A World's Status


"Here we go again…"

"Fine if you hate it so much, tell me what ranking system we use to describe the worlds…"

"Yeah of course I can say it, Lower World is…"

{Little did I know that this moment, the end of my perfect little life was approaching faster than one would expect.}


"Yeah, it's what...? You can't just start an explanation and not carry it on!"

"Hehehe…. I forgot again hehe…" she pulled her tongue out and make a ball with her left hand, attempting to distract me with a cat impression from what she'd just said.

"You've done this to yourself. I'll tell you what the worlds are and what ranks they go in so listen carefully okay. I'll go into detail about how they affect our universe and what they're regarded as in status."

"I won't be able to persuade you so go ahead."

"Alright, let's start with the Lower Worlds. As you know, the Lower Worlds have no major inclusion into the power scaling of the universe and could be regarded as something irrelevant to those in power. They are easily subjugated by higher worlds and the Clans that own them. They are usually used to do manual labour for higher worlds if they are subjugated under evil rulers such as the Pig-Men Clan. Their status and rank Could be regarded as small city on an Ancient-Earthly scales."

"Oh yeah…"

"…" I remained quiet because these things have been taught to her and I deemed it to be pointless to explain for the 400th time.

"Well don't stop explaining now. I was interested this I promise."

"Alright do you know what comes next? If you correctly answer Mai, I'll carry on."

"Alright. It's Higher world?"

"EHH Wrong. I'm not going to explain anymore."

"No Yami Wait. I was just joking, it's actually Middle Worlds that are next right?"

"Yes. Middle Worlds. A Middle World is the second most common world in the Universe. Unlike the Lower worlds, it's a world that's not low regarding power and influence. Though it's not high either, it could be regarded as a big city up in terms of influence and the larger the size, the more influence they hold. It could go up to a small country status on the Ancient-Earthly Scales and naturally 20 times or even 50 times larger than the largest lower worlds".

"You know this so well you book nerd. Now it's higher world time, right??"

"Shut up Miss 'in one ear and out the other'".

"Hey. I listen…Sometimes" She whispered sometimes thinking I wouldn't hear but it was too obvious.

"Now let's get into the juicy bits. Higher Worlds. Such a world is one that has immense power and influence within the universe. This is since they are the least common type of world and are rich in soil and nutrients and atmosphere. They house the best things such as the best shops, restaurants, beaches, and tourist sights in the whole Universe. "

Mai looked to be enjoying how into it I was whenever I spoke about history and things along those lines. It made me happy that I had someone I could talk to about these things.

And so, I carried on finishing off the last few points about the topic.

"Unlike people from Lower worlds and Middle worlds, Higher world humans and half humans are naturally regarded as superior just by being born into a family that live in such worlds. Their status is most favoured after the Royal worlds and Guard Worlds. Finally, they can be regarded as a Backbone of that region, like a Powerful country or Continent depending on the personnel and size and value of the planet. Higher Gold Status Worlds and Higher Silver Status Worlds are different in that they are considered either Large country status in the Ancient-Earthly Scales to a Continent Status in the Scales."

"Wow… Now tell me about Royal Worlds and Guard worlds please."

"My pleasure. Let's quickly get guard worlds out of the way. Guard Worlds are worlds that are guarding the Royal Domain of a Clan. They are native to only Clan owned territories and can't be found anywhere else. Their size is that of a higher world, but one distinct thing is that this world doesn't allow access to any personnel that isn't a guard or a guard family member to set foot into the planet. Only other people allowed access are those that they're guarding."

"Yeah, so those planets out there are all guard planets?"

"Yes. They are. All 15 of them. We've got the second most guard planets after the Kami-Clan who currently have 17."

"Anyways Let's get back to the topic at hand. Mai. What's this planet that we're standing on right now?"

"A Royal World!!"

"Right. Here Is the best part. All those Moons you see, they are each owned by a family member. They look like moons, but they are in fact mini royal worlds that can house a few 100thousand people. Do you remember hearing the Term Royal Domain?"

"Yes, but I forgot what it meant though…"

"Ok, A Royal Domain is a domain owned by the Noble Clans and is the most precious type of planet within the universe. They contain The Original Royal World, Mini-Royal Worlds for separate family members of the clan and High Rank Worlds along with Within Guards Worlds. These worlds contain plentiful High-grade ores and treasures that are abundant all year round. Family members within the Mini-Royal worlds in this domain, each have their own people to rule over. Surrounding these Royal Worlds are Guard Worlds that contain Front Line Protection against any sort of invader. The number of High-ranking worlds depends on the power of that family member."

"Finally, A Royal World Is the Headquarters of a Clan. It's the centre most planet within that region of their territory and can only be accessed by Family Members of the Clan. Nonfamily members can only admire it's beauty from afar and never set foot on it in their lives. It's used to house guests that come from other clans. Its size is 50 times the size of the High rank planets and could be larger depending what Clan it is. Let's use our Clan as an example once again. Our beautiful, vibrant planet is the biggest Royal World known to the Universe. Even bigger than those Kami Clans. Our lush gardens of fruits and vegetables go on for acres and our buildings are designed in the ancient designs of Earth we left billions of Years ago."

"Speaking of Earth. While we wait for the eclipse to finish, tell me about it again and how we came to be."

"This was already long enough but you want me to go through that… That's too long…"

"Please, I'm so fascinated with Earth and our Ancestors. Just give me a brief story please?"


She gave me puppy eyes with her big orange eyes. Her hands between her chest and feet closing in on me. She'd had on a pink-cherry blossom patterned-Kimono and a clip on that held her orange hair in place. I was thought of her as a younger sister that needed protecting even though we were technically the same age and by her acting all cute, it made my big brother switch turn back on which made declining her request impossible.

"Fine…" I replied, containing my urge to pat her head like a young puppy.

"Well, Our Voyage from our Mother Planet started 30 billion years ago…"

To be Continued…