry dogs,Nan and Razak snapped at Wazobia who apologized and retreated as they devoured eachother with words.

It wasn't long before they reached the second floor. It was nothing like the first floor, it had along the path statues and beautiful paintings on the walls. Chiodi was ahead with everyone following close behind, Aja had her senses wide awake ready for any surprises. Nan and Razak were still caught in their egotistical

argument, Wazobia had been suppressing the urge to contribute because he was sure they'll rain on him like two wild beasts. Chukun and Heeba were quiet,Heeba had no other thoughts than claiming the reward, the absence of the priest gave him more confidence and he knew he had to accomplish his plan before the priest returned. Without noticing,Chukun suddenly stepped on an uneven block which clicked and activated a trap simultaneously the statues unleashed a rain of arrows towards Chukun and Heeba who were still in shock.

Before anyone could react Razak saw an opportunity to show off just like Nan earlier did.

"Watch out!!" Aja yelled.

Chiodi turned around swiftly but Razak was already in front of Chukun and Heeba. He stretched both hands out towards the approaching arrows,his eyes glowed with his vibe taking hold of the area then immediately swung his hands away as a powerful force pulled the arrows away, "-Earth Reject-"

Every arrow was taken by this force as they met the ground just ahead of Razak, leaving everyone unharmed.

"Y-You saved my life Razak,thanks"Chukun

said breathing hard.

Heeba frowned then scoffed, " I would have dealed with that. Thanks for saving me the trouble"

Chiodi was frozen to his bones,that was so close. It seemed to him like he underestimated the tomb,why would he,this was The Great Adze's Pyramid and things like this were common with places such as this,cold sweat ran down his back as he appreciated Razak, " Nice work, that was close but thanks to your quick reflex we've escaped a sad disaster. Now everyone keep your senses pealed. It doesn't get any better."

Aja smiled as she commented, " That was quick Razak,even for me"

Nan: Yo Razak, what's that move, it's pretty cool. Earth reject was it? Nan quickly wraps his arm around Razak's neck. To Razak this was total victory,he was able to successfully offer something of more worth than Nan,he felt proud and successful as he explained the technique to Nan whom listened attentively like he always did whenever he met knowledge.

Chukun began to unconsciously admire Razak, he felt really far from where Razak and Nan were but at the same time felt motivated to an extent that his mind forgot about the plan he and Heeba had made up while Heeba on the other hand began hating Razak,why would a lowly commoner like Razak try to outshine an elite like himself, he couldn't take it. He needed to teach Razak a lesson and this helped solidify his intentions.

Chiodi led more cautiously as they reached the third floor,he noticed that beautiful paintings were displayed on the walls of the third floor just like down on the second floor. Chiodi was thrown into a circle of thoughts trying to connect a logical reason as to why this paintings were present in a place like this. He would have stayed there in his head connecting dots but the third floor was ready with it's tricks, Heeba activated a trap this time as he tripped and fell face down,the air became tight as a hot feeling engulfed the whole area,Aja felt the heat and suddenly knew what was coming but this time she was already prepared. In a flash she raised out her right arm with her palm stretched wide open,a barrier rose around them enclosing the area they stood in as the third floor was taken by flames. It raged with an intensity that threatened to invade her barrier but Aja kept a carefree expression then like she'd seen enough she swiftly closed her palm as a powerful wind was exerted from the barrier taking out the flames with ease. The air was still warm but the flames were gone, Chiodi was left aghast as he stared at her. She seemed to find new ways of impressing everyone without even noticing it and that was something Chiodi knew he couldn't do so he couldn't help but admire her.

"Is everyone alright???" She demanded.

Luckily no one was harmed thanks to Aja,Razak still couldn't believe what he saw, it was a large scale attack and defense technique,Now he was certain that rising to such levels required frightening power. Wazobia admired her control over her vibe and wished that as a Light Viber he could reach such a level one day. Nan was totally pumped up and with all he'd seen he was sure that the real fun was yet to come. Chukun helped Heeba up whom had been scared to death,he made plans that included a trap and here he was already falling for one.

Aja: Everyone watch your steps.

Each floor was intense as they struggled to move forward,each person was forced to contribute in protecting everyone. Waves of traps and sneak attacks grew in both intensity and magnitude with only one indication, this pyramid didn't welcome visitors. It continued till they reached the 12th floor. Aja had been pierced in the knee by an arrow on the 10th floor when she tried to protect Razak who was performing continuous earth rejects trying to match the speed of the wave the arrows came in. Her injury seemed to be infected with some kind of poison Wazobia pointed out after attempting to heal her, Chiodi helped her around till they reached the 12th floor. This was where Adze's body layed,the highest floor in the pyramid

There was a large Golden door that stood at the entrance with two triangles intertwined,engraved on it.Chiodi like Aja recognized it, it was the mark of the holy temple. They could also feel the vibe surging from within as Aja whispered to Chiodi, "it's here. I'll release the seal" Chiodi helped her to the door knowing that only Light Vibers of her status could open the seal of the holy temple.She placed her hand on the door,ran her fingers over the triangles as if looking for something. She continued until they heard a loud creak which came with an overwhelming vibe as the golden door loosened it's grip and gently opened up. The tomb was dark,with a ray of light peeping in the darkness,the ray of light settled on a golden coffin which sat on an altar. Heeba had day dreamed about this moment as they came up, his mind was lit up and his eyes was taken by his desire, "There it is, Adze's resting place! Now is the time.. it's so close" he thought as he moved closer to the entrance. Aja's injury didn't get better, it was suddenly draining all the strength she had left as well as getting worst.Instinctively Chiodi tore his robe and quickly tied it up and asked her not to walk in because he would takecare of everything but little did he know that this was perfect for Heeba's plan. Heeba who had been preparing for this moment from the start without any hesitation seized the opportunity. He dashed into the room ignoring the voices behind him,heading for the coffin,he dragged it open to reveal a skeleton dressed in a well adorned priestly robe and in his finger a ring which gave off a monstrous vibe sat glowing from the effect of the Ray of light and just then a figure moved past Heeba.he turned around quickly but saw no one then he turned his attention back to the ring.His feet froze and his heart leaped hitting hard at his ribs,seeing that the ring he'd just seen was no longer there then again a figure moved past him in a flash and then he realized he wasn't alone. He spun around quickly and screamed, "Guys! There's..."

His head flew off his body with streams of blood gushing from what was left of his neck as he fell down revealing two glowing red eyes that came with a dominating pressure behind him.