4. Escape

Binar still watched the man in front of her. And strangely, her worry peaked when she saw the man's gaze.

The man ended the call and then approached Binar. Binar slowly backed away to avoid the man staring at her as she walked closer, feeling something was wrong.

"Hey Uncle—don't be like that!" threatened Binar to him.

The man was annoyed that Binar kept calling him uncle and uncle. He was approaching Binar so fast that Binar couldn't get away from him.

"Uncle ... Do I look like Uncle seduces naughty girls?!" He spoke softly, but there was an emphasis on every word.

The words from the man who was always called uncle made Binar freeze. Only this time, an artificial him was speechless with just words like that.

In his heart, Binar said, if only her body were not weak, maybe she could beat the man who dared to approach her. The man was still looking at him, looking for an answer from the girl's eyeballs in front of him.

The man kept staring at him non-stop, which made Binar feel awkward. She thought it was better to leave this place quickly because her head felt heavy. The distance from where she was to her house didn't take long, and she thought she would be able to socialize at home safely.

Binar stomped on the man's feet so hard that she could hear her moaning. Binar felt there was a chance for her to leave this place. She rushed into her car and then started the car engine.

The man was very annoyed with Binar's actions, "Get out, you naughty girl!!" He snapped while banging on the window of Binar's car.

"That's fine. Better get away from the dangerous uncles!" muttered Binar as he stepped on the car's gas pedal.

Binar also managed to get away from the man. In her mind, she hoped not to meet the uncles who looked perverted.

She arrived at her house not long ago and went straight to his room because it was not strong enough to lay down on the bed.

She didn't want her mother to know about her condition, especially if she knew about the blood donation issue. Because she once fell ill and passed out after donating blood.

That's why the mother forbade Binar to donate blood, which doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings. However, she did all this to protect the twinkle from falling ill like before.

In another place, the man who is still annoyed with Binar is angry with someone through his cellphone. He asked someone to pick him up and take his car, not the repair shop.

"You little bitch—see if I ever see you again!" He muttered in an annoyed tone.

How not to be upset because of the actions of Binar, who hit his car. Maybe now he's at the airport to go to Korea. And now he had to reschedule all his work plans.

A car stopped right in front of him. A man got out and saluted, and opened the car door. He got into the car, still feeling full of annoyance.

In his room, Binar could no longer endure the pain in her head. She leaned back and closed her eyes. Take a break to relieve the pain in her head.

When Binar was sleeping, the mother entered her room and saw her daughter sleeping. Mother approached her, feeling something different with Binar. The feeling of a mother is powerful, and she indeed has a high fever. Her face looks pale.

"Honey!" mother shouted.

The father, talking on her cellphone, immediately closed and ran to the mother's scream. Likewise, Arganta runs towards the sound of her mother screaming and her direction from Binar's room.

"What's the matter, mom?!" Father asked in a worried tone.

The mother said that Binar had a fever, and her face looked pale. Father approached, checked Binar's condition, and then told Arganta to call the doctor to come home immediately.

Arganta quickly took the cell phone that was in his pants pocket. He contacted a doctor who checked the family's health for a dozen years.

A few moments later, a doctor immediately checked Binar's condition. The doctor asked if Binar had done anything to make her like this.

Neither mother, father, nor Arganta knows anything. They know that today Binar went to the hospital to visit Belva.

The doctor knows very well about Binar's condition because he has cared for this family since Binar was born into this world. And when it happened, he was the one to check it out.

"It seems that Binar has donated a large amount of blood." The doctor said as he wrote down the prescription for medicine to be given to Binar.

Mother was surprised because she did not know what Binar was doing. Even though she had warned her not to donate blood, she didn't feel her mother's tears burst out, and she was distraught that something would harm her.

"Mother, don't worry—Binar will recover!" Father said as he embraced his wife.

The doctor left, and Arganta also said goodbye to buying the medicine prescribed by the doctor. My father was upset and sad. Why was Binar so hard to manage.

The next day, Binar woke up. She saw beside her there was a mother who was sitting and smiled gently. She was confused about why her mother was in his room so early.

"Are you okay?" asked the mother gently.

Binar felt strange about the mother's question because she felt nothing weird about it. She said to her mother if she was okay.

Last night, the mother told the incident and asked if Binar had donated much blood. Binar apologized to her mother for doing that without asking permission first.

Because when the incident was very urgent, even if there were no blood transfusions, the patient would probably die. And Binar can not let all that. She imagines if the mother was in such a position.

Mother was silent hearing Binar's explanation, and she also thought, what if she was in her position.

"Still, you should be punished!" said the father, who had just entered the room.

"Why should I be punished?" Binar asked in a tone, not knowing what her father was saying.

Dad said someone came to the house and asked for responsibility for an accident yesterday afternoon. Binar remembered the accident.

Binar sighed because she couldn't escape her father's punishment. And father punished Binar for not driving her car. Deducted the allowance to repair the damage to her car.

Deducted the allowance

The mother couldn't help Binar this time because all of this was her fault. Now the twins have to bear the punishment from the father.