6. The Revenge Part 2

"Stop this, Doni. Otherwise, you'll get hab—" Before finishing the words, Doni forced a kiss on Binar's lips.

Binar kicked Doni's sensitive bottom, so she fell and groaned in pain. It was an opportunity for Binar. She opened the bedroom door and then walked with almost exhausted energy.

She fell when she hit someone in front of her and had no strength anymore. The man was about to get angry, but he looked closely at the woman who had fallen in front of him, a slutty girl who hit his car.

"Help me—take me to the hospital . . . I beg you!" Binar said quietly.

The man quickly carried Binar. When he took her, he knew that this girl had drugs. He walked briskly to his car and immediately told his assistant to take him to his house. Because if he took him to the hospital, it would tarnish the good name of himself and this girl.

Binar felt her body was so hot that she tried to remove the clothes stuck to her body on the way home. However, the man was trying to hold back what was done by Binar.

He held both of Binar's hands firmly, and they arrived at a house that was so magnificent and had so many guards. The man carried Binar and walked into the house.

"Call Alan—get him here as soon as possible!" said the man to his assistant.

The assistant quickly contacted Alan, a doctor and a male friend who had saved Binar. His friend's assistant had approached Alan and rushed off with his equipment.

The man threw the Binar made him unable to contain the desire to devour him immediately. Binar pulled her tie and said that she couldn't take it anymore.

"Sir. Adnan, Doctor Alan is on his way here!" Candra said to Adnan. He saw Adnan's tie pulled by Binar's hand.

Candra knew that he had to leave his master with the unconscious girl at this time. At the same time, he went to the doctor in front of the house.

Binar still wants things that can fulfil all his desires. The drugs had made her increasingly unconscious, and she enjoyed pleasures she had never felt before.

"I can't take it anymore," said Binar softly as she pulled back Adnan's tie. So their faces are very close.

Adnan smiled, then said, "This is what you want, little girl!"

Adnan gently kissed Binar, and their kiss increased their desire even more. Adnan began to put soft touches on Binar's body, making her body squirm.

On the other hand, Doni, annoyed at losing Binar, went straight to Belva's room. It seems that Belva can no longer contain the turmoil inside her because of the dope given by Doni.

"Watch outside—don't let anyone in!" Doni ordered his friend.

Doni approached Belva, who was unconscious and wanted all her desires fulfilled. She no longer cared if the one in front of her was Doni, the man who had betrayed Bianca.

"Do you want it all, honey?" Doni whispered while biting Belva's earlobe.

Belva squirmed when Doni did that, her body still wanting to feel more and more. Doni looked closely at Belva's face and said in his heart that the woman in front of him was no less beautiful than Binar and Bianca.

Before starting it, Doni installed a device to record everything they did. He has registered every game he did very clearly. All that he would use to humiliate triple B.

When Doni played his rotten game, Binar, still at Adnan's house, did things that made Adnan unable to resist her temptation.

In Adnan's mind, this naughty girl had already tempted him. Moments later, Alan arrived. He was wide-eyed when he saw Adnan making out with a girl. He thought his best friend finally looked normal.

Adnan realized Alan's arrival. He immediately let go of Binar and covered his body with the blanket on the bed. Alan chuckled when he saw his friend's behaviour.

"Don't laugh—get her checked!" Adnan said in a cold tone.

Alan smiled. He said he was happy to see his friend normally act around a full passion like this. Because usually, Adnan always leaves women who already want satisfaction from him. Never even touch a woman who wants it.

Alan checked carefully to see the woman still held tightly by his best friend. He wrote down a prescription that he needed to buy medicine quickly. Before that, he had to cool down his body.

Adnan told Candra to buy the medicine that Alan had written. And Alan decided to leave because he had a patient to treat. Before leaving, Alan asked if he should cool the girl.

Maybe what Alan meant was that Adnan had to fulfil what Binar wanted. However, Adnan had in mind to soak Binar in cold water in the bathtub.

Adnan prepares cold water in the bathtub after everything is ready. He carried Binar and untied his hands. If Alan saw that, he would probably chuckle again.

He tied Binar because he couldn't hold it anymore, walked to the bathroom, and threw Binar into the bathtub. Binar felt cold. Maybe the girl needed a few minutes to cool down in Adnan's mind.

Adnan was speechless when the Binar got out of the bathtub and hugged him from behind. Adnan's heart was beating irregularly. Binar's hands began to spread across Adnan's body, and she couldn't hold it.

Adnan gently let go of Binar's hand. He turned his body and looked at him gently. In his mind, when she was awake, this naughty girl was like a stray cat that could claw its enemy very viciously.

Their faces were very close. Adnan gently kissed his lips. One by one, the wet clothes stuck to their bodies.

Adnan knew what he had to do, and he couldn't possibly take a chance on an unconscious woman. He only made games that could fulfil his desires.

Candra, who had just entered the room, did not see his master and the girl. He heard a noise in the bathroom, and his smile broke out. He put away the medicine he had bought and then left the room.

Binar fell unconscious after she fulfilled her desire. Adnan carried her and put her to sleep on the bed. It took a long time for Binar's desire to be fulfilled, which exhausted Adnan. And finally, he lay down beside Binar.