15. Separation part 1

Binar kept thinking about what to do. For several days she had not left the house. Her only activity is sitting in her room. The mother was worried and asked her.

"Honey, what's wrong with you?!" asked the mother gently.

"I'm fine," She replied.

Mother knew very well that her daughter was in trouble but didn't want to force Binar to tell her. Because she knew about Binar's nature very well, the mother decided to leave her daughter alone. She was sure if Binar could overcome everything.

Binar's cell phone rang, there was a message that came in, and it was from Bianca, who wanted to meet her and Belva. In her mind did not know what the two friends would say. Now she couldn't trust her best friend anymore.

However, she again thought seeing the two of them might be best. And talk about everything, and today should be clear so Binar can continue her dream of going to Korea.

Binar prepares to meet Belva and Bianca, and they decide to meet at the usual place. In a cafe that is indeed used for gathering.

"Mom, Binar go first," said Binar to the mother, preparing lunch.

"Where are you going, honey?" Mother asked.

Binar replied that she would meet Bianca and Belva. The mother also allowed her to go after getting permission. Binar went on her motorbike.

She stopped her motorbike next to two motorbikes parked in front of the cafe. Looking carefully at the two motorbikes, Belva and Bianca had arrived earlier than her.

Without any hesitation in herself, he walked into the cafe. Binar looked around to find the two women she considered friends.

She was seen at a table in the corner, Bianca and Belva. She stepped steadily, looking at her two friends staring at her without batting an eye.

Binar sat on the chair, and she was silent because she wanted to know what the two of them had to say. She saw on the table the drink she usually drank.

She knew for sure one of them had ordered her favourite drink. Looking back at her two friends, she saw something very different. In her heart, she said, 'Is this their nature?'

"Am I just here to see you guys? If there's nothing you want to explain, I'd better go!" Binar said as she left.

"Wait, Bi—I have something to say," Bianca said.

Before Bianca said what she wanted, Belva first said things that made Bianca angry. There was an argument between the two of them.

"I didn't expect you to be a cheap woman, Ca—how many men have you slept with?!" Belva said in a condescending tone.

"I know, if you cooperate with Aldi to destroy me, right?!" Bianca asked.

Binar was annoyed with the argument between the two of them. She couldn't believe that her two best friends could be like this. Yet so far, there has never been the slightest problem between them.

"That's enough! I didn't come here to see your argument. Is there anything you want to explain to me?" Binar said with such emphasis that they both stopped their argument.

She waited, wondering if one of them would admit to spreading her photo on campus. So that made the father have an accident.

"Why are you silent? Or should I open it all up right now?!" Binar said back.

Because she didn't want to be in the right place that annoyed her, Binar took out a brown envelope. Bianca opened the brown envelope, and she did not expect what she was reading.

"Va—how did you manage to do all this?!" Bianca snapped at Belva.

Belva, who saw the look in Bianca's eyes, quickly took the document in Bianca's hand. She read it all, her eyes wide as she read the entire contents of the paper.

"All of this is a lie! Do you believe all this?" shrieked Belva.

Belva disowned everything in the document. She said all of that was a lie to destroy her friendship with Binar.

Binar smiled lopsidedly, then took out his cellphone and turned on the recording already on her cellphone. She got the tape from Adnan.

Belva's heartfelt that something would harm her. She was silent for a moment and listened to what was on the tape. How surprised she was when she heard her voice talking to Aldi.

The conversation was about her plan to destroy Binar and Bianca. 'Where did he get that tape from?' She thought.

"What about this tape evidence? Isn't that also your voice—Belva?!" asked Binar in a cold tone.

Belva was silent. She thought about why things could be like this. Hadn't he planned everything well? However, everything has gone according to plan.

"So you also told Aldi to make me lose my mind? By giving me those drugs?!" Bianca said.

Belva snickered, finally bringing out her true nature. She said that she hated Binar and Bianca all this time because the two of them made her very sick of such naive thinking.

"Do you know Bianca—if I was the one who told Aldi to make you look like a cheap woman who thirsts for sex even if she's not married," Belva said proudly.

She also said Bianca was a hypocrite for refusing to have sex with Doni. However, always in touch with Aldi.

"What makes you hate me?!" asked Binar, annoyed with every word that came out of Belva's lips.

Belva smiled faintly but implied hatred in her eyes. She began to say all her hatred for Binar.

"I don't like you, Bi, because you are always the centre of everyone's attention, and you also keep the person I want away from me!" She answered.

She also said that the man she wanted liked Binar more than her. Every guy she wanted always liked Binar or Bianca. That's why she hates her two best friends.

"Is Doni's case also your plan?!" Bianca asked in a probing tone.

"Yeah—it was my plan, but unfortunately, I got caught up in my plan! Everything happened, and I don't regret it!" Belva answered.

"So our friendship has been meaningless—then let's just end it all!" Binar said then she left Belva and Bianca.

In her mind, she couldn't help but feel sad because her own best friend wanted his destruction. Now everything has been exposed, and she will never believe in the meaning of friendship.

"Bi, wait! I still want to talk to you!" said Bianca, who walked after her.

Binar said that right now, she needed time to think. Because everything that happened made her feel like she had failed to be a good friend, apparently they had not been telling the truth all this time, while she was always trying to be honest with her two friends.