13. Punishment

One week after the accident happened, the father was getting better. So that Binar and the others feel relieved, now is Doni's trial. And it requires a considerable amount of strength to deal with them.

It was inevitable that everyone knew about Belva's abuse. Everyone was required to attend the court, Belva and her mother sat beside Binar and Arganta.

Doni is already sitting in the defendant's chair and looks very different. Yes. He seems depressed, and there is no passion for continuing his life. Binar looked at him with eyes that showed disgust and hatred.

Binar felt that Doni deserved very severe punishment for harassing Belva. And that traumatized Belva. Belva's mother said that every night her daughter would scream hysterically. Because always dreaming about the events of that night. No matter how strong a woman is, if she experiences it, she will experience trauma too.

Trial began. All evidence has been presented by witnesses and has also been questioned. This trial went well. The judge immediately decided on Doni's sentence without giving Doni additional time because all the evidence and witnesses were complete and incriminating.

"Why don't you forgive me, Belva—I can make up for it by being responsible to you!" shouted Doni, who looked desperate.

Belva was silent, and she didn't want to hear what Doni said. For her, there is no apology because she has polluted her body. And it will last a lifetime.

Doni kept shouting. He apologized and would be responsible for all his actions. However, he requested that Belva withdraw all her demands and free herself.

Binar held Belva's hand as she made it strong and told her that she was not alone. There is still her who will always be by her side. Belva smiled then she told Binar that she was okay.

"Bi, I didn't see Bianca—you know where she is?" asked Belva because the trial was not seen from the beginning.

"I don't know—she's been hard to contact since last night!" She answered.

Binar was worried about Bianca, and she was an egg if something happened to her. She decides to go to Bianca's house, and Belva goes with her.

Binar said that if Belva didn't need to come, she knew her heart was still not at ease after the judge. However, Belva insisted on going because she was also apprehensive about Bianca's condition.

They went from the court to Bianca's house, and Binar felt uneasy. She thought about Bianca and hoped nothing terrible would happen to her.

Bianca is currently not going anywhere because someone makes her happy. His gentle touch caused her desire to surge, and his soft kiss made her not want to lose it.

"Honey, why don't you accompany your best friend?" asked a man holding Bianca's body by playing his fingers on her body.

"It's all because you always make me want to be with you!" She answered quietly.

The man's finger play made Bianca squirm, and she enjoyed every touch. She looked up and kissed the man who had made her desire increase.

Passionate kisses and games make them not want to stop it. So Bianca almost lost oxygen. Pris also missed the kiss to give Bianca a chance to breathe.

Bianca smiled. She turned her body so they were facing each other. Her hands gently opened one by one the shirt's buttons, which were still tightly closed. The man couldn't contain his desire to enjoy his rosy red lips with her seductive smile.

The warm kiss turned into a wild kiss, and the man removed Bianca's clothes to expose her body. A faint smile appeared on the man's lips, and he placed a kiss on Bianca's chest area. So that made him unable to suppress the soft voice that could provoke.

"Aldi ..." She said in a voice that was so seductive.

Hearing Bianca calls his name, and he was so happy that his hand touched Bianca's sensitive part. At the same time, the kiss on his chest continued.

Bianca enjoyed it so much, and she couldn't hold back her soft voice, which excited Aldi even more. He paused for a moment, looking at Bianca's face, who was enjoying every game so much.

Aldi slowly changed Bianca's position so that her body was on top of him. He was looking back at his face that already wanted more. He smiled faintly and then attacked her with a passionate kiss.

Little by tiny, their game produces beads of sweat that come out of every pore of the skin, indicating if they enjoy it. The sound comes out of the mouths of lovers enjoying every desire fulfilled.

Binar, standing behind Bianca's bedroom door, glanced at Belva, who was beside her. She gave the code and asked what was happening in Bianca's room.

Because they know that Bianca doesn't like having sex with a man who isn't her husband yet, they formed a triple B group. Binar's hand touched the doorknob of Bianca's room.

She tried to open the door, but there was doubt in her heart. Should she open the bedroom door or not. Fear rose in her heart, and she was afraid to see what shouldn't have happened.

"Bi..." Belva called Binar in a low voice, and she didn't want her voice to reach Bianca's ears.

However, there was no way Bianca could hear the sound outside her room either because the sound in the room was so noisy with the voices coming out of Bianca and Aldi's mouths. They were still diamonds so strong they didn't notice the two women behind the door.

Binar's curiosity increased, and she slowly opened Bianca's room. He and Belva were shocked when they saw Bianca making love to a man.

"Ca..." Binar called out to Bianca.

Bianca was a little surprised by the arrival of Binar and Belva, but it was only for a moment. After that, she told Aldi to continue his game.

Without shame, they continued to play in front of Binar and Belva. The longer their game got, so sickening. Finally, Binar left Belva, still glued to see Bianca playing with Aldi.

"Would your friend like to join you, honey?" asked Aldi in a disgusting tone to Belva.

Bianca smiled and invited Belva to join. Belva was getting increasingly disgusted with what the two people in front of her said and did.

Belva left sadly and didn't expect her best friend to do something like this. Was she pretending all this time, she thought.

She ran, not feeling her tears flowing. Sad to see her friend's attitude like that. She saw Binar, who was already sitting in her car. Her heart told her to come closer to her.

"Bi, let's get out of here!" said Belva, who woke up from her daydream.

Binar started her car engine immediately, and she wanted to leave the house quickly. Sadness and disappointment filled her heart right now. On the way home, the two did not speak at all. Because still shocked by what just happened.