
Dimension: Zero

By A. Lee

Before the story begins. For those that don't read these types of stories and get confused as to what I mean by the universe and the size, Fantasy novels such as this use the universe as a reference instead of just one whole world and it is done like this to show that they've already ascended beyond the normal boundaries of power.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk :D

P.S - This Chapter May Seem Longer But it's Do the Key Word Section. Give It a read below the key and I hope you Enjoy.



In a Certain Dimension, life and death can be decided in single moment's notice…

Here, Humans seek to prevent the devastation and tribulations befalling their planet, as a last resort to protect what they hold dear.

This Trial-Ridden Realm is Called Dimension Zero. The Beginning after the End for all the perishing Dimensions and the creatures living within it who hope to survive the unstoppable demise of their homes.

Only question left to ask is, can the original humans of this dimension hold out till the Dimension Stabilization completes and can they protect their home from being conquered by the invaders.



· Ryo Clan - A Large Clan that Occupies the Eastern side of the Universe. Fights against the Union and The Head of the Union (The Chronos Ruler) Largest Clan and Rival of the Union

· Noble Family – Noble Families that are the most powerful families/clans within the universe. All current 50 Noble Clans, excluding the Ryo Clan, are a part of the Union.

· Chronos Ruler – Literally means the Supreme Ruler of the Universe aka the actual King. There Have been 26 Rulers. Maximum rule time in the Universe – 10 million years. Can Reroll for the Position after tenure is up. 16 of the Rulers came from Kami Clan Alone. Rulers were chosen to rule 230 million years into the life of the Union's reign over the Universe.

·Kami Clan – Largest Clan in the Universe and head of the union. Has had 16 Supremes in power.

· Union – Created 390+ million years ago by the noble families of the Universe. These Families include Kami Clan, Mi Clan, Akuma Clan and 47 more noble families except the Ryo Clan that was against oppressing the whole universe under one rule.

· Chronos Calendar – Created with the formation of the Union. Is as old as the Union.

· Kol Bracelet – Bracelet that rebuilds harmed bodies back to health ones.

· KI – the unseen life force in your body and everywhere. It is a universal energy that penetrates everywhere uniting all the manifestations of the universe, visible or invisible.

· Divine KI – One of the highest concentrations of KI energy. It is the Manifestation of Divinity in one's understanding and prowess. It is similar to Universal Ki and Absolute KI and others we'll get to learn later ( ; D ).

· Heavenly KI Sealing – 2nd Highest form of Sealing. It seals away the KI of the User and prevents them from breaking through. One method to break it is to be stronger than it but once caught, it doesn't weaken even for a million years.

· Icterine – Bright yellow type of colour.

· Dao of Space – This is the Absolute path of Space KI. It embodies the Law of the Universe. More explanation as the story goes on. ;D

· Mana – Energy used to create and use magic.


Chapter 1

Current Time - Year 399'999'900th of the Royal 'Chronos Calendar…

Time Before Dimension Zero: 100 years prior…

Location: Bottom Level of prison, detached from original prison.

The Kol* Bracelet's ticking screams through the lowest level of the Prison, ticking endlessly for the last 89 thousand years. The only other noise that can be heard within this level was the water drops dripping down slowly against the wet, broken pieces of black slab. The chains dared to make noises every so often by the minor movements of the prisoner while the ceiling and the cell rods watched in absolute silence.

A dim light was present at the very entrance of the level and was flickering on and off, taunting the prisoner of his lack of ability to stop it. The entrance were a massive 8-foot wooden doors with; large, rusty, heavy, circular door handles that remained desolate until a new torture session arrived.

This barely lit Level was Hell in the Universe. Hell to all those who knew of it, those within it, those who worked in the prison too were fearful for any mishaps that could incur them to be locked up within it.

The only other thing that called this floor home for the during these years was a frozen shell, embroiled within a dense layer of spherical Ice. Though being there for 9 Decem-millennium's, the ice never once thawed a single drop and to the shock of all guards that had previously attempted to forcibly break it, their attempts did not dent nor crack a single inch on the surface of the thick ice. It stood its ground and remained unchipped.

