Thomas's Search for Quinn

After hearing Ju's story, Thomas believed her words. He was so pleased that someone had the same intentions as him. He thought now he could control both past and present.

He tried his best to raise the intensity of the revenge fire burning Ai's heart.

"Of course, you should take revenge. You should devastate the whole world. The world where there's no place for justice should be extinct".

Thomas didn't tell Ju about his intentions, so she would believe him doing everything for her. So, he could get a high reward from her for all that, along with fulfilling his mission.

"I'll help you a lot in this mission. Don't worry. One day the whole world will be under your control, then it'll be up to you whether you wanna kill them or rule upon them".

"Thanks a lot, Mr. Thomas. How can we start?" Ju got excited to imagine Thomas's words.

"I'm so talented at creating the time machine, but due to the lack of necessary material, I'm unable to do so. If you…"

Thomas said just that Ju interrupted in between.

"How much do you want for this project? I'll fully support you".

Thomas asked for the large amount without any hesitation. He could efficiently make the time machine with high investment using various precious gadgets that reduce manual effort. Moreover, he could hire talented scientists to perform the written methods according to proper rules efficiently.

"Not too much, just ¥384099.32 ($59590)."

"What! ¥384099.32. I think that's too much." Ju astounded.

Thomas was not expecting any shocking response from Ju because he considered her too rich. However, he successfully convinced her, saying there were not any other options.

He made her realize that returning to the future would not be only his reward for his efforts for her mission. Instead, he would get the advanced gadgets that would help him a lot in her mission.

So, Ju agreed and handed over a check to him to begin his mission.

Thomas still doubted upon her. So, he signed an agreement with her in which the whole situation was written to avoid any problem in the future. He kept only one digital copy of the agreement in his google drive so that no one could access that.

Now Thomas was free to get anything required for his project. However, he couldn't get too many precious products at once.

If someone noticed, a sudden large transaction problem could be caused. Also, he had no identification; no bank account proves, which would be clearly considered theft.

He hired four scientists and transferred a quarter of the money to each's bank. Then, he did shopping through their accounts so nobody would consider any large transaction.

He had clearly told scientists everything that he came from the future, which was why he wanted the time machine. So, they would feel free to work with him and wouldn't tell anyone about that secret.

He rented a personal lab to begin the secret project. On the first working day, he organized a meeting with his employees.

"So, as all of you have been told, you're here for the secret project. Once you go outside of this lab, forget what happened here. Your salary is too much to have a luxury lifestyle, but if you try to cheat me, you'll have the worst lifestyle in the worst place in the world. Sorry for being rude, but I'm so strict to my rules".

Due to the high salary, all scientists were extremely satisfied with that job. Consequently, they were compelled to accept Thomas's every order.

So, Thomas prepared the main idea and then handed over the tasks accordingly, dividing work into four parts. What he did was put pressure on his employees and kept on praising his scientific knowledge and talent in front of them.

He had always wished to get higher status. He wanted to see the whole world in his footsteps, even his close friends and family.

He was so happy to be boss and see more talented scientists working under him.

He fearlessly insulted them to feel the value of his status. His behavior made scientists hate him, but they were compelled to bear all that.

They couldn't even leave the job even if they wanted because they had signed an agreement that they would work until the project completion; otherwise, they would be sent to jail for doing illegal work.

They considered Thomas so powerful scientist. That was why they feared to make any controversies with him.

During that project, Quinn's search was going on. Thomas had hired spies to work for him secretly.

Spies couldn't search all the houses of the city. Even if they did that, they would be caught for doing any illegal work. But they went into different areas and asked people about families living there.

Not only that, Thomas was using advanced technology. Spies went to different markets, hospitals, and even child amusement parks.

That was all not because Quinn was present there, and they would catch him but to secretly check cameras in different ways.

Like in one amusement park, the spy asked management that his ring had been lost in that park, and he believed that someone there stole that. So, they had to check out their cameras to catch the thief.

They tried different ways so no one could recognize them, like once one spy disturbed the camera's settings in the hospital. The other spy went there as a repairer and watched the recording while repairing.

The purpose of watching recordings was not only to see Quinn in the video if he had come there.

Thomas had a gadget named:" All-Time Tracker."

That was a small chip that worked after attaching it to the camera. It was specifically designed in the future for use in kidnapping cases.

The person's picture (a micro picture of the size 0.0002 MBS) was inserted into that chip. Then, it controlled and operated the camera's system.

It showed the video of the person if he had ever passed in front of that camera (only when the camera was activated). That was the highest possible they would find Quinn.

Even though Ai didn't know Quinn was being searched with the latest technology, she was overprotective of him. She gave him a lot of protection. He hadn't taken him outside of that secret room so no one could see him.

Moreover, any outsider was not allowed to enter that room. Amazingly, nobody knew that uncle had any secret room in his house, even his close family members.

Eventually, Thomas's spies failed to search him.