Glimpse of truth A

Chiodi rushed after hearing Heeba scream,cursing this unlucky day as he ran into the tomb.

The figure leaped on the coffin with the ray of light revealing it to be a hooded man. It's body was filled with stars and darkness,it held a katana in it's left hand dripping of Heeba's blood.

Before Chiodi could move Nan jumped in swooping at his opportunity to make an entrance.

Instantaneously he launched heavy punches at the figure with both fists then clapped his hands with much force as adjusted his stance then yelled before landing a fierce punch with his right fist that came with a great outburst, "-Gun Point-"

Shockwaves cracked the walls before a massive blow out which stripped everyone of their vision except Chiodi.

He saw something really strange and shocking. Nan was flying back after being hit by an unknown force then in a flash the figure appeared above Nan and layed his hand on his chest as a barrage of unseen attacks rained on him as the figure quickly swings his katana through Nan multiple times with great speed before violently kicking him down with a force that launched him to crash into the bricks beneath.

It happen all too fast, Chiodi was shocked while Aja and the others who couldn't see it happen wondered what sent Nan crashing,Just then Chiodi yelled at the top of his voice, "Razak, Wazobia, Chukun! Stay behind and protect Aja. I've got this."

Chiodi folded his sleeves as he walked in keeping his eyes locked on the figure like a predator's attention on it's prey,the figure was still on the coffin as quiet as he'd been from the start.

Chiodi: Who are you? Who sent you? What do you want?

The figure said nothing but stare back at Chiodi from his hood.

Chiodi felt irritated,he couldn't take it anymore, this mission was turning into something he didn't expect,he'd always convinced himself that only he had the right to beat up his rookies to prove his superiority and now he knew he couldn't hold back anymore, Heeba is dead and Nan is in a sorry state. He had to finish this up quickly so he could face the priest when he returned as he concluded within himself, "Guess I'll have to force it out of you."

Suddenly the figure swooped towards Chiodi swinging down his blade to his face as simultaneously Chiodi punched the ground with great strength cracking the bricks beneath and sending an explosive force around him which made contact with the figure sending him flying back. Chiodi looked fierce,his eyes blazed gold and the top of his robe was burnt revealing his heavily built structure. In a flash he appeared before the figure from above sending down a violent stomp which the figure quickly used his blade to par. Chiodi's leg met the katana letting out sparks of energy from the collision whose light filled the room and the figure was blown away along with the coffin.

Behind Razak dragged Nan's limp body out cursing his weakness as he narrowed his eyes to observe the battle, " Weakling, how can you be taken down so easily"

Aja checked Nan's pulse but got nothing, She knew Heeba was dead and now she feared Nan had been forced to join him as fear flickered in her eyes, her mind raced and she began to wonder who this powerful person was,to be able to take down this two in seconds even for rookies was insane.

Razak had been caught in the fight happening in front of them,he saw how the deacon was overpowering the figure with both speed and strength. The gap between their abilities was too obvious to miss, he couldn't help but see the beauty of being able to prey on a formidable opponent just a Chiodi was doing now.

"Is he okay?" Asked Wazobia who was almost shaking.

Aja: I'm afraid not.

"What?" Razak requested.

"I'm sorry, he's already dead." Aja held back her grief.

Razak felt hurt by those words. His eyes swept over both her and Wazobia as his heart left it's place,In that second her beauty vanished and all he could see was a hideous hag. He was convinced that she hated Nan so he had to hate her too for such an expensive joke. "Don't mess with me" he threatened as his hands layed on Nan's body! "Nan was caught off guard and lost his grip! Don't look down on him!! He's not dead Deaconess!!!"

"It would seem so but look..." She pointed out as her injury sent pain throughout her body with every movement, "... His ribcage is badly disfigured,his right leg and left arm are also broken." She peered into the room hoping Chiodi won't fly out same way Nan did, "Whatever happened when Nan jumped in is still unknown,his first attack blinded everyone and seconds later he's crashing to the ground. Which means Chiodi is going up against a powerful opponent."

Wazobia was frightened with the thought, someone who is capable of causing death with just one move was truly a formidable foe,he clenched his fist and grits his teeth as the thought of the priest's disappearance returned to him. Chukun stood frozen, trying not to believe what just happened.It was true that one's eyes had the ability to see things that aren't there and he hoped this was one of such moments.

The figure was on his knees breathing hard as he looked up to Chiodi who stood a few steps away gallant and full of rage,his whole body was coated with golden flames as he glared down at the figure, "I'll ask once again, who are you?"

Behind him Razak yelled out Nan's name which caught Chiodi's attention, Chiodi turned quickly curious and angry, "Razak? What's wrong?!"

Chiodi suddenly felt an overwhelming bloodlust surging around him as the figure whispered, "I find it disrespectful when people look away in a fight, don't underestimate me deacon!"

Chiodi felt the cold blade tear him launching itself into his flesh and deep into his torso just beneath his left arm.

Figure: -Black Hole-

The figure spun around kicking Chiodi away crashing into the wall with explosive force. Chiodi groaned struggling to his feet as a paralyzing pain took over him, disconnecting the control and coordination he had over his body forcing him to fall back face down. He struggled to gain back the control and move his body but he got no response as his consciousness began to grow thin like his very life force was being depleted.

Chiodi: Tch! Damn! What the hell is happening to me...

The figure,still out of breath with his muscles aching threatening to throw him off balanced walked calmly to where Chiodi layed.

The figure: You stood above me moments ago. Confident in your strength....

The figure adjusted his blade pointing it's tip at Chiodi's back exerting a pressure that came with a monstrous aura.

The figure:.... To a level you dared look away in a fight. Now,like those weaklings I disposed off I'll end you here, deacon!

He thrusted his blade at Chiodi's back aiming at his heart,Seeing this Aja screams Chiodi's name and yanks Nan's lifeless body out of her way as she moves with a speed rivalling the blink of an eye and appears behind the figure swinging her fist to his head.

Her fist met an invisible wall as the impact shock the area around then suddenly she felt a violent punch meet her jaw as she was thrown away helplessly,the figure stopped his intended attack directed at Chiodi simultaneously the figure appeared where she crashed,swung his katana in the air a few times before pointing it down to her then sending down his hand with great force aiming at her heart.

Just before it pieced her body,the figure noticed that his katana had become lighter than it had always been and it was then he saw the particles of his broken sword on her body.

Instantly he noticed that something was off,someone who wasn't here before was here now but he still couldn't sense any presence or vibe from this intruder.

Priest Maduk swiftly kicked half of the katana off and immediately sent a precise kick to the figures chest which blew him away with a explosive force,the 12th floor shock as the figure made impact with it's wall sending a violent wave of energy out.

The figure was left aghast by how fast this man moved as anger rose in his eyes urging his muscles to move,he couldn't even see his leg hit him nor see him coming.

It bothered him how a normal kick like that could reach him or worst cause so much damage, he could tell that this man's power level was way above that of the deacon he fought.

Priest Maduk in a flash dropped Chiodi and Aja with the others, "Keep them safe, I'll be right back."