Due to this, it was deemed to have come from the Lawless Domain seeing that there was not much known within that side of the universe by anyone and looking at that the content of the ice, one could vaguely see that it contained an unknown embryonic shell which was too large for any known large beasts in the Universe.

Step. Step. Step. Murmurs can be heard approaching the archaic door. The footsteps now paused in front of the door.

"Hey, have you ever visited here before? I heard that It smells rank in there and that the old man past this door is already a goner." Says a young male's voice, intrigued at what he's possibly going to see.

"No, I've never been here before and yeah, I heard that he has been spiked in the heart for the last 160 years and no one has come to check whether he is still alive at all. It is a shame we must go into this hell hole for an old bag of bones that probably made the whole room unbearable. (sigh) Let us get this over with." Said the other guard.

The large locks within the door can be heard clicking and soon bits of the rusty lock break off as the lock carried on turning.


The door has been unlocked. Couple seconds later two large creaks holler throughout the floor, the ancient doors open slowly and torch light rushes into the room. The torch light was enough to illuminate an area the dark, cold room. It felt as if this shining light was giving a small hope of life back to the neglected level.




"mm… These are… voices" thought the chained prisoner, sitting cross-legged.

The chains ensnared the ankles and wrists of the prisoner, he's weak heart invaded by a metal rod for the last century. Only piece of clothing on this half dead body was shorts that had been whitened by dust, built up from him remaining still for millenniums.

The guards' steps edged closer to towards the cell of prisoner. 2 minutes later, the steps finally reached the front of the cell.

"My God, this body hasn't decayed yet." Said the first guard.

"I don't know if I should be amazed or scared by it. It's really still intact but not a single noise is coming from it." Responded guard two, in awe.

"Of course, you fool, it's been 160 years, who could live through a pierced heart for 160 years Even with a KOL bracelet. Not to even mention the lack of food he's had for 80+ millenniums" Barked the first guard.

"you're right."

The guard now beings to fiddle with the lock of the cell, while opening, he comments.

"Say, I heard he did the worst crime possible 89 thousand years ago, I'm amazed the Supreme Ruler had this much leniency for someone who attempted treason. Especially someone from the Ryo Clan*" said the second guard now attempting to open the lock.

"*cough*…How Long Has It Been Since I've Heard That Accursed Name." Said a weak voice.

Upon hearing a reply to their comments, both guards, startled, stepped back, and dropped on floor in fear of what they've just heard.

The torch light that'd been held by guard One dropped into a damp, little slab, causing the light to go out.

"He's still ALIVE" they both thought in absolute terror.

"You Boys are my new tortures? Guess they've become a bit too lenient these last thousands of years. To send two Boys into do a man's job. They really don't care for me anymore." Laughed the weak voice.

"Ha…How are you… am I dreaming?" said second guard in agitation.

"I Heard it too" responded the first guard in disbelief.

"Me too" responded the weak voice.

"OF-COURSE YOU DID. YOU SAID IT" both guards responded back.

"HAHAHA, you two are a lively bunch," laughed the old body.

"Say, could by any chance help an old man remove this thick rod out of his heart? It's quite itchy and it could pose a threat to my life if left unattended." Carried on the old man, sarcastically.

Now guards began to stumble up slowly, "yeah sure." Said the second guard.

"What do you mean sure, we can't remove it out because this is supposed to torture him." Responded guard one, as he attempted to halt guard two from stepping into the cell.

"We can torture him some other way, plus if we do more to him now and he dies, it would show under our Kol Bracelets that we killed him." Said guard two, now worried.

"(sigh) oh goodness sakes, fine. But be very slow when you are taking it out, we don't want to accidently kill him." Said guard one, now defeated in reasoning.

"There's two are interesting to say the least. It's worth giving it a try and see how they react" the prisoner thought to himself.

"You two lads are very kind. Do you want to find out something interesting?" Said the malnourished, elderly man.

"Shut it, we don't care" said guard one, irritated with the idea of helping a convict.

"No need to be annoyed young fella, I promise you it's very crucial to the next 15 minutes." Replied the old man.

"What? What could be so important for the next 15 minutes?" responded guard one, now intrigued.

"89 Thousand Years."

To Be Continued...