Anna's Extreme Love for Thomas

Thomas became excited to see Mr. John. He welcomed him with pleasing words.

"Hello, Mr. John. Welcome to my jail. How are you?"

Mr. John couldn't believe that Thomas's tone was not taunting. However, the smile on his face also didn't appear fake.

Getting happier from Thomas's reaction, Mr. John responded pleasantly.

"Hi, I'm great! How are you?"

Thomas became sad and said:

"But I'm not great as you know it's so hot in this cell. Moreover, I don't get a soft bed to sleep in. I don't get my favorite food."

Mr. John thought Thomas might have lost his senses due to being in trauma. So, he ignored that and wished him the best luck to spend the remaining days of his life satisfyingly and went.

He was going when Thomas began crying loudly.

"I'm not a criminal, but you're—a killer of mine and Sam's friendship by persuading him to leave me and support you. I'm not a thief, but you're.