5. The Revenge Part 1

Binar's health has recovered, and she can return to her usual activities. And the punishment still applies today. She could only come with Arganta to go to her campus.

"Eat it, don't do it arbitrarily!" Arganta said that in a mocking tone.

"Shut up!" replied Binar, annoyed with her brother's words.

Arganta says if you want to do anything, you have to tell him or mom and dad because Binar is not an isolated child who does not have a family.

He also said he was distraught and asked if anything had happened to her. Then everyone will feel very sad because they all love Binar.

When Binar arrived on campus, someone was already waiting for her in the parking area. Yes. Who else, if not her two best friends, Bianca and Belva.

"Well, triple B is complete," said Arganta as he walked over to Bianca and Belva.

Binar chuckled at what her brother said. She taunted Arganta to approach Bianca already because Bianca had no one.

Belva chuckled again when she saw.

Arganta's face reddened. Binar also teased him, making Arganta leave the three women who always teased him.

"You guys don't tease her always—what if she falls in love with me?" Bianca said in a smug tone as she tossed her long hair.

Binar and Belva laughed at Bianca's words. And they walked to the room where they had class today.

They didn't know if someone was watching with malicious intent. That person is Doni, who wants to avenge what Binar has done to him.

He called someone and then talked about the plans he had made. "Remember not to fail!" he said to someone on the other end of the phone.

"Triple B—you're going to get paid for all your annoying behaviour!" muttered Don.

Today's lecture is over. Binar plans to go to a cafe with her two friends. She contacted Arganta not to pick her up because she was going with Bianca and Belva.

However, their plans changed because a friend invited them to a birthday party at a famous hotel in Jakarta. Binar returned home more quickly, escorted by Belva, who brought a vehicle.

"I'll pick you up at seven o'clock in the evening," said Belva, then closed her car window and left Binar's house.

The mother who saw Binar's arrival told her to deliver the father's documents. She also changed into clothes to ride a motorcycle.

Binar decided to use a motorbike because the roads at this hour were very congested. She was ready and ordered the security guard to take her motorbike.

"Mom, I'll use a motorbike, okay—let's hurry. Get to dad's office!" Binar said as she walked towards her motorbike, already in the yard.

She hasn't ridden her favourite motorcycle in a long time. Binar started the engine and pulled the gas slowly, so the motor ran when she left the house.

However, Binar pulled the gas on her motorbike with full force to go fast when she was on the road. Penetrate the streets of Jakarta by many vehicles.

When Binar arrived at her father's office, she went straight to the receptionist to tell her father that she had arrived. The receptionist also contacted her father's secretary and said Binar would go directly to her father's study.

Binar walked to her father's office and knocked on her father's door. She heard a voice command to enter and went into her father's office.

"You ride a motorbike?" asked the father, who saw how his daughter dressed.

Binar nodded and said she could not use the car if her father still punished her. So she used a motorbike to deliver this document.

The father shook his head and could not understand his daughter. He has done various ways so that Binar no longer uses his motorbike. However, it all didn't work.

"All right—give me the paperwork and then hurry back home! Remember not to speed on the road!" Father said in a tone of emphasis.

Binar said yes. She also asked permission to attend the party tonight with Bianca and Belva. There was a friend's birthday, which she held at a famous Jakarta hotel.

Her father allowed her to go on one condition no later than eleven at night. Binar smiled, then hugged her father, kissed her father's cheek gently, and said, "Thank you, Dad."

After saying that, Binar said goodbye to go home. There was no intention of playing games. Because tonight Belva will pick up.


Binar and his friends were already in a ready room. And they do not realize that there is an evil plan behind the party.

Doni and his friends always pay attention to Binar. He imagined how to enjoy her white body. In his mind, Binar was getting more beautiful in that fiery red dress.

For some reason, he was more interested in enjoying Binar instead of Bianca, his lover. Maybe his revenge is only on Binar. Maybe Bianca would still be his girlfriend if it weren't for him.

Doni doesn't love Bianca. All he wants is Bianca's body. And also, his self-confidence will increase if he has taken away what is very important for the triple B.

Doni called the waiter who he had paid to give drinks to Binar. However, the one who drank the alcohol was not Binar but Belva.

And that annoyed Doni, so he ordered the waiter to give Binar another drink. This time his wish was successful. Bianca, who died, and Binar and Belva momentarily went to the toilet.

Bianca didn't realize she had left her two best friends in danger. Binar and Belva weren't feeling well anymore. Doni invited his friend to bring the two women who he had drugged.

Binar finds that she has been sedated and sees Doni carrying her to a room. He intended to fight it with the remaining strength he had. However, Doni threw Binar's body onto the bed to no avail.

Doni looked at Binar's body with a gaze full of wanting to enjoy every inch of her body. His desire grew stronger when he saw every movement of Binar's body.

He came closer and tried to kiss Binar on the lips forcefully. Binar woke up for a moment and saw the face of the man already above her, Doni.

Binar pushed Doni's body with all his might until Doni finally crashed.

Binar struggled to her feet with the strength she still had, staggering out. However, Doni managed to catch her and took her into the room.