12. Exposed

Binar still can't decide whether she will marry Adnan or not. Because for now, her heart still can't forget someone who has captured her attention and affection.

However, she again considered whether that person would accept it if he refused this marriage. Binar threw her body on the bed, and she couldn't make up her mind.

But my father always asked about her decision because their wedding day was near.

Binar had asked why she had to marry Adnan immediately. She did so that her father became willing to Adnan's plan, but her father did not say anything about her wedding.

"Y—you saw this!" said Bianca, who had just entered Binar's room.

Binar quickly took the leaflet Bianca was holding. How shocked she was when she saw her face in the flyer. She did not expect the photo of herself and Adnan on her campus.

She also saw several photos plastered on the pamphlet, one of which was when Binar kissed Adnan's lips.

She did not realize what she had done because, at that time, the anaesthetic effect given by Doni had already taken effect.

"It's all spread out on campus!" Bianca said times to Binar.

"What about Belva? Are there any photos or videos of her?!" Binar asked Bianca, who had just sat beside her.

Bianca shook her head then she said that everything about Belva wasn't exposed. She says, is there someone who hates her so did all this.

Binar was relieved to hear that she was the only one exposed as she didn't care about any of that. Unlike the case with Belva, she didn't know what would happen to her if she revealed her case before the trial.

"What are you going to do, Bi?" Bianca asked Binar, who was still thinking.

Binar shook her head. She didn't know what to do at this time. All he thought was that a few months away was her graduation day. Other than that, she doesn't care about anything.

There was a knock on the bedroom door, and the mother entered with a sad face. Binar wonders what else happened? Why is there so much sadness in her life insurance this time?

"What's the matter, Mom?" asked Binar with a worried look.

"Dad, Bi. Dad, there's a hospital!" Mother answered.

Binar quickly took her cellphone and bag and went with her mother to the hospital. Likewise with Bianca, who went to the hospital with them.

On the way to the hospital, my mother looked sad and worried. Binar asked the mother what had happened.

Mother replied if father received a piece of news and the news made father angry. And left the office but on the way, there was an accident.

When Binar arrived at the hospital, there was already Arganta standing waiting in a room. Mother walked quickly and then asked how about dad.

Arganta shook his head, and he said dad was still in ICU. A doctor and nurse came out of the ICU and told us that dad needed surgery as soon as possible.

Mother fell and sat on the floor, her legs weak and helpless. She heard that her husband was in danger and had to undergo surgery. The doctor asked for an autograph from one of the family members before.

Seeing the mother who couldn't think, Arganta, the family's son, decided to sign the necessary papers to start the operation.

In his mind, he hoped that what he decided would not be fatal for his father. All he wanted was his father's safety so he could reunite with them.

After getting permission and signature, the doctor rushed to operate. The doctors tried very hard to save dad.

The operation went smoothly and saved the father's life. It made Binar and everyone feel relieved. Now Binar's mind is to find out what happened before her father's accident.

"What happened to dad?!" Binar asked Arganta.

Arganta was silent, and then he pulled Binar's hand. He didn't want his mother to know what had happened. After the mother did not see their location, she began to tell everything.

"Father already knows that photos of you and Adnan are widely circulated on campus. That's why dad left in a hurry and got into an accident!" Arganta said to Binar.

Arganta also said when my father was in the ambulance and told him to marry Adnan. Those were the only words his father said before he fell unconscious.

"How could you say that? Has that man threatened you?!" muttered Binar.

Arganta heard what Binar was muttering, and he said that the man didn't threaten his father or force him to marry Binar.

He also said that for now, he must focus on his father. Let him take care of the widespread photo problem on campus. However, Binar could not see just a standstill. She wanted to know who had spread the photo on campus.

Since she has no enemies other than Doni, is there anyone who hates her and doesn't know about it? However, she felt strange because she had never looked for trouble with other people.

Arganta blocked Binar from returning to the father's room. He wanted to see if his father had regained consciousness or not. While walking to the treatment room, Adnan and his assistant walked towards Binar's father's treatment room.

Binar quickly walked closer to Adnan. She took her hand and invited him to talk. Adnan smiled at what the woman who had dared to pull her hand was doing.

"Aren't you going to let go of my hand, honey?" Adnan asked quietly.

Binar immediately let go of his hand. She asks why did she come to the hospital. She thought Adnan was only making things worse.

Adnan asked if he came here to see the condition of his father-in-law. He was worried and said he had resolved the problems at his campus. Now he is looking for the mastermind behind the spread of the photo.

"Listen—you're going to be my wife, after all, so be nice to me!" said Adnan with great emphasis.

"You will regret marrying me! Because I will never love you! And I will make you regret marrying me!" replied Binar in a cold tone.

Adnan pulled Binar's hand and cornered his body against the wall. Then he said, "I'm going to make you fall in love with me, honey!"

After saying that, Adnan let go of Binar and walked away from him. He went straight to the room where Binar's father was.

Binar glued was to what Adnan did and said. She felt that the man was full of confidence. 'We'll see—you'll regret it!' She thought.