

Clap. Clap. Clap.

"Beautiful tale old man. It got me into tears Hahaha, trying to sway the guards to let them release you, eh?" said at arrogant female voice.


"How's it been in the last 160 years old man? Wait, judging by this new look, not so old, old man" carries on this mysterious person, now edging closer to the cell.

"Commander Cle. Welcome, we were just ah-" said guard one and two, bowing in unison.

"you two, leave us. Don't come in no matter what unless I say otherwise." Said Cle now In front of the cell.

"Yes Ma'am" They both complied and placed the torched light into the holder.

As the footsteps of both guards faded away, Cle walked up to the prisoner. Her high heeled clicking louder and louder with every step forward.

"Why are you still going on about how the union is corrupt huh? You think by spreading it that it could cause a change with the system?" she whispered arrogantly into the prisoner's ear.

"You still look as beautiful as when I first saw you traitor. Must be nice wagging your tail for the rich old horn-dogs of the union. Hey, I got a question. In the Years I have been locked up, how many turns did they take on yo-"

before the prisoner finished, his' sentence, anger overcame her, and Cle violently stabbed the thigh of the prisoner with one of her sharp heels causing blood to slowly poor out of the wound.

"Ouch hehe, you were always hot tempered, guessing by that reaction, it's safe to say 15 thousand tim-" Cle punch the prisoner in the throat in response to his sharp comment and responded,

"You never learned to close your mouth, have you".

Irritated by his comments, Cle took a deep breath and asked, "now will you tell me the secrets you've been keeping?"

"hehe, I was really stupid back then." Stated the prisoner.

"as in?" questioned Cle.

"As In I was stupid to even think of you as just a sleazy female. Should have seen your much more slippery and cunning, like a type of venomous sna-" Cle strikes the prisoner again and again a few hundred times till a voice can be heard saying,

"darling, no need to bother yourself with this mutt. Come over here and give me a kiss."

This mysterious voice appeared in front of the cell before Cle knew about its presence. She began get off the bloody prisoner and went towards the person, she stood right in front of him and started to tenderly kiss this person right in front of the prisoner. The man abruptly broke off the kiss and stared at the bloodied body of the prisoner and began to laugh.

"Hey old friend, been a while since I last visited here. Brings back memories of the old times wouldn't you say fefefe."

"fefefe… The 'GREAT LORD' YAMI, Leader of the 1St Royal Garrisons of the Revolutionary army, or should I say former leader. Anyhow, the Grandson of the Ryo Clan head* Ryo Kin, legend of the formless sword KI",

"Your abilities were always second to none, fastest killer around, powerful in the essence of the word, annoyingly handsome and always shirtless, I mean honestly why were you always shir-"

"Maximus, Honey, you're going off topic" interrupted Cle.

"Yeah, Right. fefefe. But now look at you former captain, look at the state you're in, you're Bound to the Cells of Time for 100 millenniums years due to you, stupidly and I mean stupidly, attempting to revolting against the Current Supreme Ruler of the Universe*."

"Like What did you think would have happened? Succeed? Freedom? No, you're stuck in here, weak, shirtless, honestly why you are still shirtless like come on, I'm sure that you had a shirt on the last time I visited." He rambled on.

wounded Yami looks up at the person and begins to smile.

"hey traitor number two. It has been what, 30 thousand years since you last dared to show your face here."

Yami begins to chuckle at the thought of what's about to come out of his mouth.

"I have been hearing things while you've been hiding away from me and I got to ask, how does it feel to share your 'darling' with those Foogeys? Hahahaha"

Enraged by the comment, the Maximus walks towards Yami and squats down.

He began to glare into the Yami's bloodshot eyes before asking "Where've you heard that from?"

"HAHAHAHAHA So it was true HAHAHA. Where? EVERYWHERE. Damn Mutt, why do you think I never touched her while I was with her? I have always known the type of sleaze she is ever since I investigated her background. That didn't matter to me in the slightest though, I needed a way to get closer to his 'majesty' and this used waste was the most viable option. You should be careful with what you wish for Maximus because betraying me to be with her only for her to be with everyone was definitely not what you saw coming right?"

Maximus now furious, looks at this Cle and saw her facing away, increasing his fury. Annoyed by this feeling, Maximus decides to solve this frustration the only way he knew how.

He lashed out against his former captain.

"Honey! Stop, you're going to kill him" Cle commanded after watching her former teammate and 'lover' pounded half to death.

Maximus stepped away with bruised knuckles which started to heal instantaneously with the aid of the Kol bracelets on his wrist.

"hey 'captain', why don't you stop wasting our time and tell us what you were really after all those years ago." Said Maximus.

Yami spat out blood and faced both his old teammates and said "Screw you. That's what".

Maximus got furious again and was coming back to attack him once again before Cle stepped in front and stopped him in haste.

"Just leave it, he'll never tell us, just forget it." Said Cle. Upon hearing this, Maximus, in his white suit, now dirtied with the blood of Yami, gave up and turned around to walk away.

Before he took another step, Maximus started to laugh. He's laugh grew louder and louder making the space within the room shake.

"What's so funny?" asked Yami.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just, it's not important to me actually but maybe shocking to you." Stated the now arrogant Maximus.

"Shut it" said Cle, "we can't tell him, it was an order from the Major".

"What can't you tell me? Spit it out loose legged woman".

"Loose?" repeated Cle angrily.

"Ignore him darling and it's nothing special, just that you beloved clan has been sent to the Never-ending Void" smirked Maximus.

The Yami's eyes froze in shock. His heart sunk deeply, and his breathing became faster. He slowly asked, "What… did… you… say?".

To Be Continued...