14. Betrayal

Binar took Belva first, and then she returned to her house. In her mind, she still couldn't believe what she had just seen.

Her cell phone rang. She immediately picked it up and plugged in earphones. Adnan contacted her, and he asked Binar to meet him this afternoon at his house.

However, Binar did not want to meet him because there was nothing to talk about anymore with her. Adnan said that he had found out who had shared the photo.

Binar stopped her car for a moment. She thought for a moment about what Adnan had said. She also wanted to know who had published her photo. It caused the father to get into an accident.

She also decided to go to Adnan's house, although she still didn't like it in her heart. Her memory is still evident when she wakes up at Adnan's home and falls asleep beside her. And now Adnan wants her to marry him.

Binar car stopped in front of a tall iron fence. The gate opened by itself, and then she started her car again and entered the house. Binar stopped her car right in front of the house entrance, and she was immediately ordered to enter the house because Adnan was waiting for her.

She stopped her car, then turned off the car engine, and paused for a moment as she again thought about whether she would enter or not. However, she wanted to know who the person who had made this mess was.

Binar was surprised when a man knocked on her car window. She still remembers the man who was always with Adnan.

Binar opened the car door, got out, and followed Candra, who invited her. Her feelings were getting more and more erratic. She felt something was going to happen, making her even more uneasy.

She saw Adnan sitting while reading the document in his hand. Binar invited her to sit on the sofa, facing each other. She stared intently at the man in front of her.

The difference between them was clear, and she didn't want to marry him. Because she still wants to pursue her dream. Namely, opening a cafe in Korea, that's a dream from the first. And he will make it happen in a few months after graduation.

"Are you satisfied with looking at me?" Adnan asked Binar, and it surprised her. Her face was red with embarrassment.

"Huh ... Who saw you, Uncle!" Binar answered and then asked who had distributed her photos on campus.

Candra smiled when he saw the woman in front of her blushing because Andan teased her. Adnan tells her to hand over all the information regarding the person who caused the mess and caused Binar's father to crash.

Binar used the brown envelope that Candra offered. She looked at everything closely, a photo that took her by surprise. She saw the man's face in Bianca's room today, and the two were making out.

"You seem to recognize the man?" Adnan asked after seeing Binar's expression.

She was just silent when Adnan asked. Binar didn't know what to say. Today was such a tiring day for her. After the trial, she saw Bianca doing something disgusting.

Now she saw photos of people who had shared their pictures on campus. And that guy was the guy who was having fun with Bianca earlier. She thought hard about not having the slightest problem with this man.

"Why is this guy doing everything? I have no problem with him?!" She muttered.

Adnan could still hear what Binar was muttering. He stood up and approached him, sitting beside him. And Binar didn't realize that he was looking at the woman beside him.

He whispered to Binar, "You will be surprised when you hear this!"

Binar was surprised when she realized Adnan was already beside her, and then he put an earphone to his ear. Just as he was about to take off the earphones, Binar heard the voice of a woman she knew very well.

The woman told a man to put her picture with Adnan. And spread it on various social media. He wanted to see Binar suffer, so embarrassed to leave even better if he disappeared from Jakarta.

She didn't feel the tears running down her smooth white cheeks. Adnan gently wiped away the tears that rolled down Binar's cheeks. For some reason, he didn't want to see the tears of the woman beside him.

Binar brushed off Adnan's hand, and she didn't want to look weak in front of her. Wiping the tears she could no longer hold back, she decided to leave Adnan's house. Right now, all she wanted was to be alone.

Adnan, who was worried that Binar would leave, was sad. He decided to take Binar home and told Candra to take Binar's car to his house.

"I'm taking you home!" Adnan said while pulling Binar's hand.

Binar couldn't do anything because she didn't want to argue right now. Her heart ached after hearing what a woman was talking about on Adnan's cell phone recording.

While on the way, Binar was silent. She was still thinking about everything. She had no idea what had happened. After a long time, she realized all this.

"How did you get that tape?!" Binar asked Adnan, who focused on controlling the steering wheel.

"You don't need to know—he was the one who planned all this!" replied Adnan.

Binar fell silent again, and she really couldn't think back. Why did the friend who had been with her for a long time want her destruction?

Adnan stopped his car at a cafe and invited Binar to get off and follow him. Binar was forced to follow him. Adnan opened the chair while telling Binar to sit down.

Binar sat down. Adnan called a waiter and ordered a cup of coffee. She asks Binar what she wants. "Whatever!" the answer is short.

Adnan also ordered a drink that could make him feel calm. The servant went to prepare the order ordered by Adnan.

He kept an eye on Binar and saw her even though she was still young. However, he can act calm, unlike other girls when she is emotional.

However, he can also be cruel if someone has hurt him. Or protecting himself from danger, since when did Andan become increasingly attracted to women like her.

The servant arrived with their order and went to set the drinks on the table. After that, he left. Adnan told Binar to drink the glass he ordered.

"Drink—put your troubles aside!" said Adnan softly.

Binar also drank her drink. Still, she couldn't shake off the problems that hit her repeatedly. She loved her best friend so much, but how could he betray her.

After enjoying their drinks, Binar asked Adnan to take her home because she was tired of everything.

As they walked out of the cafe, they heard people whispering. Binar could listen to everything. They whispered that she was a cheap girl willing to be taken out by a man who was suitable as her uncle.