Failed Wedding Party

"As long as nothing falls apart here, it's fine."

"Ashley, don't you suspect that it was actually this woman who was trying to ruin your son's wedding?" said the handsome man who wanted to corner the girl who had helped him.

"..." However, the owner of this event was hesitant, because he had previously invited one of his favorite deliverymen but not this person.

*This person in question is Anko.

"He also ruined my business back then!" said Yuuto suddenly, he purposely said that so that this woman would really be humiliated.

"What!?" of course the owner of the show was also surprised that he was shaking holding the glass he had used to drink.

"How could he possibly destroy, Your Majesty? Are you making up something?" asked the owner of this event in disbelief at the fact that nothing was damaged while at this wedding.