16. Separation part 2

It had been a week since Binar met Bianca and Belva. Neither of them contacted her. However, Bianca got her and asked her to complete it because there was something she wanted to talk about before she departed from Indonesia.

Binar also told Bianca to meet her at home because, at this time, she was not allowed to leave her house. Bianca arrived at Binar's house and went straight to her room because a maid told her to come into the room.

Bianca saw Binar sitting on the bed and walked over to her. Binar, who realized that Bianca was already in her room, immediately stood up, and then she moved to sit on a sofa in her room.

"What do you want to say?!" Binar asked coldly.

Bianca had a sad look on her face because of her cold Binar. However, she felt that it was all she deserved for betraying her.

"I'm leaving—before that, I want to apologize to you," She replied as she sat down on the sofa.

Binar was silent. In her heart said, if you want to go, go. Why ask her for permission? After all, there was nothing more to say.

She still couldn't forgive Bianca for hiding everything. Even though she knew Bianca had no intention of hurting her, it was different with Belva, who had wanted to destroy her from the start.

Seeing Binar's expression, who was silent, made Bianca unable to market her wishes. She wants her relationship back to how it used to be. However, everything will never be able to return to the way it used to be.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to forgive me just like that. Because I've let you down!" said Bianca.

After saying that Bianca left Binar, she was unfortunate to lose a friend who was always there for her. But all of this was her fault, so she accepted all of this gracefully. She hoped that one-day Binar could forgive her.

Binar got up and strolled towards the balcony while looking at a garden behind her house. She sighed. Maybe this was all for the best for her and her two best friends.

"After all, you are still my friends!" muttered Binar.

Even though her two friends had disappointed her, she still couldn't hate them. Because it's not just a short time, they are always together.

It's been more than two months since Bianca left, she's decided to go overseas, and no one knows where she's gone. Meanwhile, Belva is still in Indonesia and continuing her education at the same university as Binar.

However, the two of them never spoke to each other. If passed, it was apparent that Belva was pretending not to see or not to know Binar.

Binar didn't care about all that because she knew how Belva was very well. Binar had time to think, did Bianca become like that because of Belva's actions. However, she threw away those evil thoughts.


"Honey, meet Adnan—he's already in the living room with your father." Mother said softly.

"What is he here for?" asked Binar lazily.

Mother said that today father and Adnan would discuss the wedding date. Everything has been confirmed that Binar will marry Adnan.

All her hard work to stop the marriage was fruitless. Father still decided to marry Adnan. So that Binar can no longer cancel or change the father's decision.

Binar walked with her mother into the living room. She saw Adnan sitting with her father. She looks furious to see Adnan and hopes not to see him again.

There seems to be no change in Adnan's appearance. Still with a beard that shows that he is old.

Adnan's appearance makes everyone think that Adnan is 40 years old. No one knows for sure Adnan's actual age. Although Binar and Arganta find out about Adnan, they are both unsuccessful.

"Sit down, honey!" said the father to Binar.

Binar sat beside her father, Adnan, who always watched Binar with her gentle gaze with a heavy heart. However, Binar ignored Adnan's gaze because she found the man very annoying.

Father started telling all of their wedding plans. Adnan just smiled with an annoyed expression on Binar's face with all their wedding plans. However, all of this made Adnan even more attracted to the woman in front of him.

"What do you think, honey?" Father asked Binar, who was silent.

"If Father has already decided everything—I have nothing more to say!" replied Binar in a cold tone.

Father was silent, and he knew if all his decisions were not according to his wishes. However, all of this was for his good. 'Forgive your father, dear, for making this decision,' He thought.

"Accompany Adnan to go around the house!" Father orders Binar.

Without saying anything, Binar got up from her seat and said, "Let's go!"

Adnan smiled. He said goodbye to her father and walked after Binar, who had walked first. The mother who saw the two of them walking out of the living room looked sad.

"Honey—did we make the right decision?" Mother asked in a sad tone.

"Must do all this because Binar will be safe with him!" replied the father to the wife. 

Father knew that soon there would be some chaos that would put Binar's life in danger. And only Adnan can protect Binar.

The mother thought in the same direction as her husband and sighed. She hoped that the husband's assessment of Adnan was proper. That Adnan could protect Binar until the end.

On the other hand, Binar, who invited Adnan to go around the house, stopped at the back garden. She sat in a gazebo and looked out over the garden.

"Why don't you like me?" Adnan asked Binar.

"Because I don't like you, and we are so far apart in age! I also still want to pursue unfulfilled goals." Binar answered Adnan.

Adnan smiled. He knew that their ages were very far apart. However, all of that cannot be an obstacle for him to having Binar because only this girl could make him feel different.

And he also wants to protect Binar from all the dangers that will hit him. Because Adnan already knew was the reason her father Binar agreed to their marriage.

"Even if you refuse—I'll still be your husband!" Adnan whispered to Binar.

Binar was surprised by what Adnan whispered, not what she said. However, she didn't like it when a man rumoured on her because it was ridiculous.

Binar pulled Adnan's tie, and then she said, "Don't do that to me again! Otherwise, you're finished!"

Adnan smiled. He looked at Binar closely, making Binar misbehave to take off his tie. Binar was away from Adnan, and she felt that she had become the man's target in front of her.