Strangers in the Uncle's House

The Uncle's student told him that Thomas was stuck to his decision. He couldn't reach there before two days because he had prepared the proper plan for his activities for the next 48 hours.

Listening after that, Ai got satisfied. So, the Uncle went to open the door. He asked twice who was outside, but nobody responded. However, the Uncle opened it so his guests wouldn't have to wait anymore.

Five unknown men were standing outside. When Uncle asked about their introduction, they ignored him and forcefully entered inside.

After keeping guns on Uncle and Ai's head, one of the men called anyone and said: "Sir, the work has been done. Everything is Ok. It's time for you to come".

Just after five minutes, the fast-moving car, proudly blowing the dust off the road, stopped at their door. The mature-age man with the excited face entered the house and progressed towards Ai.

She got shocked to see that man. She felt as if the earth had come out from under her feet, and the sky was about to fall on her.

Without saying a single word, she was constantly crying. Her thoughts and imaginations were constantly causing her out of control.

She was so simple and innocent. That was why her reaction was so considerable. But, at the same time, that scene was not too much disturbing to Uncle.

He had faced too much in life. That was why that one meant nothing to him. He had no fear, no pain. Instead, he was taking the scene like a math problem and was trying to resolve that by activating his all abilities.

Hiding his all weakness, he roared in anger upon those men: "How dare you enter in my house like that! Leave my daughter otherwise; you'll have a dreadful punishment."

Instead, they got feared or convinced as other people were by the Uncle's words they made fun of that.

"You, low-quality old-man, will now threaten us. Go and prepare for your funeral. Your appearance is telling us that we'll not go from here without eating your funeral meal. Hahaha!."

Their boss progressed towards the Uncle and sarcastically said: "So, you thought if you took your daughter from that city, we'd not ever find you. Unfortunately, your single mistake has failed your plan".

Then, he progressed towards Ai and kept a gun on her head.

"You! I have invested much in searching for you. Finally, my efforts have borne fruit. I wish you didn't escape from that city, so I didn't even know that baby lived with you. Taking your baby extreme protections has resulted in the ending of his life".

The fear that was disturbing Ai for a long time was in front of her. She was seeing her life ending in front of her.

She tried to overcome her fear and to get rid of the shivered body. Successfully, she responded to that boss with his unbalanced voice.

"Th...Th..oo..masss". (Thomas)

"How are you here? But you were coming two days after? Then, how?"

Thomas flashback.

He made the plan that he would reach Ai through her Uncle's student. So, he told his spies that he had found Ai. He thought the Uncle's student would inform him of that just after listening to that.

So, he attached a secret cam-recorder to Uncle's student shirt. Just when he called his Uncle to explain everything, Thomas reached his home. He sent himself to take water for him and from behind took his phone from his pocket and escaped.

He traced the phone call and thus found the exact location where Uncle was staying. However, he thought if Ai knew he was coming there, she would escape from there before he reached there.

So, the next day, he told his spies that they would find Ai after two days. So, they wouldn't take any action for two days, and Thomas would easily catch them.

At night, all spies except the Uncle's student reached the lab. And then all of them reached Ai's house. Thomas thought they might not open the door after seeing him. It was also a great chance that just after seeing Thomas, any of them would instantly call the police, and he would be caught.

Moreover, he was extremely disappointed by two previous experiences. So, he instructed his spies to look over everything and then call him.

Present time.

Thomas thought it was time to create chaos between the Uncle and his student. He was doing that according to the proper plan.

Before reaching there, he was worried that when he would fire the Uncle's student from the job, he would tell the secrets he was keeping until the project began.

After discussing that with his spies, he decided to try his best to make an uncle against his student, so he wouldn't trust him ever.

That was the best time to make an uncle against him. In response to Ai's question, he said: "My one spy did everything. He told me your Uncle was his teacher, and he believed him too much. So, I ordered him to keep him in the illusion that we would reach here after two days to avoid him taking any action."

The Uncle was not like the person who could believe anyone without any proof, but he wanted to inquire more from Thomas.

"How can you say this? My student has supported us in our mission."

"My dear Uncle, think on your own why your dear student didn't tell you we'll come here tonight. As he is my spy and he knows everything about our plan, he should tell you. He had to come with us today, but he thought his truth shouldn't be exposed in front of you, so he would keep on getting the benefit of this in the future".

Thomas successfully convinced Uncle to a greater extent. Moreover, he was an expert in acting, so Uncle believed him not only due to his words but due to his delivery style. Even after that, he wanted to investigate more.

"Ok, then tell me…."

He said just that Thomas interrupted in between.

"I told what was necessary. I'm not supposed to give explanations. What I want now is that baby. I don't want to check your whole house on my own. Give me a baby now before I'm compelled to take any action I don't want".