Sam Became a Thief

Mr. John asked Sam to appreciate Thomas and showed pleasure in his success so no one would doubt him.

Even though Sam had modified the formula, Mr. John was still worried about the virus.

He thought Thomas had made it, then how could it be perfect.

So, he asked Sam to send some to him to detect that and then confirm its authenticity. Sam got confused about how he could send such a precious thing.

Transferring was not a problem. Mr. John could get it using his gadgets. The problem was stealing Thomas's virus because that was not like any sugars or salt that taking a little bit from that wouldn't be noticeable.

However, Sam would have to take a risk to save humanity. He thought he was not considered any ordinary Alien; rather, he had a high status. Thus, no one would doubt that he stole that in any way.

The Advisor was making a plan against Sam. He thought he would put some wrong allegation on him with the wrong proves to get him punished.