Quinn's Kidnapping

Getting slapped was too insulting and dehumanizing for Sam. That didn't actually hurt his face. That injured his soul due to the self-respect loss. He hadn't ever experienced that, even in his childhood.

With the uncontrolled tears in his red eyes, he challengingly said while sobbing:

"Sir, your high status doesn't allow you to humiliate any person. How can you instantly slap me without confirming that what happened has been done by me? Yeah! Mr. John contacted me, but I just told him that I was stuck at work with you out of the city".

Thomas thought that Mr. John traced them through phone signals and recorded their activities. He couldn't believe that Mr. John didn't trust him.

He thought that he saw Sam's red eyes through which painful tears were about to fall on his red cheeks.

Thomas felt ashamed of his sudden action. He was a straightforward person who didn't care about other feelings, but his life had a little impressive positivity.

He could be stony-hearted for the whole world but highly soft-hearted to the people he loved, and there were few of them. Sam was also one of them.

Both of them were close friends for many years where their age and status difference didn't matter. They had many memories and secrets.

Finally, Thomas folded his hands in front of Sam and said with an embarrassed face: "My dear friend, please forgive me. I know I hurt you a lot. I should've trusted you. Actually, I couldn't control my anger. You can feel how much of a loss it is".

There was no other option for Sam to forgive Thomas. Moreover, he saw regret in Thomas' eyes. He hugged him, and both decided that they would support each other to resolve their problems.

As Sam had a rays tracker, he could also track Quinn because rays had been inserted into his body. So, they tracked him and found that he was under the government.

Thomas was so worried about Mr. John's behavior. He had to do everything quickly and return to make the situation much better.

They had time belts that worked little but effectively. So, they took time to one year after.

At that time, Quinn had been adopted by the Prime Minister. He had become one year old but still couldn't go with them due to time travel restrictions.

Thomas wanted to forward time one year more, but the belts required charging. If they went to the future to take the charger, it was less likely that they would return. So, they decided that they would wait for one year but take Quinn with them.

At that time, they had to provide him with better protection. After all, like the Prime Minister, they knew his life was in danger because many people wanted to use him for illegal purposes.

Thomas intended to stay close to Quinn to make him alive for one year until he didn't get his rays back.

When he discussed that with Sam, he gave him a unique idea, he advised that they should be professional guards of Quinn and that was only possible if the Prime Minister hired them.

Thomas felt that so challenging but useful. So, they made a plan. First, they went to the famous science lab of the city.

Everyone was so busy performing experiments. So, they went close to two scientists working together on some rays.

As planned, they started a conversation.

"Do you know Sam, the child that's considered dead is still alive?" Thomas acted like he was whispering.

"What! How do you know that?" Sam was shocked.

"Sir, the Prime Minister adopted him so he could use his powers on his own. He lied that the baby had been killed so he could get the complete benefit for his own purpose." Thomas added.

"So, if any team kidnapped him, they could benefit from him," Sam added.

Two scientists had carefully listened to the whole conversation. However, they thought the news was fake.

Sam and Thomas didn't lose hope. They did that in front of the newbie scientist, but they failed again. They thought that they couldn't perform any illegal activity because kidnapping someone was a dreadful crime.

When they repeated the act a third time in another lab, one scientist got convinced. He thought he could get many benefits from that child. But, first, he thought he would do in-depth research of his genes to explore something unique and get famous.

The scientist intended to kidnap Quinn instantly. He hired two professional kidnappers for that purpose.

The kidnappers were masked with guns in their hands. They hired an actor for the plan. Just after they reached the Prime Minister's house, they hid behind bushes, and the actor went near the security guard and said: Is Fen your mother?

The security guard was surprised and said: Yeah, but what happened.

The actor said in a low painful voice: "she died in a sudden accident. That's why I came here instantly to tell you and also..."

Even the actor hadn't completed his words that the security guard became out of control and ran outside while crying. The other security guards around went with him for condolence.

That way, the actor cleared the way for kidnappers and ran away. They entered the house and reached Quinn's room from the window. Unfortunately, Ai was sleeping at that time.

Quinn became so afraid to see kidnappers. He started crying loudly, so someone around the room heard his voice and came inside to save him.

Luckily Ju was close to his room. When she heard a crying voice, she thought she should overview what was going on there.

Kidnappers hurriedly hid under the bed when they observed footsteps progressing towards that room. Ju unlocked the door with duplicate keys and began staring at Quinn, lying in his swing.

Kidnappers were waiting for Ju to go so they could perform the task well. However, Ju didn't wanna go. So instead, she was observing Quinn's big hand.

Kidnappers waited a lot, but when they felt Ju wouldn't go, they lost patience and got outside.

One of them pointed out Ju's head with his gun and looked after his fellow. They instantly came close to her and closed his eyes and mouth forcefully.

One Kidnapper took Quinn down through the window towards the door. Fortunately, the Prime Minister reached into the room and caught the Kidnapper that was still inside. He was arrested for misbehaving with Ju.

The Prime Minister was shocked to know about the disappearance of Quinn from his swing.

The other Kidnapper successfully escaped and reached the main door. Thomas and Sam were waiting outside. Just when they saw that Quinn had been kidnapped, they started chasing Kidnappers.

When Ai's eyes opened, she was shocked. He loved Quinn-like mothers. So, she was so worried about him. Her heartbeat was continuously getting faster.

Also, she was worried about facing the Prime Minister. But she had to.

So, she went to him with a huge embarrassment and said challengingly: I'm so sorry, Sir. Unfortunately, I became unsuccessful in child protection.