Sam in a Horrible World 

Sam became quiet for a while. Various plans were circulating in his mind.

"It's time to tell the king the truth. No, he'll instantly send me to Jail. But I should try to speak the truth. I'll apologize with such an innocent face that the king will be compelled to forgive me as he seems good-hearted."

"No! No! What was I just going to do? The king will not forgive me but will give me the worst punishment. May I'll be burnt or thrown on the earth from the sky."

Sam's condition became so bad that he was going to have a heart attack. His face peeled, and his eyes became a bloody red. The strong waves of depression were constantly hurting his heart and brain.

Finally, he decided that he'd tell anyone what was true because there was no other option.

"What can I do instead of telling the truth? To die or be tortured in the mission of saving my dear homeland shouldn't be painful to me. My name will be written in human history. I'll be remembered even after a hundred decades."