11. Suffer

Doni does not know if his arrogant attitude can cause suffering for him. And, of course, he will never forget what he did for the rest of his life. The man did things that made him feel pain and humiliation.

The man's actions stopped when several officers came to Doni's cell. The officers immediately took Doni to the hospital. Doni's parents found out about the incident and immediately went to the hospital.

"How did this happen to you, honey?" Mom asked Doni.

Doni was silent, and he felt insulted by everything in the iron bars. He begged his father to get him out of prison.

"I want to get out of there—please . . . I'll do everything Mom and Dad tell me." Doni pleaded with regret.

Mother, who saw Doni's regret and suffering, asked her husband to help her. The father looked at Doni to reassure him that his son regretted his actions.

Dad said he would try to get it out, but he couldn't promise it would work because it was not only Belva who demanded but Binar who also led him.

It means that Doni's father will meet Belva as well as Binar. He would humble himself for the son's sake, and maybe this was the thing that he could do for his son even though he knew that his son was not a good man.

Doni's mother and father left the infirmary because they had run out of time to visit him. Two police officers guarded so that Doni could not escape from his surveillance.

At the hospital, Belva asks her mother to take care of her return. She didn't want to be in the hospital because it would make her sad and always remember everything that had happened.

The mother agreed to what her daughter wanted and took care of all the conditions for Belva's return. There is still a sense of worry about her daughter's situation in her mind. The mother also visited the doctor to ask about her daughter's condition.

After meeting with the doctor who treated Belva, the mother was relieved to allow her daughter to return home. However, one thing worries her after the doctor says about Belva's psychic problem.

She can treat psychological problems with time. If she feels some things endanger her life, she can consult a doctor for further information.

When she arrived home, Belva was surprised by the arrival of Doni's parents. She didn't want to accept them, but Doni's mistakes were not entirely his parents' fault.

Everyone sat on the sofa, and all fell silent. No one started the conversation because we were busy with thoughts. Belva looked at Doni's parents, annoyed at remembering what the man had done to her.

"What do you need, Uncle and Aunt, to my house?!" Belva asked to break the silence.

Doni's father sighed to strengthen or dare talk about Doni's problem to the girl his son had hurt. Finally, my father began to say his intention to come to see Belva.

Belva only listened to what the person in front of her. She was increasingly annoyed with what his father Doni said, and she would never forgive the man.

"Uncle, it looks like Uncle's efforts won't work—because I won't forgive Doni! If he suffers behind bars, it's all he deserves!" Belva said firmly, and then she said goodbye to entering her room.

Her mother, Belva, couldn't say anything else because everything her daughter had said was what was in her heart.

"I don't think we need to discuss anything anymore—see you in court!" said Belva's mother as she invited Doni's parents to go.

Two days have passed since Doni's parents arrived at Belva's house. Today, Doni is back in jail. He had begged and pleaded with his father to help him escape prison but to no avail.

Doni was getting scared when he returned to the iron bars. When he was in the room, Doni felt hurt and humiliated by what he had received.

With a faint smile, the big man looked at his prey. In his mind, tonight, he will have fun, and nothing will bother him because he has closed all eyes and ears of everyone in this prison.

Night has come. The atmosphere in prison is so quiet that no sound can disturb people. Only Doni and the man she hated the most were in the room. The man approached Doni, strolled, and his gaze could not escape Doni's eyes.

"Don't come near me!" he said. A tone of fear emerged from every word that came from his lips.

The man smiled faintly, then said, "Call me Jack!"

Jack says if Doni fights and fusses, he will get more painful treatment than before.

Doni was silent, and he didn't want all of this to happen to him again. Every game played by Jack made him feel humiliated and hurt.

Every minute and even hour that passed was so sad and humiliating. Jack said that if this was a punishment for him for all Doni's actions he had done to a helpless woman.

The next day Doni tried to contact his father and asked him to get himself out of prison. He could no longer stand being in the iron bars that made him feel humiliated.

She said she was in a lot of pain, but she couldn't tell what Jack had done to her because he feared all those things would spread out there.

The father could only tell Doni to be patient. Because his father could not do anything except later in the trial, Belva and Binar forgive Doni and withdraw the charges.

Hearing all that, Doni could no longer beg. He was getting worse with what had happened to him. However, there was no remorse for what he did to Belva in his heart.

He hates even more and wants revenge on Belva, Binar, and Bianca because it was the three of them who had made him suffer like this.

The hate gets more and more when Jack constantly tortures him. The more Jack tortures Doni's feelings and pride. So Doni increasingly gave triple B.

"I will repay you triple B! I will not allow you to live in peace! Until the end, I will make you suffer!" he mumbled through the pain of Jack's treatment of her.