The Fake Gems that Became his Reminder

Continue in the morning, it was Yuuto who woke up from his sleep at Ashley's residence.

He woke up too early, Yuuto immediately washed his face and he immediately returned to his lonely residence.

Yuuto purposely skipped breakfast there without saying the real reason, he could only say that he had another meeting today, so he would be busy.

Ashley, who understands how busy these men are, finally understands and welcomes His Highness Yuuto's departure from his residence.

With his horse carriage moving fast, this handsome man couldn't wait to confirm something that was stuck in his mind.

As soon as he arrived at his residence, a woman with straight hair and waist length greeted him, she was wearing a white dress looking like a nurse, of course! She is a nurse who took care of Yuuto since childhood.

"What is it young master? You seem upset?" he greeted him and asked for clarity from Yuuto who was running in a hurry.