Sam's Plan to Kill Thomas

Sam was so curious to join the lab. That was entertaining for him. However, he couldn't be satisfied any way until he didn't find Thomas.

He was so worried about how he would find him on such a big planet when he knew nothing except that he was on Mars.

The lab manager told Thomas that the king had hired too many talented Alien scientists for that lab. So, he would work under them and help in their plan to attack the humans.

Thomas was excited to meet those scientists to get some scientific tips. Sam was meeting all Aliens of the lab to have a better understanding of the work environment.

Finally, that was time for Sam to meet Thomas. Before taking him to Thomas, the manager gave him his little introduction.

"Sir, he's the one who is helping the Aliens community in taking revenge from humans. Although he's human, he will help us access human gadgets to deprive them of technology. Then, when they are completely helpless, we will attack them."