89 Thousand Years

"89 Thousand years?" both guards repeated.

"Yes 89 thousand and some odd hundreds of years it took." Said the old man, now preparing for guard two to pull out the rod slowly.

"What took that long?"

Guard two now held on the shoulder of the ancient man and began to slowly pull out the metre long thick rod from the wounded heart. The old man groans as the nuisance of a rod finally released its clutches from his heart.

"Ughh, thank you, as I was saying. It took 89 thousand years to master the technique while it took him 35 million years." Stated the now, not so old, man.

It was slow, but the guards began to realise that the prehistoric, malnourished body of the man was regaining its vitality. His white, brittle hair started to rejuvenate. His skin which had been stuck to the fragile bones began to regain Its dark amber colour while the lifeless muscles redeveloped underneath, replenishing the bodies' natural muscular physique.

"What is going on?" said the first guard, shocked at the passage of time on this person's body reverting to the form of a 25-year-old.

"I've never seen someone reverse time back in my life. It is unheard of. The only person ever seen or recorded doing it, was the 15th Supreme Chronos Ruler." Said guard one, frightened at what the abilities of this younger looking youth was.

"incorrect." Replied guard two, now standing on guard to strike if needed. "The only other person that is said to do is said to do similar, is the Ancestor of the Kami Clan, The First reigning Ruler of the Universe, The Supreme, Kimaru. Lord of the 9 Blossoms."

"You know your history young one. Amazing" said the now youthful convict.

"oh, thanks hehe, it's not much to praise me about hehe, I really like hist-" before Two could finished off his response, blushing, he rudely got interrupted by guard One.

"SHUT IT." he roared,

"Old man. You did something that was hard to replicate for all other powerful beings within the universe but how, how can you do it while being imprisoned?". Said One, keen on uncovering this mystery.

"You interested? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Want me to teach you? Listen we don't have much time to talk so I want to tell you somethings that could change your perspective on this universe's power structure," laughed the convict.

"Why don't we have enough time? What's going to happen?"

"Before I answer that. I've got a few simply questions to ask you. First being, if you know why you must pass through a teleporter with a Kol bracelet to get here?" he asked.

"It's obviously because this is dug 20 thousand feet into the heavenly cloud with no clear ventilation that can suck out all the miasmic gases that come out of the heavenly cloud." Replied One.

"It's true that there are no ventilations anywhere but that statement about the heavenly cloud is false. The Heavenly cloud is made up of condensed water vapour compacted at a maximum hi- never mind, it's getting off topic, just simply know that there's no such thing as the 'Miasmic gases' within the cloud".

"The Truth is that the KOL bracelets does much more than what they tell you. For example, as soon as you step into the teleporter, you become nauseous and must use the Kol bracelet if you hope to have any chance of arriving here in one piece. But once you leave the prison for your holiday, you're told to leave your bracelets within the facility or heavy punishment will occur, ever wonder why?"

"It's private property of the prison but more importantly, how do you know that we're meant to leave the bracelets here?" asked guard one, suspicious of how he got this intel.

"no need to worry on the minor details, but you're incorrect again. The KOL bracelet has 3 hidden features that are not known of by the public. First being that it can revive a recently deceased person."

"WHAT, THAT'S IMPOSS-" shouted guard two before once again getting cut out.

"Secondly, one does not need to eat when using this bracelet. It has an automatic feature that enables the body to be injected with just enough vitamins and minerals to keep it alive though this is a form of torture within itself since it provides the food when the body is just about to die and no other time. Lastly, it can keep the body in one piece when travelling through black holes."

"IMPOSSIBLE, YOU'VE GOT TO BE MESSING WITH US" shouted the two guards in sync.

"it does, in fact, right now, when you arrived here, you came through a teleporter which warped through a massive black hole. Both of you are not strong enough to sense it but here is the Uninhabited side of the universe, what they call the 'Lawless Domain'. More specifically, we're Near the Blackhole that's located at the entrance of the Lawless Domain which you two went through".

Stunned by this comment, both guards look to each other in disbelief and look back at the prisoner who was starting to adjust his sitting position for better comfort. "What, how can that be? We are in the Lawless Domain right now? Impossible." Shouts guard one.

"you're becoming senile from these thousands of years in here old man" remarked the guard, rejecting the possibility of the claim being true.

"The Lawless Domain is somewhere that even the Previous and present governing bodies of the Union couldn't subjugate nor explore but you're saying we are not only within it but to make matters even more ridiculous, we went through and are still near the entrance of a Black hole?" stated guard Two, beginning to calm down at the improbability of the prisoner's statement.

The prisoner now begins to lean forward and stares deathly into guard two.

"When creating whole structures on the clouds was deemed impossible and heavenly, Mintaru V. Dol first proved the Union and rulers wrong, did he not?"

"When using Magic Ships to restructure planets was deemed to implausible by the creatures that live in the Universe, Alfred Galaxy V showed us how."

The prisoner leans back as his explanation drags on.

"You've never doubted the Union, nor did you doubt the Royals, have you? Exactly. This is due to all of you guys believing in their distorted truths and their idealistic view on the universe without ever challenging it."

"Well, I have realised what they do, the lies they keep hidden and what occurs to thousands of solar systems, full of beings, that refuse to abide by their ruling, but to you people, it's like they personify Justice."

Both guards remained silent and reluctantly listened on to his further comments.

"it's like talking to a brick wall because even if you're hit with the real dark truth of the Universe and the unjust actions of the Royals, you wouldn't even be swayed an inch." He says, finishing his explanation.

Both guards now begin to perspire due to the enormity of the prisoner's statements. This is the first time that they'd seen someone outright disrespect and tarnish the names of the Union and the Royals.

Guard one, born from a lower world but despite this, through his own hard work, gained enough power to leave it and came to work as a prison guard in the largest prison in the universe. Though getting here after trials and tribulations, he'd still been discriminated and looked down upon by the union employees and guards from background, so he could understand where this prisoner's coming from.

"Fine, have a shot. What is the Dark truth you speak of?" asked guard one, interested in what the prisoner has to tell.

"Lawless Domain. It is the back door of the Unio-" before the prisoner could finish off, footsteps can be heard walking slowly into the room.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

"Beautiful tale old man. It got me into tears Hahaha, trying to sway the guards to let them release you, eh?" said at arrogant female voice.

To be continued...